ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review
UQ Holder Chapter 114
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Touta gets angry at the notion that Fate is trying to save Negi while Yukihime is trying to kill Negi. Fate starts explaining Resonance. Touta demands more information, so Fate explains that the Mage of the Beginning has the power of infinite empathy. As such, she feels all of the pain of all people. Because she is indestructible, she remembers the pain and grief of the defeated for eternity. The power is a curse, and Fate is surprised MotB wasn’t broken by the burden of it and she cannot stop until the screams and cries of the weak fade from existence.
Fate states that normal people can only last no more than two days when MotB does her mental possession, which gives her complete control. Negi has lasted for 20 years, but Fate cries, stating that since they’ve recently seen Negi, his persona is weakening. Once Negi breaks, her next victim will defeat her and take Negi’s place. Otherwise, they’ll have to spend a lot of effort sealing her away.
Fate tells Touta that Touta cannot save Negi. All he can do is erase Negi with her from the world, which is what he believes Yukihime will ask Touta to do. However, Fate claims to have a way to save Negi, but it requires Fate using Touta’s power. As such, he wants Touta to join him.
A long ranged ice attack slams on and around the ship as a sniper bullet comes in, which Fate deflects with a barrier. Before Fate can do anything else,. Zazie attacks with a summoned shadow monster. Fate slips out of the monster’s grasp and counters, but that is stopped by a barrier from the monster/Zazie. Fate opens a portal to leave and reminds Touta to join him to save Negi, something Fate suspects will happen. With that, Fate disappears with the ship, leaving Isana and Honoka behind in the water.
Zazie gets Touta to shore where Mana, Yukihime, Sayo, Chachamaru, and Ayaka join them. Touta demands to know if Yukihime is planning to kill Negi. She confirms it and states this was Negi’s request. Yukihime promises to tell all, then leave the decision of what to do to Touta.
Well, this was certainly an interesting chapter on a number of fronts.
However, before I get started, I again have to ask Crunchyroll how difficult is it to do a little QC (that’s quality control for the Crunchyroll management) before publishing a chapter online? Seriously, even the person putting text in the blank bubbles didn’t go, “Wait a minute. I’m putting the identical same text into two speech bubbles. That can’t be right.” *_*
So, those who can read Japanese, what else did Fate say in the raw below?
That aside, I strongly suspect that Fate’s plan is to have Touta replace Negi, effectively sealing her within his immortal body and neutralizing her with his abilities. If I’m right, it will make Touta’s choice on what to do more difficult and thus more interesting.
I believe Fate’s arrogant presumption on Touta joining him is based on the fact that Touta loves Eva. Since Touta wants to make Eva happy, and Eva loves Negi, then saving Negi brings her happiness, even if it costs Touta his own existence.
Fate would know more about MotB than most since he used to serve her. As such, I found his exposition on Resonance most interesting. (As an aside, after Eva and company’s discussions on the subject were interrupted, I had expected that we wouldn’t get more information for a while. I’m glad I was wrong.) I note with interest that MotB appears to have wings, but also has some sort of chain as well, looking like some kind of chain weapon.
I do like that MotB comes of as not just some possession happy chick from 2600-2700 years ago. With her being cursed, combined with everything else we’ve learned, I get the feeling her possession ability is not by choice. It would be awesome if Akamatsu-sensei would explore this more, and Karin’s “curse” as well.
I loved the incredibly long ranged attack by both Eva and Mana. As a sniper, Mana is obviously expected to be good, but that distance from where Mana took the shot and Eva cast her spell was just crazy. While Mana’s shot was more impressive than Eva’s (Eva was the one who had to report on whether Mana’s shot was effective), it is still incredibly impressive that Eva’s area of effect ice magic attack hit the ship and the area immediately around the ship.
