UQ Holder Chapter 46 SPOILER Info and Images! (Update #1)

Here are some SPOILER images and information for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 46, courtesy of Manga Kansou. No summary or translation of what’s being said there, but likely there will be later on today.  I’ll keep my eyes open for such. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 46 should come out Wednesday.)


The UQ Holder chapter 46 goodness begins.^_^

UQ Holder Chapter 46

Looks like the hooded character gets a name. I can’t speak to the given name, but the family name is Sasaki — 佐々木. That’s the same surname as Makie from Negima. So, is this new character a descendant of Makie, or simply a distant kin to her?  It will be interesting to learn.

Anyway, looks like Touta gets into a fight. Beyond that, I’ll have to wait for those in the know to report on what’s being said.

As soon as I have something, I’ll make an update.

UQ Holder chapter 46 Update #1: This from ChaosProphet.

According to Manga Kansou the title page this time says “Enemy? Ally? Man? Woman? A character full of mysteries”. So seems like Hood’s sex really isn’t supposed to be certain yet. In any case, will treat him as a male for the chapter description.

Kurou and Touta enter the room thinking it’s a shared room. Hood try to pass as a normal student. Hood introduces himself as 佐々木三太 (Sasaki Santa?). Santa says he didn’t know anyone else was joining the room. Touta says they should make an welcome party.

At night Santa is moving on the roof. He finds some students bulling a homeless person with magic near the river. They say they’re just cleaning the trash. Santa says he will clean the trash then (mentioning the students). They attack Santa with magic but it goes through him.

The students panic that their magic apps didn’t work. Santa raises his hands and make two students float and crash with each other. Santa hols two others and fly over the river and throw them there. The remaining student is surprised how Santa is able to fly without any tool.

Santa grabs the hand of that last student who uses a Flans Exarmatio that also go through Santa. The Student freaks out “You monster! Are you a real mage?!”.

Santa buries the student hand on the ground “I’m not a stupid mage. Guns nor magic are effective. I’m an immortal… 超能力者(esper?)”. He tells him that if he don’t take his hand from the ground soon it will fuse with it.

As Santa was about to leave he sees the collapsed homeless person and remember the students early words “garbage cleaning”. He grabs the student by his hair and says “What do you think will happen if I bury your head?”.

The students tells him to stop. Santa buries his head half way in and asks if he understand how weak he is. Touta appears and attacks with the gravity sword (spoiler image is here). Santa dodges while the student is released when the ground cracks.

Touta tells him to surrender but he runs away by flying. Touta also is surprised as he thought only a few people like Eva and Fate that were able to use magic to fly like that.

Ikkuu is monitoring through the security cameras and ask Kuroumaru who is near to intercept him. Kurou tries to stop Santa but he goes through Kurou. “What a troublesome opponent” says Kurou. Chapter ends.

While Santa power seems to match the power of the assassin, I’m still not fully convinced. As others mentioned, it’s likely Akamatsu wouldn’t reveal the assassin and make them face him that easily. Also from the spoiler text, it does seems to me like what he was doing in the end was just to give the student a big scare rather than actually trying to kill him.

I knew it — Akamatsu-sensei is going to troll us with another possible trap.

As to whether this new character is the murderer or not, it could be a red herring. However, as I had earlier speculated, the new immortal may be killing people for a purpose. I get the sense that Sasaki might be killing people to help the weak.

As always, thanks ChaosProphet. ^_^  I wish there were more UQ Holder chapter 46 images. If more arrive, I’ll make another update.

UQ Holder Chapter 46

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20 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 46 SPOILER Info and Images! (Update #1)”

  1. Aki says:

    Been waiting for a while for this

    • AstroNerdBoy says:


      • Aki says:

        That’s a nasty ability… Almost on the same level as Karin.

        Obito in naruto have proven the ability to phase through attacks is incredibly powerful.

        So Santa… Is like a phantom or a ghost that can allow magic, swords, guns and people to pass through his/her body.

        This ability also extends to anyone who touches Santa.

        The question now, is how does this skill works… Is there a limit or a source of power? If there isn’t then she is definately a S rank immortal, although she could be a projection like an astral body like alberio imma that can solidify and interact with their surroundings

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          So Santa… Is like a phantom or a ghost that can allow magic, swords, guns and people to pass through his/her body.

