UQ Holder Chapter 9 SPOILER Images (Update #1)

OK, here’s the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 9, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop.

Heh! Looks like another form of the running joke, “Is Kuroumaru male or female?”Β  (Per Southrop — not part of the joke.)

Update #1: Sword in the Stone. ^_~

Should Southrop share more, I’ll update. ^_^

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14 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 9 SPOILER Images (Update #1)”

  1. NullApostle says:

    The sword in the stone is not ominous at all, no sir.

    And I wonder how long the Kuromaru f/m joke is gonna be dragged out. We will learn at some point, right? Right?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      It is starting to seem like forever, eh?

    • Anonymous says:

      It did seem ominous until I realized the “evil mage” was albireo and they are confirmed to be in the ruins of the library.

    • LGM says:

      The schools underground library…dark & watery & overrun by monsters…

      Somehow that makes me mad enough to scream out in real life.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      >It did seem ominous until I realized the “evil mage” was albireo and they are confirmed to be in the ruins of the library.

      So it seems to me.

      >The schools underground library…dark & watery & overrun by monsters…
      >Somehow that makes me mad enough to scream out in real life.

      Because of Negima?

    • I Think that Jinbei was referring to Mage of Beginning , Since Al did kept Nagi and Mage of Beginning sealed somewhere deep within the castle or I Think its in the Mahora Tree , Im not sure.

  2. Southrop says:

    Spoiler images? Who needs that when we’ve already released the chapter? πŸ˜›

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Sheeze. And here I thought that last week marked a truce with Akamatsu-sensei over these massively early releases of scanlations since everyone waited. So much for that theory.

      Well, thanks for sharing just the same, even if they were spoilers for 2-seconds. ^_^

    • Akugami says:

      I know this is kind of off topic, but do you think that negi is actually dead, I mean form what we’ve seen he could have just faked his death since it doesn’t look like the world hasn’t really warmed up to immortals. I hope negi comes back, even if he’s not the protagonist because the difference between the two is like night and day. We have one boy who has mastered the basics of magic by the time he was 9, learned combat magic, martial arts, magic and science compatiblity, and dark magic in a matter of months each and has an adorable personality. While our new protagonists is an idiot with no motivation to get stronger than he needs to, has no real goal, more childish than Naruto ever was, can’t learn magic, and is obsessed with making friends. I really hope negi can crawl out of his grave and either steal the spot light or teach the new guy how to be a better protagonist

    • I Doubt that Negi is dead , Cause like i`ve said before , Akamatsu hasn`t given us a Decent detailed explination regarding his death , He only gave us a Gravestone , He never told us about his Aging Immortality and Magia Erebea.

      Even those panels of him showing that he`s grown up with Fate , It seriously seem fishy and By the way , Fate is a Puppet , He never aged since the Encounter with Nagi and It`s possible that Fate is alive aswell.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      >I know this is kind of off topic, but do you think that negi is actually dead

      I think it is highly possible. He did die in the one timeline.

      Of course, there’s always a chance that he’s playing possum, but we’ll have to wait and see.

    • Ultimaniac says:

      I’m positive Nagi is dead. Staying alive all this time would completely go against his “Don’t underestimate humanity” mindset.

  3. Ian King says:

    Random thought: what if Kuroumaru is a hermaphrodite? Could be a by-product of her/his regenerative abilities and why s/he’s an outcast from the clan. I can’t see this running gag going on this long unless there was a deeply awkward issue. It’s not like Kuroumaru is one of those chicks who ties that cloth-thing around her breasts to be man-like / hide her feminity. It’s a genuine awkwardness that could perhaps only be explained by something as taboo as being a hermaphrodite. Anyhow, just my two cents after reading the latest chapter.

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