Negima! Manga Vol 37 Ch 337 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 37 Chapter 337 (manga)
Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 337

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Negima! Manga Vol 37 Ch 337Chachamaru is using a can of mana to self-recharge herself while she thinks of Negi when Eva walks in on her.  Chachamaru tries to play it off as practical but Eva knows better and teases Chachamaru by apologizing to her for interrupting.  Eva and Chachazero tell Chachamaru that if she likes Negi so much, she can just “take” him.  Chachamaru begs Eva to not let Negi know.  Eva tells Chachamaru that she is best suited for Negi since he has such a killer schedule and Chachamaru would be the best secretary for him.

As Chachamaru feeds the cats, she ponders how Negi has been so busy and she doesn’t know what he’s doing.  Eva does know, but she couldn’t tell Chachamaru much since Eva zoned out during the briefing due to the science involved and Eva’s interest being in Negi and not what he’s doing.  Chachamaru wants to help Negi and fantasizes a scenario where she’s Negi’s aide as he does his work.  That fantasy turns to a session with Negi winding her when Negi shows up with Chamo and Asakura.  Chachamaru has been speaking aloud so Negi asks her a question about what she started to say when she reacts to their presence.

Asakura remarks on how closed-mouthed Negi has been (which he explains is due to security), but she tells Chachamaru privately that her use of Negi’s name without an honorific is a turn-on, leading Chachamaru to vow to be more conscious of her surroundings when she engages in daydreaming.  Chachamaru looks at Negi and starts steaming, but realizes that this is her one shot to be at his side. As such, she says that Eva told her that there aren’t enough people helping him and that she wants to help.  As proof of her value, she cites the fact that she can help Negi without the need of sleep or rest.

Negi hesitates, so Chachamaru presses her case, asking if they are no longer comrades now that they’ve returned to Japan.  Negi says that the path he chose is his own and that he can’t involve the whole class due to their own school life and future career.  Asakura and Chamo show their disagreement with Negi’s path and as Chachamaru remembers Chao’s words to her to live her life as she pleases, she tells Negi that this is the path her heart desires. Negi states that it will take years before there are signs of success or failure and even longer to make it a success, maybe 100 years or more.  However, his look back to her is his way of accepting her help as he gazes beyond the back of Nagi deep into the future.

Meanwhile, Yue considers how Makie and Nodoka are keen to get her to confess to Negi and ponders her own memory loss. As she things and drinks coffee, she receives a call on her cell phone from Collet and her former Knight comrades who are having a slumber party at Emily’s place. She explains that Bea was able to hack into the system, enabling the call.  Collet gives the phone to Emily, who initially says nothing but then yells at Yue for not coming back to visit even though it has only been three weeks since Yue’s return to Earth, stating that Yue isn’t being sincere in her promise to visit.

Yue asks why Emily wants to see her so badly which causes Emily to stammer and state that her reason for wanting to see Yue was really due to her wanting to see Negi-sama.  Emily rants about how Yue has Negi as a teacher.  Yue tells Emily that Negi has been very busy and she has barely seen him.  Emily reveals hat Negi has been traveling all over the Magic World and that his fame is on par with Nagi’s.

Emily reveals that since Yue delays in coming back to the Magic World, she will be coming to Earth and promises that if Yue doesn’t keep it together, Emily will pass her by.  As she laughs about this, Bea explains that their school is going place an ambassador over there and that Emily is working hard to be chosen to be that person.  Collet remarks on how nice it would be to be able to travel back and forth at will between the Magic World and Earth as she wishes she could see Japan just once. Yue agrees and invites her to come over for a visit.


I like how this chapter chose to focus on two students while laying the groundwork for whatever it is that Negi is doing.

Akamatsu-sensei certain is going for maximum mileage out of Chachamaru’s key-winding being akin to a very pleasurable sexual experience for Chachamaru.  This time, it was masturbation and getting caught at it by Eva.  I could have done without the whole imagery of her getting off like that, but I will confess that Eva’s look as she stated how happy she was for Chachamaru’s growth is one we NEVER see and thus, I couldn’t help but grin at it.

