Negima! Manga Vol 36 Ch 328 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 36 Chapter 328 (manga)
Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 328

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Negima! Manga Vol 36 Ch 328Negi sees the images in Fate’s mind and the two cast their most powerful spells as they grip hands. So massive is the energy explosion that Kurt and others wonder if it is over but Theo points out that this was Negi’s magic. The effect of the clash is even felt on Earth, which annoys Eva because she sees Negi being rash but Al doesn’t see this as being the end. Ayaka worries about Asuna and Negi while on the Magic World, Negi’s surviving comrades look for Negi as Asuna begins to show signs of waking.

Negi is missing and Fate is there alone but then Nagi appears, gripping Fate’s hand. Fate is stunned by this and Nagi beats Fate while gripping his hand because Fate rejected Negi’s plan. Nagi continues the beating while refusing to let Fate go, telling him not to look down on humans.  Fate wonders if this is a reflux from Kosmo Entelecheia or from Negi himself.

Jack Rakan replaces Nagi and grips Fate’s hand, figuring that everything Fate has done of late is all due to Luna’s sister.  Fate gets angry and punches Jack but Jack continues, saying it is OK for the reason to be a woman but nothing beats forgetting a woman like going out for drinks with him before proceeding to give Fate a beating.  Fate is about to punch Jack back but it is Negi there again.

Again, Fate is stunned by the switch as Negi tells Fate that if Fate helps him through the current crisis, he will help Fate but they won’t be borrowing the power of God to do so.  Negi proposes one final clash and if he wins, Fate has to obey him.  Fate grins, citing the fact that Negi is taking power from his father, his master, and even Asuna. However, Fate tells Negi that  there will be no need for another clash as he concedes the fight to Negi.


I laugh as I read this chapter because Akamatsu-sensei is throwing curves for sure. ^_^  I’m going to try to break it down as I see it.

Negi disappears and is replaced by Nagi. Fate wondered whether this was coming from within Negi or from Kosmo Entelecheia, Now, you guys know my Nagi is Negi theory and if true, then this is what came forth.  However, I will consider other options for the moment.

I don’t see Nagi as being in KE, other than possibly from Fate’s memories. This is how I’m interpreting the KE regurgitation that Fate mentioned.  I think that’s how Negi was able to see Fate’s tale — KE reflux.  Thus, recorded events in Fate’s mind were replayed by the power of KE and Negi could see what he saw. So, it is possible that both the forms of Nagi and Jack displaced Negi for a time.  Possible, but I don’t think so.

Assuming that Nagi’s manifestation is not from Fate’s thoughts, then this could be Negi’s idea of how Nagi is based on what Negi knows of Nagi. Negi could be using a power similar to Al’s artifact power in that he was able to assume Nagi’s and Jack’s form, personality, and abilities for a short time.  Considering how insanely powerful Negi has become combined with his ability to create spells, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.  Negi could be doing this subconsciously.  I find this plausible.
It is also possible that Jack did emerge from KE for a moment but I would say this could only happen if Nagi is Negi. If Jack has a pactio with Nagi, then when Nagi manifested himself, then Jack might have had a means with which to manifest himself via Nagi.

Well, it will be fun to find out the answers.

Fate “joining the harem” as it were, is not surprising.  I can’t help but be so “meh” about it though. After all, Fate has been Negi’s foe for a long time and the way things end now, their conflict is unresolved.  There’s always a weak possibility that Fate betrays Negi, but based on how Akamatsu-sensei has framed Fate’s past, I don’t see that in the cards.

Not that this will be the first time that a male opponent of Negi’s has joined Negi.  Kotaro did so, but that was different.  It was clear from the start that Kotaro wanted to battle someone his own age and test his strength against a worthy opponent. However, I never had a problem with that because the nature of their relationship from the start was of rivals.  Its just not the same with Fate so I’m just not liking it so much.

