UQ Holder Chapter 35 Manga Review (This is how you take out the trash!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review
UQ Holder Chapter 35

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

UQ Holder Chapter 35 Manga ReviewKirie, Touta, Ikkuu, and Kuroumaru are walking down the alley as Touta praises Ikkuu, then notices that Xinzi is gone. Kuroumaru notes his skills while Ikkuu jokes about him being immortal. Kirie is happy to have removed the anomaly, but scolds Touta for being worthless. When Touta reminds her they have limited time, Kirie picks up the pace and they hurriedly race down the alleyway.

Touta asks why they have to meet this powerful wizard at 13:09, so Kirie decides to tell them to prevent the idiot from messing things up. The other members of UQ Holder do not know Kirie’s method of immortality, only believing she has the power of precognition. Touta nearly gives it away, forcing Kirie to stop him, citing that it is not good for people to know one’s type of immortality, though she was forced to do so with Touta.

Kirie tells the others that in the future (the group’s first trip), when Ikkuu attempts to pair her with Touta, Kirie chooses Kuroumaru to stay with her instead. As Kirie and Kuroumaru relax and have coffee while discussing Touta, an explosion from the gate terminal brings them running. They see Fate holding the limp Touta by the neck as Ikkuu and Karin flank Fate.

Fate looks at as if he’s dealing with trash, while Karin and Ikkuu look scared, as if they know they are trash in Fate’s eyes. Both attack Fate, but without releasing Touta from his right hand, Fate uses his left hand to destroy Ikkuu coming in from the right, then uses his right foot to kick Karin away before apparently casing a spell on her which causes her to disappear in a swirl.

Touta attempts to hit Fate, but his hand is easily blocked as Fate causes Touta’s body below his neck to petrify, then shatter when he kicks Touta. Kuroumaru leaps into action, but Fate easily avoids Kuroumaru’s charge while still holding Touta’s head. with a bloody splash, Fate puts a fist into Kuroumaru’s back.

Walking through the rubble, Fate holds Touta’s head in one hand and Kuroumaru’s broken body in the other. Dropping Kuroumaru, Fate teleports (or does a shundo) to behind the stunned Kirie and casts an eternal petrification spell on her.  Kirie quickly realizing what has happened as Fate appears to read her mind and confirm that he is Fate Averruncus, the sworn friend of Touta’s grandfather (Negi). He tells Kirie that he’ll be taking the boy with him since Touta is his property.

With only moments left, Kirie causes a blade to spring out of her sleeve, where she takes her own life as petrification would prevent her from going back to her save point.

In the present, Kirie tells the others that this is the future they want to avoid.


Wow.  Fate was awesomely brutal in this one. I joke in the blog title about taking out the trash, but the look on his face is one of regarding the three UQ Holder members in his presence as trash.

UQ Holder Chapter 35 Manga Review

They really did look as though they knew they were naught but trash to be taken out by Fate.

UQ Holder Chapter 35 Manga Review

First things first. Ikkuu jokes about Xinzi being immortal, but it may turn out that he has some kind of immortality and is not even aware of it.

As expected, I was correct in my theory about Kirie having already been through this and witnessed Fate kicking their arses. I was wrong about her taking her own life, but I was basing that on her remark about dying being painful. However, desperate times call for desperate measures, so it makes sense that she did what she did.

Her explanation to Touta that the other members of UQ Holder don’t know her Reset and Restart immortality makes sense to me, especially since Akamatsu-sensei has set up Powerful Hand, who study the different types of immortality and how to defeat them. Kirie would be easily defeated should someone know to look for her save point.  I do believe that Eva knows, but then she always knows more than she lets on.

This chapter reveals the stupidity of Kirie’s “don’t tell anyone ’cause I don’t want to change the future” idea. She ends up telling them anyway.  Of course, the real reason she didn’t say was so Akamatsu-sensei could pull a surprise on us, but there you go.

During the flashback, Ikkuu told Kirie to call Yukihime (Eva). I wonder if she made that call. Either way, if Kirie hasn’t already let Eva and the other members of UQ Holder know so that they have overwhelming support at the gate, her going back in time so many times is just an exercise in futility and she’ll die again.