Negima! Manga Vol 37 Ch 337

I also admit to laughing at Chachazero’s solution to Chachamaru’s feelings for Negi.  Basically, she had the same advice for Negi when Asuna was angry with him back in volume 7 — just do him (I think she has said it more than once, but I only had time to find the one instance).  I was disappointed that Chachazero wasn’t present during the Magic World finale (but then considering how the actual ending was just rushed out, I guess I’m not surprised), so it is nice seeing her being her usual self.

Getting back to Eva, I liked how she encouraged Chachamaru to go ahead and “do the needful.”  She and Chachazero may have teased Chachamaru about having sex with Negi, but in all seriousness, Eva understood that Chachamaru was best suited to help Negi at this time.  Indeed, as Chachamaru pointed out to Negi later on, she doesn’t need sleep nor rest (just those “sexual” recharges via the winding of her key) and she’d have perfect memory to help keep things straight for Negi.  Plus, when it comes to combat, Chachamaru is no slouch, as proven during the Magic World arc.

That reminds me, it is interesting that Chachamaru has the newer head gear but is in an older body.  I’m going to guess that Hakase is working on a new body for Chachamaru that will be better for taking damage but also allow Chachamaru to do “ecchi” should she choose to do so.  So at some point, I expect to see something said of this.  Hopefully, if Akamatsu-sensei goes through and does stories about most of the students (which would be nice as Negi does the mundane things to start saving the Magic World), a story featuring Hakase and Chachamaru’s new body would be forthcoming. Since Negi has accepted Chachamaru’s assistance, I can see this easily happening.

When Negi mentioned to Chachamaru that it might take a hundred years (or more) to have his plan take effect, I couldn’t help but think that we are most likely still in the timeline that Chao came to prevent.  I can’t help but think that while at the moment, things are quiet, there will be times of intense problems over the years even though Earth will become involved based on the equipment Chao used during the Mahora Festival arc.  We’ll see though.

One more thing on Chachamaru — nice to see her still feeding the kitties. ^_^

Thanks to Yue, Akamatsu-sensei allowed us to get a look-see at Yue’s former comrades on the Magic World side.  Nothing was really said about Yue training other than Emily’s remarks about passing her by if Yue didn’t stay focused. I would guess that Emily will make it over to Earth but whether or not others will be able to come is another story.  For some reason, I tend to think that this won’t happen for a while, at least until some method of allowing Magic World residents to more easily travel between worlds and exist on Earth is achieved.

So, a break week this week before more Negima! goodness returns.  I’m really hoping that this entire volume is nice and easy (and humorous) stuff like we’ve seen so far. Heck, providing there’s good character work involved, I wouldn’t mind seeing two volumes dedicated to “down time” before getting back into the thick of things.  ^_^

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13 Responses to “Negima! Manga Vol 37 Ch 337 Review”

  1. Thethhron says:

    I thought it was hilarious that her key-winding has been taken so far and Eva’s words were priceless. That being said, It seems to me that it WILL be a arc with not much Negi in it, though thank god it’s not about fate taking over the class and focusing on him. that would suck. Still enjoyable. I looked forward to the day when the academy girls will pop in as transfer students. it’s coming. You know it is.

  2. Ultimaniac says:

    Chachamaru “robo-onanising” was pretty bold of Akamatsu-sensei *_* Not that I hated it but my first thought was “Really, Ken?” XD I like how Chachamaru has at least two people rooting for her and Negi.

    About Chachamaru’s body, maybe she knows something we don’t. In her fantasy about being Negi’s secretary in the future, she didn’t look like she had the robo joints. I say it was either wishful thinking or there really is a hyper-realistic body in the works.

