Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 4 — It is not a dream!
(Note: This post is a reblog from my Tenchi Muyo! FAQ site.)
Hey folks! Yes, as you are already well aware, the official Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 4 website is now up and running, and there’s the official OVA 4 Twitter feed too. It is a good time to be a Tenchi Muyo! Ry0-ohki fan, eh?
You know, back when OVA 3 ended and over the years since, a lot of fans have asked me on if I thought there’d ever be an OVA 4. Until recently, my answer had always been no. This was based on the old AIC interview with Kajishima-sensei (done prior to the release of OVA 3), which they published in English (or rather Engrish) on their now defunct website. (“T” is the interviewer and “K” is Kajishima.)
K: The easy way to put the whole things is, Tenchi Muyo! the 1st, 2nd and 3rd are like in WW2. The Chapter 2 of OVA are post WW2.
T: I believe people will be curious about the Chapter 2 as well. Do you have the idea now?
K: Um…I wonder the project will be accepted by anybody…cause its about a normal daily life after war.
T: Its like after war and everything settled, the rest of it is just normal daily life.
K: Yes. But, there will be another meaning of “war” waiting for him…
T: Yeah, the “war” that is different from “The earth is in DANGER!” things.
K: Therefore, I think there will be no more 4th, 5th of “Tenchi Muyo! Ryohki”OVA Chapter one.
Kajishima-sensei called OVA 1-3 as “Chapter 1,” which was the story of Tenchi. That story was completed, so for him, the story afterward was all about life with Tenchi and his harem. Since Kajishima-sensei seemed down on the idea of there ever being another canon OVA series, I figured we’d just get canon spinoffs, which we did.
After War on Geminar came out, I figured that Paradise War would be the next project to get animated. Indeed, indications were that Kajishima-sensei proposed it as a new anime series, but apparently, AIC wanted to see this in book form first, judge the sales of the book, then decide on whether to animate the series.
However, in the last couple of years, Kajishima-sensei kept hinting at something else coming down the pipe. He teased us with the -If- doujinshi titles, which depict in color storyboard fashion events happening to Tenchi and his harem after they start having children, and even included moments for Seina (Tenchi Muyo! GXP) and his harem’s children. It was only then that I even began to consider that we might get a 4th OVA series, but even then, I erred on the side of caution and figured that things probably wouldn’t pan out. Thankfully, they have.
At the moment, we don’t have any information on what the series will be about, but if I had to guess, I’d say it will be based off of the content of the -If- doujinshi. I’ll certainly do my best to update the FAQ site as information comes to me.
Thanks to everyone who sent me a heads up on this!
OH hell yeah this just made my day
Glad to be of service.
I wonder if this is going to be another “hey Kajishima-sensei you want to do another Tenchi OVA, then you are going to do something to pay for it.” Which bring me to the possibility of a WoG II. All report seem to say this serial was very successful, so I expected a sequel to appear. Of course it is possible to mix it all into one series such as my latest FF where Seina, and wives chases after Ryo-Ohki who along some of Tenchi’s and Seina’s children has gone to rescue Kenshi and Genmar from Shank’s amd his pirates.
I believe in Japan, there is an online, mobile, Tenchi card game that Kajishima-sensei did the artwork for. I’m not saying this is paying for a new OVA, but it might be an indication to AIC that they could do a 4th OVA and have it be successful.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a sequel to WoG if OVA 4 is successful.
In the -If- doujinshi, Seina’s harem does show up at Tenchi’s house.
Im kinda looking forward to this. The canon series is one of those things you love to hate. Or rather nitpick at. Whether its the art, story, them being out of character, the lore of the franchise to take into consideration, the endess guesswork, reading between the lines and essays. At the end of the day its genuinely fun and something ive missed doing since the Seikishi anime. :’)
Yeah, it is a lot of fun. I expect OVA 4 to be fun with no villain to face.
I started watching anime around 2000~2001 and Tenchi Muyo OVA was among the first few harem series (the others were Hand Maid May and Oh My Goddess) and till today is still one of my favourite series. Since OVA2 i also watched Kajisama’s Dual Parallel, Photon and Agga Rutter as an alternate tie-in to the Tenchi universe.
OVA3 and GXP expanded the series further (I wasn’t one of those haters since i joined the party late) and the later Isekai Monogatari was great, too. Harem ending is not big problem for me since I have Asian background….back in the old old days my ancestors used to have 2 or more wives…and many offspring…my grandad was the issue from 2nd wife. If watched historical costume drama (wuxia or early 1900s) the storylines tends to have a harem flavor.
Anyway…….This is Great news of OVA4!
TM!R was the first, true harem title. You had things like Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2, which TM!R took cues from.
You mention Hand Maid May and it makes me want to watch it again.
Thanxs ANB. Another long forgetten TV series that got recent ANN news was Full Metal Panic! where the author Gatoh-san announced that there will be an anime sequel in the works! This made me really happy….whoo hooo! After 10 years waiting from the last anime FMP TSR we fiinally getting news…..same month as TMR. Something’s brewing……
Yeah, I want to write about FMP coming back. Wild stuff.
Excellent news! I first discovered Tenchi Muyo back in the summer of 2000 when Toonami first ran OVA 1 & 2 and the Universe and Tokyo series. It was in my early years of anime fandom. I first discovered anime in the mid to late 90s when the Sci-fi Channel had their Saturday Anime block, and then I came across Toonami back in 1998 (Moltar was still the host) and became a regular viewer. Of all the series that Toonami aired in its early years, Tenchi was probably my favorite. My first anime DVDs were Tenchi Forever and that “Ultimate Edition” set for OVA 1 & 2. “No Need for Tenchi” was the first manga series I bought (Love Hina was the second). Needless to say, I was excited when OVA 3 was announced back in 2003. Unfortunately, through a combination of how long it took it to be licensed and released as well as money problems that resulted in a years-long drought of DVD purchases for me, I wasn’t able to actually get OVA 3 until 2009.
But now, after such a long time, we’re finally getting OVA 4. This is probably the most excited I’ve been for anything anime-related in a long time. I’m definitely looking forward to watching this when it finally releases, and hopefully at long last we get some more advancement in regards to Tenchi’s relationships with the girls.
I think you’ll be getting your wish.
When I saw the news from ANN, ‘surprised’ did not begin to describe my reaction. The only disappointment I have is that Yumi Takada will not be reprising Ayeka/Aeka. Since it appears she has largely retired from voice acting in the last few years, and she was did not return for the short form series, I was not surprised.
Yeah, she wasn’t in Ai Tenchi Muyo, but her replacement did a really good job.
[…] This month has seen the return of two old favorite anime titles. First was the announcement for Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 4. More recently, the action-adventure (with romantic-comedy on the side) mecha series Full Metal […]
Kami tenchi isnt Omnipotent just stating.
Well, the human Tenchi certainly isn’t. The Choushin were believed to be omnipotent, but then they wanted to see if there could be an entity higher level than themselves. So who knows how powerful Kami Tenchi is or how much he knows.