          In other words, Kitty Pryde from the X-Men franchise. ^_~

  2. chaosprophet says:

    I posted on AQS. He mentioned last chapter he has the same age as Ikkuu, which means he was born two years before Negima. it’s unlikely he is Makie’s descendent. Do we know if Makie have any sibling other than Kagehisa (the boy we see on the last two chapter of Negima)?

    There is also the possibility he was taken care by the Sasaki family (maybe by Makie herself) and took their name.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Thanks. ^_^

      I’d forgotten about the time thing. Otherwise, I don’t know if Makie had other relatives.

      • NT says:

        Makie was 14 at the time which makes Santa 2 years old. Maybe just another younger sibling? if not then santa is a Cousin…maybe. Guess we will find out.

        as for santa being the murderer, i guess i’ll explain it better(unlike the last blog post); This person seems to not be a killer, more like a normal vigilante. I am guessing that this character is one of the ‘suspects’ Eva(or was it Karin?) mentioned.

        Also, this one is good with hacking and technology as from what His/Her basic ability is, so more or less if they come to an agreement then maybe this one helps find the real killer.

        I mean, He/She can access any database right? Now if this was true they just need to try convincing him/her.(if by chance ‘Santa’ is a girl, i am willing to bet that touta will do something heroic and develop a crush on touta. which may sparke a rivalry between ‘santa’ and miss/mr. genderless.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          as for santa being the murderer, i guess i’ll explain it better(unlike the last blog post); This person seems to not be a killer, more like a normal vigilante. I am guessing that this character is one of the ‘suspects’ Eva(or was it Karin?) mentioned.

          That seems reasonable. But I could see this new UQ being a vigilante who’s actually killing some nasties who’ve taken human form.

  3. rawrrawz says:

    I’m guessing that this is a shadow clone. We’ve seen Albeiro seemingly invincible during the Mahora Battle Tournament.

  4. Sanma ? does it taste good ?
    The murder ability and our Sanma … wait i mean Santa does match, i think it’s a kind of dimension magic that allow him/her bury people to the ground or wall, when the spell stop , victim surely stuck inside it
    as Chao Lingshen told Asuna , Eva later (year 2130) helps her improves the Cassiopeia which allows user travelling through dimension , Eva power didn’t link with dimension magic so someone else might help Eva as well (Sanma ?)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      wait i mean Santa does match, i think it’s a kind of dimension magic that allow him/her bury people to the ground or wall, when the spell stop , victim surely stuck inside it

      The clues are so obvious in this case, a lot of folks suspect this is a red herring, thus the new UQ is not the murderer despite having similar powers.

      • so there will be some possible cases :
        1 . Sanma … (damn you Mei) i mean Santa is the murderer (he has same ability with murderer and act like one too)
        1.1 She hates the first class app users so he kills them
        1.2 He hates the first class app users so she goes around scare them , accidenly kills them sometime
        2 . Someone has same power as her
        2.1 The counterpart loves killing and such
        2.2 The counterpart trying to mimic to accuse Santa Claus of murdering
        3 . they just suddenly die the most non naturally way , nothing to do with murdering lol
        4 . Santa Sasaki is the child of Santa (Sasaki) and Mei Claus , same with his mother , Santa has serious trouble with controlling power … Sanma sanma sanmaaaaa … j.k

  5. Setsuyume says:

    Oh, S Class inmortal on sight! Maybe! ^^

    Who knows, maybe s/he killed ppl who were bullies? So it’s not such a BAD person lol

    Oh, and another trap lol It’ll be nice if Kuroumaru gets jealous, then has a Secchan Style antics the next moment lol

    And from Makie’s Family, huh? Interesting.

    • NT says:

      Well, we dont really know if it’s makie’s family yet. Since he/she said that she was born around the same as Ikkuu(2001) and only her younger brother was revealed towards the end of the manga so..

      IMO there may not be much of a relation…maybe…

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      And from Makie’s Family, huh? Interesting.

      Well, same family name/kanji. How close kind they are remains to be seen.

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