    So Negi’s immortal now? He sounded as if he meant to still be around during the next hundred years. I don’t know how to feel about that. Will we never get a true adult Negi? I bet Chachamaru will be happy about it though. She can be with him forever.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m pretty sure hakase offered to make the “ultimate upgrade” once before but chachamaru refused.

    as for the academy girls bea could always go to mahora since she’s human. She was immune to “erasing”

  4. Well, that’s certainly one heck of way to start a chapter. Yowza. O_O I think the internets is going to have to come up with a new onomatopoeia for this. And Eva’s reaction was priceless, what with the sparkly moe-moe eyes.

    Y’know, I’d like to see another Negi Love-Love Chart just to see how the numbers and rankings have shifted. The last one was before the MW arc, so I imagine things have changed quite a bit. Chachamaru was 7th before, but she’s got it sooo bad for Negi now that she’s had to have jumped several spots.

    Oh, and after last chapter’s Fate/Negi Ho Yay moments, we’re now getting Emily/Yue Les Yay. Emily is so obviously tsundere for Yue.

    @Ultimaniac: You make some good points about Negi. He’s already been pretty much stated to be no longer human, so who’s to say he no longer ages at the same rate as a human, if at all? In that case, that leaves Eva, Chachamaru, and his aunt/cousin/whatever-she-is Asuna (and maybe Luna if her race lives a very long time) as the only possible candidates for a realistic life partner/mate/wife. If he is immortal or at least extremely long-lived, pairing him off with any of the normal human students would be a Mayfly-December Romance. Though in a world of magical immortality and vampirism, there could be ways around that, so we could still get a Negi/Nodoka or Negi/Harem ending even if he truly is immortal.

  5. D says:

    Am I the only one who feels as if the manga is coming to a close? I’m not sure what, but something about the way Negi looked back at Chachamaru with the sun behind him an everything made me think that this was gonna be the last chapter lol.

    But in all seriousness, I get the feeling that Akamatsu is getting ready to wind things up. Just something about the feel of the last few chapters I suppose.

  6. Thethhron says:

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I get that feeling too sometimes. It makes me sad to think about, so I try not to. On the other Hand, Akamatsu could simply be trying to build back up after the MW arc, considering how speedily he had to wrap it up.

    Yeah, I want another love ranking too but if it’s getting wrapped up, as D suggests, then there won’t be one. I wanna see how far Chisame progressed myself. Anyway, Here’s to hoping for more future in the Manga!

  7. mr.Poneis says:

    Take that Isaac Asimov!!!

    Well, in another note… the only good thing about Fate as a teacher would be if the fatetes get to atend Mahora… Cultural shock issues…

    See Ya

  8. AstroNerdBoy says:

    That being said, It seems to me that it WILL be a arc with not much Negi in it, though thank god it’s not about fate taking over the class and focusing on him. that would suck.

    I agree. So far, I’m liking how this volume is going.

    Chachamaru “robo-onanising” was pretty bold of Akamatsu-sensei *_*

    Yes, it was.

    About Chachamaru’s body, maybe she knows something we don’t. In her fantasy about being Negi’s secretary in the future, she didn’t look like she had the robo joints. I say it was either wishful thinking or there really is a hyper-realistic body in the works.

    Well, I think that there was only the one constructed for her trip to the Magic World. I think Akamatsu-sensei might be hinting at a new body with the new headgear.

    So Negi’s immortal now? He sounded as if he meant to still be around during the next hundred years. I don’t know how to feel about that. Will we never get a true adult Negi? I bet Chachamaru will be happy about it though. She can be with him forever.

    I didn’t get an “immortal” sense, but I could see an elderly grandfather Negi sending Chao back to the past though. ^_~

    I’m pretty sure hakase offered to make the “ultimate upgrade” once before but chachamaru refused.