Reading the chapter for the umpteenth time, it looks like Ikkuu was the only casualty as Fate crushed him. Even then, he may have been able to transfer his consciousness to a backup computer.

Even with the devastating blow Kuroumaru took, we’ve already seen that Kuroumaru can regenerate from being punched in similar fashions by Touta and Eva.  So I think Kuroumaru survived.

Karin looked to have been force-teleported somewhere, which if true, she’s still alive.

Then there’s Kirie, who would have been alive, but in petrification form.

So while Fate may have taken out these Numbers members of UQ Holder in a bloody, gruesome manner, he may not have killed anyone. In fact, I don’t believe Fate killed anyone.

Ah, but there’s Touta. However, we already know that Touta can survive with his head sliced off, as Kuroumaru found out the hard way. With his body destroyed, Touta should, in theory, still be alive and simply regenerate his body again, much as he regenerated the eye that was destroyed.

That leads to the question of why Fate considers Touta to be his property? Could he be a lab experiment? He could be an artificial being, created with massive abilities, not to be a battle warrior, but to see if humanoid bodies could be created and given special abilities so that a magical being could then inhabit said body and not need magic to maintain it (think the various magical races living on Mundus Magicus).

As an aside, I see that the Crunchyroll chapter fixed the splash page problem with Fate and the manga title.

Regardless, this was a really good, if gory, chapter.

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28 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 35 Manga Review (This is how you take out the trash!)”

  1. Magine says:

    Well, I can say about this chapter GAME OVER try again.

    Fate can win to 4 inmortals as if nothing in a cruel way O_o (He didn’t learn nothing about the kindness of Negi XD)

    I seemed strange that he did say that after all,Touta should have been of him. Why? because is he descendent of Negi? what could be happening with Touta for that everybody want him. (That’s the way it goes when he is descendant of a powerful mage)

    Now it know a weakness of Kirie, if she is petrified, she can’t die, as a consequence can’t revive

    I think that Evangeline knows the inmortality of Kirie, because before she noticed the save point

    Apart, I think that they will look for Karin, but, they won’t can avoid Fate, if not, it would be too easy, wouldn’t it?

    Kirie didn’t show to call to Evangeline in this chapter, maybe she will do more later, then, the question is, Can Evangeline be on a par with Fate? she told that haven’t the same strength after all, maybe when Evangeline and Fate get find in the place, they have a conversation about Touta

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Fate can win to 4 inmortals as if nothing in a cruel way O_o (He didn’t learn nothing about the kindness of Negi XD)

      Fate is a logical being more than an emotional one. As such, one generally does the bare minimum to get the job done. I think that’s why Fate elected not to battle Eva in Kyoto. Once he realized he was up against the High Daylight Walker, he retreated rather than fight her as fighting her would not advance his goals and would only be a waste of time and effort, especially since Eva could actually go toe to toe with him.

      Kirie didn’t show to call to Evangeline in this chapter, maybe she will do more later, then, the question is, Can Evangeline be on a par with Fate? she told that haven’t the same strength after all, maybe when Evangeline and Fate get find in the place, they have a conversation about Touta

      I’m hoping that she did call Eva and that Eva is on her way. I’d love to see Eva throw down with Fate.

      • Magine says:

        That makes two of us.

        Another thing, I wonder as will be Karin when she sees Evangeline again, maybe she apologizes because was defeated and sent to moon (Since I saw the chapter 10, I have the sensation of that Karin has a “crush” on Evangeline or something)

        Apart, if Evangeline bites the blood of Touta, Could she regain part of her power? when she took Negi’s blood, she did it.

        • Aki says:

          Well negi/nagi had already dispelled the curse so Eva does have her full power.

          The only reason why she seemed weak was because her guard was down and fell into a anti magic trap and got caught off guard and was therefore bounded

          In theory Evageline as yukihime can go toe to toe with fate but being former associates, would fate and Eva know each others skill set, so direct combat would be unwise

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Well, as I’ve said, there’ve been a couple of instances where it is implied that Eva might not be at full strength. We’ll see if that’s true or not.

