Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 10 (Hanging with the Battle Babes)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 10 (12 w/ recap episodes)
Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 10 Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers.

Beni has a dream of having accidentally frightened a young Momo, whereupon Hachiko takes offense. Wakening, Beni assumes Tenchi has molested her, though Hachiko says Beni has nothing anyone would want to touch. Despite her injury, Beni wants no help and as the trio attempt to find the exit of the warehouse, Tenchi has to stop them from fighting. Coming to a pile of crates blocking their way, Beni sets about to bash open a path, only to encounter a large red mecha, which disarms Hachiko, leaving her crying like a baby.

Ai Tenchi Muyo! - 10


How much of Beni’s dream was memory remains to be seen, though as I’ve said, I’m pretty sure she’s the Beni from the ship that sent Momo in an escape capsule to safety.

Ai Tenchi Muyo! - 10

I rolled my eyes when Beni tried covering her chest area after she came to. Yeah, ’cause constantly wearing an unbuttoned, open shirt to reveal your chest in a tiger striped bikini isn’t screaming modesty or even remotely coming close to that word. Of course, this “wrong” kind of thinking on my part is enough to have me lynched immediately.

Ai Tenchi Muyo! - 10

I did like Hachiko coming to Tenchi’s defense. I also liked how Tenchi kept Beni and Hachiko under control.

Ai Tenchi Muyo! - 10

Speaking of Hachiko, her reaction to losing her bokutou (bokken — wooden sword) kind of surprised me. I’m not sure if the sword has any special meaning or not. However, her reaction kinda reminded me of Shuutaro’s reaction to being in the dark, whether he had his bokutou or not.

Ai Tenchi Muyo! - 10

As to the mecha, Gooriki, I was kind of reminded of Behemoth from Full Metal Panic, though on a MUCH smaller scale. I’m not sure if this mecha is actually supposed to parody anything or not (like Gundam).

Ai Tenchi Muyo! - 10

Anyway, this story arc is going on much longer than I expected, enough so that it might actually combine together to make a real episode. I guess with the battle babes out of action, it is time for Tenchi to shine.

Ai Tenchi Muyo! - 10

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