I think it is safe to say that Zazie has had more dialog in UQ Holder than all of Negima combined, and that’s after only two UQH chapters. Further, I think the same can be said for her battle skills. I just loved that look on her face from having her barrier raised to stop his counterattack. As Fate prepared to bug out, I couldn’t help but be reminded of when he first went up against Eva in the Kyoto arc and bugged out rather than get into a messy and uncertain fight. Eva and Mana were bad enough, but a full blooded mazoku to boot and well, exit Fate, stage left.
So, Eva did plan to kill Negi, but only because Negi requested it. I’m really looking forward to the next chapter and Eva laying out her side of things. That being said, I loved how she told Touta that the decision on what to do with Negi would be his.
Finally, with Fate leaving Isana and Honoka behind, and with Zazie not picking them up (at least, not that we saw), I wonder what these two will do now. They have their own gate/teleportation magic, so they might port back to wherever. However, there’s a part of me wanting to see them hang around, show up at UQH HQ, and cause more harem hijinks.
In the end, UQ Holder Chapter 114 was a really good chapter and one that seems give some credence to the notion that Akamatsu-sensei may be back on his game. I am really looking forward to the next chapter!
The second speech bubble says “In exchange he was possessed by her spiritual/mental/soul-tal body.”
With this chapter, I’m seeing a pattern here… with all that stuff about the MotB and Negi, I could compare the situation with the Diablo games… Hero defeats monster, but monster isn’t completely gone, Hero takes the monster’s essence to prevent its return, but as time passes, Hero becomes the monster…
You know, that is a very accurate comparison. I’ve only played Diablo and Diablo 2 (I refused to touch Diablo 3 since it was online only), but you are absolutely right. (Now I want to play some old school Diablo.)
hmm – This is gonna sound odd – I read the korean language version which is called ‘in the raw”, also the spoilers here with the words in japanese which is also considered “in the raw”. So I’m OK so far. Then the spoiler oppai pic of the MotB — it gave me the other definition of “in the raw”. This is one of the rare times I’ve seen having both definitions of that phrase at the same time.
Up to now the MotB has been covered up with the ragged cloak and a partial glimpse of what her face looks like, and now, yes, ‘revealing’ more of herself by other ways. The MotB is also a female, so maybe Tota could charm her to giving up Negi, or that naked punch to disrupt the MotB enough to free Negi? Nah… too easy.
Just a thought, I’m wondering if the black ribbons snaring Negi and Nagi by the MotB is a visual representation of that controlling ‘resonance’?. I know is probably very different, but it kinda looked the same like the black ribbon used by Xiao on Tota, and the same used earlier on Karin too. Karin using her power was able to dissolve the ribbon to free herself which surprised Xiao, so if its the same or similar to the MotB’s, then maybe Karin’s power can also safely remove the resonance controlling Negi and restore Negi back to himself, and a way to save Negi from being destroyed or killed. Karin doesn’t like to use her power, so Fate and the others may not know the extent of Karin’s light or white power too. It then allows Tota to trap and seal the MotB within himself without killing Negi.
I think some folks call the Korean version the “raw” because it isn’t English and it isn’t a language that uses the Latin alphabet.
I think it is.
that picture of Zazie… one clown you don’t wanna mess with
Heh! For sure. Now that she’s shown up, I really would like to see her have a greater role in UQH.
*dances happy in circles* ♥_♥ Zazzie ~♥ my weifu kicks ass lol
Yeah, i do agree that Fate pulling out is simular to the past happenings in the Kyoto arc. Well, Zazzie stated that she is as strong as her Sister who stated that she is at least final boss material… so i guess even Fate would have a very hard time if she goes full out.