        • Aki says:

          Hmmm the thing is touta is wanted by both organisation… And only fate and Eva know touta true nature.

          The Mage of beginning has been defeated many times with the first beaten by nagi using last minute hack like powers… Zecht version was defeated by nagi and was apparently sealed, the nagi version by negi/asuna anti magic sword slash combo and then a 4th time which saw the release of nagi and a 5th time in 2065 where negi apparently dies.

          There are to many unanswered questions and it all ties back to negima… What could be worrying is that if negi was killed or has done something so major that has put him in critical condition or sealed or out of commission… Then that means there is someone far stronger than fate and Evageline and they could be working to prevent the true villain from returning

          Also I think karin was killed by fate in an agonising black hole of sorts

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Another thing, I wonder as will be Karin when she sees Evangeline again, maybe she apologizes because was defeated and sent to moon (Since I saw the chapter 10, I have the sensation of that Karin has a “crush” on Evangeline or something)

          I hadn’t actually thought about that, but it would be amusing seeing Eva having some fun at Karin’s expense for Karin’s defeat.

          Apart, if Evangeline bites the blood of Touta, Could she regain part of her power? when she took Negi’s blood, she did it.

          Not sure. Akamatsu-sensei’s vampire system is rather murky to say the least. ^_^;

          • Magine says:

            Yeah, The last thing we need is that the vampires shine under the sunlight XD Nah, It is yet to be seen if is known a bit more or not about Akamatsu-sensei’s vampire system.

            About if Eva might not be at full strength. Well, although Evangeline also wasn’t 100% of his strenght, freeze all the fire of the city as if nothing, neither is for say that she is weak XD, if she still not being 100% did that. I not imagine what she does to 100% And the spell that she did in the chapter, it is similar to the spell “Endless white nine heavens” of the chapter 333 of Negima (I wonder if she can use the magia erebea)

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            It is yet to be seen if is known a bit more or not about Akamatsu-sensei’s vampire system.

            Eva is a shinso vampire, and apparently, so is Touta.

            (I wonder if she can use the magia erebea)

            She invented it, so I believe she can use it to some degree. I believe Nagumo implied she used the imperfect form and Negi perfected it.

      • Aki says:

        This is also backed by the fact negi who had a slight upper hand but was still weaker than Evageline, being able to match fate blow for blow.

        Not to mention the Eva had invented endless white nine heavens in response to having meet fate so that she can defeat the dolls by freezing them to the core and bypassing their multi layered shield

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          There’ve been a couple of instances where it is implied that Eva might not be at full strength. If true, I’m betting it is just so she can’t OP Fate and has to struggle to overcome. Kinda like Godzilla fighting the mutos. ^_~

  2. NML says:

    Did you notice the banners with Yukihiro written on them? I hope we get to see some of the class rep’s family, maybe even Ayaka herself since she live to 115 in one timeline.

    Touta is reminding me more and more of Asuna; mysterious origin, lost memories, have extremely rare magical abilities(Touta has Magia Erebia and Asuna has Magic Cancel), is wanted by an organisation which Fate is in charge of.

    • I`ve noticed it , Well it`s not a surprise since the Yukihiro family played a big part in Negi`s plans , But how about Naba Industries ? I would like to see what happened to Chizuru Naba !

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Did you notice the banners with Yukihiro written on them? I hope we get to see some of the class rep’s family, maybe even Ayaka herself since she live to 115 in one timeline.

      I honestly hadn’t noticed them, but I do now. Thanks for pointing that out. ^_^

      Touta is reminding me more and more of Asuna; mysterious origin, lost memories, have extremely rare magical abilities(Touta has Magia Erebia and Asuna has Magic Cancel), is wanted by an organisation which Fate is in charge of.

