My Negima! Volume 37 LE Manga Arrived – The Pactio Cards Are Mine!

So, even though it cost an arm and a leg, plus another leg for shipping, I went ahead and splurged to pick up Negima! Volume 37 Limited Edition so that I could get the pactio cards, as well as the Negima! movie.

All of the student cards are here, as well as Negi’s card.  However, Setsuna only has the single card from her pactio with Negi, and no other known pactio cards are there. The cards are really high quality, and though they have “jazzy” new backgrounds, they are still worth having. The backs of the cards are all “signed” (reproductions of course) by the various seiyuu, sometimes in English script, sometimes in kanji, sometimes in a mix of the two, and sometimes including cutesy drawings or statements.

I was struck that the cover of the manga has Valentine’s Day stuff, which was eluded to in the updated class roster, and in Asuna’s reflecting on pictures from the past.

Regardless, it is a bittersweet moment for me.  To be honest, when the LE version of volume 37 was announced to contain all of the pactio cards for Negi’s class, I was not sure what it meant.  The cards are different, which was my initial thought, but I was worried that something would be lost in translation, and that these pactio cards might not be cards at all, but something else (sticker sheet, a poster, mini-cards, etc.).  So, I wanted confirmation that these would be actual cards, even if somewhat different than the original cards.  The thing that NEVER crossed my mind was that releasing all these pactio cards meant the manga was ending soon.

Despite this being the LE version of the manga, I don’t think there’s very much different between it and the normal edition.  Normally, the LE version is more ecchi.

If you’d like to see more about what’s in this release, Cartoon World (カートゥン☆ワールド-) has some additional images, including some of the card scans.  However, THIS SITE IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!!!  The blog owner has lots and lots and lots of hentai images as the page goes down where he’s linking to hentai manga and anime. However, if you still want to risk it, the link is here.

I’m not sure when I’ll watch Negima! Anime Final movie. Some reviews I’ve seen, even of the DVD release, say “it sucks.”

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18 Responses to “My Negima! Volume 37 LE Manga Arrived – The Pactio Cards Are Mine!”

  1. Ultimaniac says:

    WANT! Even with the funky foil background, they look great!

    No spoilers, Anime Final = Great(but almost pointless) action + some decent fanservice + horrible premise + pants-on-head-retarded logic + cop out ending that I both loved and hated. =\

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hehe, I completely flipped when I got mine in the mail and opened the Pactio box.
    I can die happy now.

  3. Mz says:

    This comment is made of 100% pure jelly.

  4. Aknorals says:

    (Note: I’m a crazy person who has every pactio card except for the Misora one that came with that drama CD for Ala Alba or whatever)

    I like how it comes in a deck holder. I have most of Negi’s official pactiones in that overpriced Artifact of Negi’s. It’s really disappointing that it only has 15 slots, and that we never got Luna’s card, So I have a blank spot unless I shuffle the last three forward and put Ayaka in there…

    Anyways, I like how they all have (auto)signed backs with crazy signatures of the VAs. I don’t like how they use the backside to Negi’s pactio on all of the cards (except negi’s), even the ones where we know the magister/magistra is someone other than Negi. (unless there is some spoiler in the last few chapters I haven’t read)

    When I saw some of the eBay listings as “shiny pactio cards” I though “er, reflective? yeah, they all have plastic coating” but when I opened them I instantly shouted “FOILED!!!!!” It’s pretty awesome, and it helps tell the difference between the individual ones released over the years and the signed ones.

    Also, look at some of the Colors/Auspices for some of the non-canon ones. Sure are some inventive auspices, eh? (hell, look at Chizuru’s canon one: Ceres).

    Isn’t it great?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      >I like how it comes in a deck holder.

      The card box?

      >When I saw some of the eBay listings as “shiny pactio cards” I though “er, reflective? yeah, they all have plastic coating” but when I opened them I instantly shouted “FOILED!!!!!” It’s pretty awesome, and it helps tell the difference between the individual ones released over the years and the signed ones.

      I wasn’t surprised by the differences in the cards, since the Japanese anime/manga market is based on the collector’s mentality.

      But yeah, the set is great.

  5. DeltaResilience says:

    The Pactio set looks frigging awesome. Though some concerns:
    – Glossy background is a bit off-putting, though it is an LE version.
    – With things looking like the end, they should’ve added both Jack and Alberio just for the heck of it, also adding Mei Sakura and Shiori/Lune would have been sick.
    – I still have an issue with Evangeline’s name placed in japanese style when she’s clearly of caucasian descent.
    – Shouldn’t the pactio backs stating Magister be different for Misora and Natsumi? Unless of course this is for the sake of the movie

    ^ These comments become moot the moment you say “Well I have the pactio set and you don’t :P” T.T

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      >- With things looking like the end, they should’ve added both Jack and Alberio just for the heck of it, also adding Mei Sakura and Shiori/Lune would have been sick.

      I would have loved to have had all, known pactio cards, but alas, that was not to be.

      >- Shouldn’t the pactio backs stating Magister be different for Misora and Natsumi?

      “Should,” “yes.” However, I think it was all done for the sake of the movie.

      >^ These comments become moot the moment you say “Well I have the pactio set and you don’t :P” T.T

      Heh. Thanks for writing just the same. ^_^

  6. Anonymous says:

    The movie had some good/funny minor stuff (Chamo getting a boost in speed after seeing someone’s panties!), but the main plotline was, in my opinion, really bad, and there was a lot of things that didn’t make any sense at all, or felt plain stupid or forced. After seeing the movie (DVD version), I can say I’m very happy about Akamatsu-sensei having decided on a different ending.
    As for the pactio cards, they’re amazing!
    “The thing that NEVER crossed my mind was that releasing all these pactio cards meant the manga was ending soon.”
    Technically it didn’t, since they’re
    The official Pactio cards Negi makes with his whole class in the movie (Excluding his own obviously. I guess that was included to make it a perfect “3-A set” or something). Hence his name on Natsumi’s and Misora’s cards’ background, and not including Rakan’s Albireo’s, Fate’s ministas’ or Setsuna’s second pactio cards.

  7. Knives says:

    Zazie virtue is justice!?
    It is a bit contradictory. But she helped Negi and her friends against her sister.

    Well if that Chizuru and his evil artifact has the virtue Caritas then nobody can say anything of Zazie.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      >Zazie virtue is justice!?
      It is a bit contradictory. But she helped Negi and her friends against her sister

      And she did help Negi at the end of the School Festival arc.

  8. Mabi says:

    UGH!! I WANT IT SO BADLY! Where did you get it!?

  9. Anonymous says:

    I tried to publish a comment here before, but somehow… It didn’t work so, this is my 2nd attempy.
    ‘I know it’s late, but… UGH! I want it so badly!!!Where did you get it!?’

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