Did anyone else feel weird/creeped out from that close up face from Fate??? It feels like he is the born Yandere towards Negi…. -.-” FateXNegi shipping anyone? XD
I have to disagree on the chain as weapon part. I think it should show that she is “enslaved” towards the curse, meaning that the “chain” symbolize a double meaning in her case:
1: That she is bound to it/enslaved to it
2: and that the chains will continue for ever
As for her wings… you can call me creazy but i think we have seen a simular desgin in Negima once before…. thought i cannot remember where…
Ha~ Alone for Zazzie being such a boss is that chapter a 10 out of 10 ♥
Especially with her being backed by Eva and Mana. Mana laying down cover fire that he’d have to defend against, combined with Eva possibly going ME to lay the smack down on him, adding Zazie going all out is more that Fate likely would want to deal with.
Regarding the chain, you may well be right. The image isn’t totally clear since there are speech bubbles, but it almost looks like there is a blade at the end of the chain (to me, at least).
Astro : Yes, this is probably sacrificing Tota, that wants Fate. Kind he found a way to force, the life-maker to change hosts without killing the previous one, the life-maker then take possession of Tota, ad Tota self-destructs with White of Mars or something kind. In all case, I esp
That said, I wonder if his plan (whether extract the life-maker body Negi, and do possess Tota and ask him to commit suicide or something else than that) is really basicaly feasible. I mean, Fate said this with a smile of maniac that we have NEVER SEEN in Negima or UQ!
What makes me say that the guy became half crazy but not realize it and his plan is not feasible and irrational. Funny enough I think, for someone who at the time of Negima and even the beginning of UQ us was presented as the most rational person in the world, in his way of looking at things. I like this contrast ^^ In all case, I hope it will not be anything more unhealthy than that and the Fate plan will not threaten the cosmic and mystical balance the world (literally) or someting like that. I like the idea of a cruel choice without being excessive, as this is the case here. But hey, we’ll see, maybe it’s another thing-but it will be a choice just as interesting and here too, quite “reasonable”.
Yeah, this adds another facet to Fate. If correct, that will make things a bit more interesting to me.
Am I the only one who actually thinks Fate is pulling an Itachi here and looking bad when he actually means well? If I may be so bold, I’d even say he might be planning on getting possessed by the Lifemaker himself, then having Touta kill him, erasing both.
Heck, Fate always had some suicidal tendencies and existential problems, maybe he just learned to hide them better. Negi (and maybe Evangeline, as the three of them seemed to be the closest allies) was the person who taught him a meaning to his existence, it would be pretty believable that he would be willing to sacrifice it for their happiness.
Remember, for quite a while, Fate has seen himself as no more than a doll, always willing to die for what he believes in. And, from Negima, he was never a fan of unnecessary killing, avoiding it whenever possible.
So yeah. I’ll give the only vote ever in Fate’s favor here.
…I mentioned Itachi, and then I looked at the chapter again. God, Fate’s face actually reminded me of Itachi when he was all like “IMMA TAKE YO EYES, SASUKE YEEHAW”
Well, don’t forget the timeline where Fate butchered the UQH folks, including beheading Touta. To be honest, I think Fate may have become somewhat unstable after Negi was taken by MotB. I think we saw a bit of that come out in this chapter.
Well, I’d like to point out that when you’re dealing with immortals, you actually have to butcher them pretty badly in order to win the fight. XD
So yeah.
Ikku destroyed? Nah, it was just one of who knows how many bodies.
Karin “you spin me right round baby right round like a record”? Her imortality is the strongest type along with Touta’s, she most likely survived.
Kuroumaru? Would regenerate eventually, since he left him anyways. The hardest damage to recover from would be the psychological trauma of being thrown away like garbage. >:D
Touta? Same. Could be cured/regenerated later and then learn more about things.
Kirie? Well, the tourists at the elevator always wanted to have a good loli statue.
The Kirie timeline where Fate butchers Touta and the other UQH members backs up your point there. Considering how much better at regenerating they’ve all become, it would be even harder to dispose of the UQH folks.
Also, since being a fan of Fate goes hand in hand with being against everyone else…
HAH. Pulled out?
That may be, but not before avoiding, blocking and nullifying every single thing they threw at him with ease.
