Wolverine – 05

Wolverine – 05

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

Wolverine - 05Things seem almost over for Logan until he kicks a piece of shattered glass at Omega Red, hitting him in the face and distracting him enough for Logan to attack. Their fight goes down to the streets below when a device on Omega Red’s suit goes off. Yukio throws her chakram at Omega Red, which he deflects, causing it to wedge in the wall. She then yells to Logan to hurry it up, so he takes advantage of the weakening Omega Red first embed her chakram into Omega Red’s arm before slamming it into the wall repeatedly so that the arm is severed. Logan then destroys the device on Omega Red, leaving him almost dead.  Before Logan and Yukio can leave, Hideki’s thug grabs Logan’s leg and says that it is too late before dying. Realizing that Mariko is in trouble, Yukio and Logan race to the Yashida estate.

Wolverine - 05Meanwhile, Asano’s cops race to the Yashida estate to take down the Kuzuryu and learn the truth that Logan did not kill Asano and .  Logan and Yukio arrive first where they take out the yakuza there but find Shigen and Hideki have fled with Mariko.  Logan senses Kikyo and confronts him, demanding to know if he killed the cop Asano. Kikyo doesn’t deny killing Asano but apparently didn’t know he was a cop. The two battle while Asano’s group arrives and begins rounding up yakuza.  Logan flees the estate with Kikyo in pursuit until they reach the helicopter pad on an office building. Their fight continues until Omega Red returns, having been retrieved by unknown forces and given new makeshift carbonadium synthesizers.

Wolverine - 05Omega Red demands that Kikyo step aside so that he can kill Logan.  Kikyo initially refuses but then backs down to allow Omega Red to fight Logan.  It isn’t a long fight as Logan manages to pin one of Omega Red’s tentacles down and destroy his synthesizers before apparently killing him despite Logan taking a massive chest wound.  Logan faces Kikyo who refuses to fight Logan, citing his code of honor which won’t allow him to fight those who’ve been weakened by others.  He leaves the field of battle as a modified Blackbird aircraft uncloaks.  Logan is pleased to see it as the pilot is none other than his teammate, Cyclops, better known as Scott Summers.


Wolverine - 05WHOA!  I totally didn’t expect for Cyclops to show up and now I’m pretty excited to watch the next episode!  When Logan used the device with the “X” on it, I figured he was calling for help to deal with what I thought might be the dead Omega Red.  When a plane decloaked, I initially thought that this might be the people Logan summoned but when that turned out to not be true, I kinda forgot about it in the frantic, almost non-stop pace of the episode.  The second I saw the modified SR-71 decloak at the end of the episode, I thought, “COOL! We are going to see a member of X-Men” and sure enough, seeing Cyclops was happy times.  He’s always been one of my favorite characters from X-Men so hopefully he’ll be in on some of the action.  ^_^

Wolverine - 05Going back to the fight between Omega Red and Logan, I liked how Logan used the glass shard to causes just enough of a distraction to battle his way back to a stalemate though with time on his side as Omega Red’s device was alarming.  I get the feeling that Yukio purposefully threw in her chakram so that Omega Red would deflect it into the wall for Logan to use.  Pretty cool if true.  Yukio hasn’t been of much help lately with the non-stop fighting going on, but one helps where one can I suppose.  Anyway, after the second encounter with Omega Red, I hope that this time, the Insane Clown Posse reject is dead for good.  Considering how he was brought back before, I won’t venture a guess on if he’ll be back again or not.

Wolverine - 05Kikyo playing the role of honorable samurai seemed to suggest to me that he is in fact taking the place of Silver Samurai, who also had a code of honor and for whom I believe Wolverine came to trust in the comics.  With both Kikyo and Logan having similar abilities and adamantium bladed weapons, one wonders how this fight will be ultimately resolved.

With Shigen and Hideki having apparently taken Mariko to Madripoor, I guess it is an easy call to say that Cyclops will take them there so they can find Mariko.  I haven’t watched the preview to avoid spoilers for the next chapter but I am looking forward to seeing more. As I said, hopefully Cyclops gets in on the action!

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4 Responses to “Wolverine – 05”

  1. evgenidb says:

    I think this cameos (like Cyclops in this episode) are used as some kind as advertising for the next series.

    Just like Wolverine briefly showed up in one of the Iron Man episodes and Cyclops in this one (and obviously the next), I’m expecting Blade to show up somewhere in the X-men story arc (probably around the middle).

    And here’s the story for “Blade”:

    Eric Brooks–known as Blade–seeks revenge on Deacon Frost, the vampire lord who killed his mother while she was still pregnant with Eric. With all the powers of a vampire with none of their weaknesses, Blade’s quest for vengeance leads him throughout Southeast Asia in search of Frost, where, in Vietnam, he discovers a vampire plot that threatens to take down the whole world.

    (Taken from http://marvel.com/news/story/14894/first_look_blade_x-men_anime_logos)

    Well, it appears that “Blade” won’t be set in Japan, but in Vietnam, but I think we’re gonna end up in Japan one way or another.

  2. Nerd Boss says:

    I live this anime. I have a blog on AMv’s, you should check it out.http://amvbest.blogspot.com/

  3. junior says:

    Omega Red’s power in the comic book actually involves draining life from his victims. iirc, it’s connected to something that he releases into the air… and if he doesn’t have the carbonadium synthesizer, then his power literally turns on him. Unfortunately that also means that you can’t keep the guy down. Marvel needs to reuse him, after all. So he’ll get taken down, and then later revived one way or another by one of the various villain organizations.

  4. AstroNerdBoy says:

    I think this cameos (like Cyclops in this episode) are used as some kind as advertising for the next series.

    That makes sense.

    Never read Blade nor did I watch the movie.

    Omega Red’s power in the comic book actually involves draining life from his victims. iirc, it’s connected to something that he releases into the air… and if he doesn’t have the carbonadium synthesizer, then his power literally turns on him.

    That didn’t come off that clearly in the anime, IMO.

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