      Asuna was miles more likable. ^_~

      • NML says:

        That is true, although she did have some of the best character development in the series, hopefully we can say the same for Touta and in 100 chapters we’ll wonder how we could have ever disliked him(I can dream, can’t I)

  3. Seimei says:

    astro : I really think that Fate might be interested in Tota because it descends from Negi . His way of talking about Tota and very similar to the way he describes Negi .

    Well on it could actually be a magical being artificially create ( in an era when science and magic are mutually agreed and work side by side, there is nothing more simple ) .

    But the fact that Fate declares ” the owner” of Tota is not sufficient to conclude . Again, it may be because Tota is the inherit Negi . Especially Chao Linchen has already shown us that magia – erebea could have been trensmise her by the blood of Negi .

    That said, I think we will be agreements to say that whether Tota is the descendant of Negi or creation. Regarding the aim of Fate , it is likely that he wants to use Tota against the mage of the beginning in anticipation of his next return ( unless it is already in action? Hehe ^ ^ )

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      astro : I really think that Fate might be interested in Tota because it descends from Negi . His way of talking about Tota and very similar to the way he describes Negi .

      I’m sure that’s part of it. I think there’s more to it. Still, hopefully we’ll find out in the upcoming chapters. ^_^

  4. Man that was a great chapter , Seeing Fate destroy 4 Members of UQ Holder alone , So bad ass and What`s satisfying is Touta getting his head cut-off !

    But it`s weird , When Fate said he was Negi`s sworn friend , Shouldn`t it be ” Former ” ? Possibly Negi being the final boss hint hint ? Haha !

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Man that was a great chapter , Seeing Fate destroy 4 Members of UQ Holder alone , So bad ass and What`s satisfying is Touta getting his head cut-off !


      But it`s weird , When Fate said he was Negi`s sworn friend , Shouldn`t it be ” Former ” ? Possibly Negi being the final boss hint hint ? Haha !

      It is an odd way of phrasing things. Not sure I buy Negi being the final boss, but who can say. *lol*

  5. shadowofthevoid says:

    Brutal. Now that’s what you call…


    ( •_•)>⌐■-■


    A Fate-ality.


    Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Anywho, I wonder how they’ll approach the situation knowing that they’ll get totally curb-stomped if they fight Fate (hey, that could be another CSI: Miami gag… no?). Will they get Eva? And why indeed does Fate feel that Touta belongs to him? Did he feel entitled to be Touta’s caretaker instead of Eva? I mean, Fate does have a sorta possessive man-crush on Negi and probably thinks that everything that was Negi’s is now his.

  6. seem to be the first time she killed by Touta’s fault was she killed herself before attacked by Fate, but yet , i don’t understand why she must leads the gang to meet Fate in where they suppose to be massacred by him, is it better to hide Touta somewhere like under bed than showing him to his grandma Fate (just kidding)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:


      But yeah, first time, Kirie killed herself. Six other times, Touta failed. Seventh time, Touta goes back with Kirie (as I understand it at least).

  7. Mike M. says:

    All I know is if the next chapter ends at a cliffhanger in a similar way to the top few panels of Negima Ch. 51 page 12, I’m more than happy to wipe the slate clean and renew some faith that things will become awesome.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’ll have to check that chapter/page out when I get home, but I know what you mean. ^_^

  8. Shadow_s_writer says:

    astro : I really think that Fate might be interested in Tota because it descends from Negi . His way of talking about Tota and very similar to the way he describes Negi

    ANB: Did you read it in the original text or the translation? w\When Fate made the statement in Japanese, did use the term of ownership of a item, for was it the term for control of the item. Sometime those terms can be mix up during translation.

    If it was the later, fate may have some reason to believe that Negi wanted him to take care of his family. Or Fate might have some reason to hate Eva. Something like, “I stayed with Negi the whole time, but you ran away and let him die.”

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      astro : I really think that Fate might be interested in Tota because it descends from Negi . His way of talking about Tota and very similar to the way he describes Negi

      That’s very possible.

      ANB: Did you read it in the original text or the translation? w\When Fate made the statement in Japanese, did use the term of ownership of a item, for was it the term for control of the item. Sometime those terms can be mix up during translation.

      No, I’ve not seen the raw.

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