    That was then, prior to ero-Chachamaru. Now…^_^;;;

    as for the academy girls bea could always go to mahora since she’s human. She was immune to “erasing”


    Y’know, I’d like to see another Negi Love-Love Chart just to see how the numbers and rankings have shifted. The last one was before the MW arc, so I imagine things have changed quite a bit. Chachamaru was 7th before, but she’s got it sooo bad for Negi now that she’s had to have jumped several spots.

    Considering Chamo’s bloody nose reaction to Chachamaru’s vocalizations, I can see a chart coming. ^_^

    Am I the only one who feels as if the manga is coming to a close? I’m not sure what, but something about the way Negi looked back at Chachamaru with the sun behind him an everything made me think that this was gonna be the last chapter lol.

    Heh. No, I don’t think the manga is coming to an end for a little while at least. I did think that with the Magic World arc, it would bring the manga to an end and I think that initially, that was to be the case. Now, its hard to say how things will end.

    But in all seriousness, I get the feeling that Akamatsu is getting ready to wind things up. Just something about the feel of the last few chapters I suppose.

    I think you are just not used to the more laid back aspects of the recent chapters. What I sense is (1) taking it easy and (2) laying the groundwork for the next major arc.

    Well, in another note… the only good thing about Fate as a teacher would be if the fatetes get to atend Mahora… Cultural shock issues…

    *lol* Well, their problem is the same as Emily and company’s problem (save for Bea) in that they couldn’t survive on Earth. I do wonder what has become of Shiori and company though.

  9. Hiddenkaos says:

    So i go to thinking about the whole thing with negi’s plan, and here is what I thought just based on how it was hinted.

    I think that Negi intends to try to Terraform Mars, thus removing the need to magically sustain the world itself. This would easily take years to do in order to make it livable. It doesn’t answer all the problems but it does help at least one of them.

    The other thing is i think he plans at some point to reveal the world of mages FULLY to the real world. As he saw in the Mahora Festival Time Paradox world thing, the real world actually handled mages rather well all things considered, and he may believe that revealing them and getting the scientific aid of some of the worlds superpowers may make saving the magical world easier.

    Just a couple thoughts.

  10. mwittig says:

    Yue thinks that running around making PR visits to countries doesn’t sound like Negi. It also strikes me as something that might be important, but probably doesn’t require Negi’s full attention or intellect. In fact, I kind of wonder if maybe it isn’t Negi at all, and actually Shiori disguised as him, so that he can focus on the space elevator or whatever it is. That would explain where Shiori wound up. She does PR duty while he works on the technical end of things.

  11. AstroNerdBoy says:

    I think that Negi intends to try to Terraform Mars, thus removing the need to magically sustain the world itself. This would easily take years to do in order to make it livable. It doesn’t answer all the problems but it does help at least one of them.

    Yeah, I think that’s part of the plan for sure. The transition will be hard for the residents of Mars though and that’s why I think they are still in Chao’s timeline.

    The other thing is i think he plans at some point to reveal the world of mages FULLY to the real world. As he saw in the Mahora Festival Time Paradox world thing, the real world actually handled mages rather well all things considered, and he may believe that revealing them and getting the scientific aid of some of the worlds superpowers may make saving the magical world easier.

    I think this will happen, based on the U.N. vehicles Chao had from the future. I think Chao wanted things to be done sooner rather than later though.

    Yue thinks that running around making PR visits to countries doesn’t sound like Negi. It also strikes me as something that might be important, but probably doesn’t require Negi’s full attention or intellect. In fact, I kind of wonder if maybe it isn’t Negi at all, and actually Shiori disguised as him, so that he can focus on the space elevator or whatever it is. That would explain where Shiori wound up. She does PR duty while he works on the technical end of things.

    Well, her artifact would allow her to do this, but I tend to suspect that Negi is the one actually making these trips. After all, the excuse for Negi’s being MIA for periods of time from Mahora are “overseas trips,” the same thing Takahata used when he went to the Magic World on business.

  12. Ku_fei Lover says:

    So let it be known that whatever Chachamaru did is known as “Robonani”

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