The chapter was clearly designed to allow Akamatsu-sensei (and thus the audience) track the characters.  I believe that Akamatsu-sensei had all of the players on Negi’s side make a cameo here, which I found to be a nice touch.  I liked how Ayaka expressed concern for Asuna first before he beloved “Negi-sensei.”  I loved Eva’s annoyance at the thought that Negi might have thrown away his life. ^_^

So, now Fate and Negi can be friends, Asuna can now wake up, and this massive Magic World arc can come to an end…maybe. ^_~

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15 Responses to “Negima! Manga Vol 36 Ch 328 Review”

  1. Tenka says:

    I honestly expected (and still do, to an extent) Fate and Negi’s battle to be to the end. What with Fate’s few human moments being in the enjoyment of battle thanks to Rakan’s influence and his utter disgust at Negi originally having an alternate plan, I thought he’d fight to the end. If they do end up being friends, then I see either something tragic happening to one of them, or them parting ways. Or Fate being the new w PE teacher at Mahora XD

  2. Anonymous says:

    You’re never going to give up on that Negi-Nagi theory, huh. 😉 I do like the idea of Negi projecting the images of his father and Jack on his own.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I thought the funniest part was the “Stupid Dad Punch” and my first reaction was “anb was right!!!?”
    I still dont like the Nagi=Negi idea however.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hey astro, have you ever read Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō?

  5. Ku_fei Lover says:

    Stupid ☆ Dad Punch!!!

    It’s official, we now how have the greatest technique in this manga. Move over, Eternal Negi Fever.

  6. arimareiji says:

    I’m also leery of Fate’s sudden conversion, but even if it’s sincere that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over.

    Nagi-Sin-Lifemaker is still likely to pop out of the background.

  7. Anonymous says:


    I think Akamatsu just broke my mind.

    I can’t follow the story anymore, I need to start from zero again.

    When I first saw Nagi, I was like “holy ***********, Astronerdboy was right”, but then when Rakan appeared my mind exploded from sheer crazyness.

    That said, Stupid Dad Punch rocked more than Eternal Negi Fever, just like Ku_Fei Lover said, and the face Rakan made after getting hit by Fate when he commented about the coffee, coupled with the POOH, is way too much fun.

  8. Rhonin the wizard says:

    I don’t see Nagi as being in KE

    I think that’s how Negi was able to see Fate’s tale — KE reflux.
    Or he could be using the mind reading magic which he used in Chapter 1.

    So, it is possible that both the forms of Nagi and Jack displaced Negi for a time. Possible, but I don’t think so.
    Explain why Negi couldn’t be seen next to Fate either by readers or Ala Alba.

    Also Fate states that Negi is borrowing power from Asuna. I’m not sure how, but maybe that’s how Nagi and Rakan appeared.

    After all, Fate has been Negi’s foe for a long time and the way things end now, their conflict is unresolved.
    From Fate’s point of view Negi disappeared, then got replaced by Nagi, afterwards Rakan. I would not want to fight a battle after that either, I’d be more worried about my sanity.

    So, now Fate and Negi can be friends, Asuna can now wake up, and this massive Magic World arc can come to an end…maybe. ^_~

  9. Anonymous says:


    That’s all I can say.

  10. junior says:

    What an odd chapter.

    I don’t think Negi’s responsible for the appearence of Nagi and Jack Rakan. Fate talks with the shades about (among other things) coffee served by Luna’s sister. When Fate sees Negi again, one of the first things out of his mouth is a comment referencing this. But Negi is completely clueless, suggesting that Negi had no awareness of the conversation. I suspect that the whole thing was in Fate’s mind, possibly his subconscious telling him to throw his lot in with Negi.

    As for Fate becoming part of Negi’s “harem”, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Fate has allied himself with Negi, and they may become friends. But Fate’s just as much a leader as Negi is, and has his own band of followers. The two will probably remain friendly, but I don’t think that Fate will be moving into Mahora Academy anytime soon. He and his girls will need to spend time finding their own path and purpose.

