愛・天地無用! Final Thoughts Ai Tenchi Muyo! – Final Thoughts ***SPOILERS*** When word first circulated that there was going to be a new Tenchi Muyo! anime series, I was excited and hoped that Kajishima-sensei, the creator of the franchise, would be allowed to do another canon anime series based off his -If- doujinshi stories. When I
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Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 45-50 (55-60) (It’s over, finally.)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 45 (55 w/ recap episodes) Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 45 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers. The GP forces encounter traps set by Washu as below ground, Momo expresses concerns

Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 41-44 (51-54) (Time to wind this puppy down.)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 41 (51 w/ recap episodes) Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 41 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers. Over the objections of the Japanese government, GP plans their operation to stop the

Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 37-40 (46-49) (Truth doesn’t matter; perception and agenda do.)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 37 (46 w/ recap episodes) Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 37 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers. Yuki begins gaining in the polls, so Hana and the others investigate, discovering that

Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 33-36 (41-44) (There was plot, then it cooled off.)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 33 (41 w/ recap episodes) Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 33 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers. Gouriki-kun is overcome by Hana and Hachiko, allowing Momo and Touri entrance to the

Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 29-32 (36-39) (More plot with a side of humor.)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 29 (36 w/ recap episodes) Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 29 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers. As Tenchi repairs a hole on the roof of the dorm, Aeka and Sasami

Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 25-28 (31-34) (More tedium, with a side of ecchi and plot.)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 25 (31 w/ recap episodes) Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 25 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers. Tenchi is cleaning the girl’s bath when Momo and company come in and force

Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 21-24 (26-29) (A tedious sports festival and a girl’s dorm.)

愛・天地無用! Ep. 21 (26 w/ recap episodes) Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 21 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers. The sports festival continues with the traditional cavalry battle. The blue (science) team uses