    Chibi-Asuna was apparently extremely powerful. Then she got her memory wiped and forgot everything. Now Asuna remembers it all again (thanks to Fate’s meddling). Is she going to be unveiling some interesting variation on her previous magic nullification ability? Is a certain dryad going to learn this the hard way when Asuna wakes up?

    Just wondering.

    And once again the question is raised – just what exactly has the class rep learned?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Spoilers are out, The Freaking Mage of The Begining (at least it looks like him) Takes out Fate and Shirabe (sends them to KE apparently) and injures Negi, OMG Can’t wait!

  12. AstroNerdBoy says:

    If they do end up being friends, then I see either something tragic happening to one of them, or them parting ways.

    Considering the new spoilers, your prediction about tragedy was right on target. ^_^

    You’re never going to give up on that Negi-Nagi theory, huh. 😉

    Nope. ^_^

    I still dont like the Nagi=Negi idea however.

    Most people don’t. ^_^;;;

    Hey astro, have you ever read Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō?

    No, I haven’t. ^_^;

    Stupid ☆ Dad Punch!!!

    It’s official, we now how have the greatest technique in this manga. Move over, Eternal Negi Fever.

    That has been a surprisingly popular aspect. *lol*

    I’m also leery of Fate’s sudden conversion, but even if it’s sincere that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over.

    Nagi-Sin-Lifemaker is still likely to pop out of the background.

    Heh. The spoilers seem to point that way.

  13. AstroNerdBoy says:

    I think Akamatsu just broke my mind.


    When I first saw Nagi, I was like “holy ***********, Astronerdboy was right”, but then when Rakan appeared my mind exploded from sheer crazyness.

    Yeah, me too. Akamatsu-sensei seems keen on keeping things off balance.

    Or he could be using the mind reading magic which he used in Chapter 1.

    Maybe, but when he used that magic, he had to ask the target a specific question, touch their head, and garner the information. Here, it was as if Fate just vomited out the information without asking.

    Explain why Negi couldn’t be seen next to Fate either by readers or Ala Alba.

    I didn’t write that properly but what I meant was that I don’t think Nagi and Jack came from KE to replace Negi.

    Also Fate states that Negi is borrowing power from Asuna. I’m not sure how, but maybe that’s how Nagi and Rakan appeared.

    Possible. We don’t know the full extent of Asuna’s powers but we may be about to.

    From Fate’s point of view Negi disappeared, then got replaced by Nagi, afterwards Rakan. I would not want to fight a battle after that either, I’d be more worried about my sanity.

    *lol* There’s that. ^_^

    What an odd chapter.

    Ain’t that the truth.

    I suspect that the whole thing was in Fate’s mind, possibly his subconscious telling him to throw his lot in with Negi.

    Where’d Negi go then since the girls seemed to not see him?

    Chibi-Asuna was apparently extremely powerful. Then she got her memory wiped and forgot everything. Now Asuna remembers it all again (thanks to Fate’s meddling). Is she going to be unveiling some interesting variation on her previous magic nullification ability? Is a certain dryad going to learn this the hard way when Asuna wakes up?

    The spoilers could be pointing that way.

    And once again the question is raised – just what exactly has the class rep learned?

    Yeah, that’s what I’d like to know.

  14. junior says:

    I suspect that the whole thing was in Fate’s mind, possibly his subconscious telling him to throw his lot in with Negi.

    Where’d Negi go then since the girls seemed to not see him?

    The smoke initially keeps the girls from seeing either Fate or Negi. Then as the smoke starts to clear, they can see Fate. Once Fate appears, we don’t see the girls or their reactions even once. So Negi could easily have still been obscured when the girls last appear in this chapter.

  15. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Where’d Negi go then since the girls seemed to not see him?

    The smoke initially keeps the girls from seeing either Fate or Negi. Then as the smoke starts to clear, they can see Fate. Once Fate appears, we don’t see the girls or their reactions even once. So Negi could easily have still been obscured when the girls last appear in this chapter.

    Hmmmm…maybe. Except that Fate and Negi had been gripping hands and were again when Negi returned. ^_^;

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