Zazie, Eva and Mana may be good, but Fate dominated this chapter without needing to attack even once(Mana herself admitted they could never beat him with that attack :P), Zazie threw a spell and he didn’t even need to actually dodge to get out of it unscathed (not how he also protected the ship), barrier blocking for the win, even going so far as “Whatever, you’re joining me anyways, Touta. Screw this, I’m outta here, screw my subjects too, ‘k, thanks, bye.”
Not saying I think Fate could beat the three of them together (obviously), but he was badass in this chapter because he wasn’t even scratched by the combination attack, despite being taken by surprise.
I wonder how Fate and Eva are going at with the “We’ll fight together in the tournament thing.” Do they meet offscreen to eat some cake with tea and go like:
Fate: “Yeah, that ice spell you threw at me earlier today? That thing was cool, if you know what I mean!”
Eva: “Yeah, should have prepared another in advance, tho, so I could get you with an anti-air when you jumped. Was expecting Zazie to get you. Oh, well.”
Fate: “Water under the bridge… Until tomorrow, then it’s businness as usual. Then we’ll be back to fighting over Touta. Then’ we’ll be back to fighting together.”
No, seriously. Fate and Eva are in a heel face revolving door towards each other ever since this series began. They act friendly, then attack each other. Then act friendly again, then fight again. Heck, I’m confused, are they allies or enemies here?
(*notE how he also protected)
Oh Ragna-san! That’s a familiar face! Am I wrong or as Astro-san, the latest developments increasingly you glad? ^^
And if not, apart from that … WOAH! Superb theory! I thought Fate was willing to sacrifice Tota, or even that his plan would have serious adverse consequences for the whole world) and what would the reason why Eva opposes him.
But I had not thought about the possibility that he might want to sacrifice himself .. But in this case why Eva and Ala-alba first generation want to stop him? If they are willing to sacrifice Negi Fate why not? For Tota I could understand, although artificialy created, it is a boy who has not had the chance to live fully. So that Eva and the others want to prevent him from playing the suicide bomber is logical. More so if the Fate plan could bring dengereux harmful side effects on the world (disruption or even destruction of certain flows of Mana and other ley-lines?) …
But if it is just for Fate to sacrifice himself, I see no reason to stop him. So as wonderful as your theory (and indeed, it would make Fate a real “Itachi-like” ^^), I do not think will be as cool and badass.
Unless of course that Eva and others misinterpret Fate plan and misunderstood him. It a possibility.
And the fact that Eva and Fate have a complex relationship. And property … Apelons that of “comity enemies.” A bit like the mother of Kagari and Chronoire in Witchcraft works. ^^
And in the case of Fate and Eva is more logical that they were former comrades in arms.
How’s it going, Seimei? Good to see you’re still around. X )
Well, I like how the plot finally started to happen again. All these harem chapters literally made me put reading Holder… *sunglasses on * …on hold. YEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHH
Now that it’s looking like the series I started reading again, rather than a (lacking) love comedy, yes, I am enjoying Holder.
Now for my theory about Fate’s plan… Well, Fate never was the kind of person that made his plans entirely clear to others. Remember how long it took for Negi to understand his entire plan back in Negima? Then, to convince him to take a different path, even more effort was neccessary.
Fate is too headstrong about his plans. And, just like I compared him to Itachi, he may be the only one who actually knows what he REALLY wants to do. Maybe he put up a front (for reasons unknown) and is accepting the hate.
Heck, maybe he even wanted to give Touta an actual motive to get strong enough to put the plan into practice (remember how Touta didn’t give a damn about getting stronger and that didn’t change until Fate started antagonizing him?).
So yeah, I’m going with “they misunderstood him because HE, for some reason, wanted that to happen”. Hence, the Itachiness. ROFL
We’ll see, anyways.
As for Eva and Fate ally or enemy thing.
Here’s what I don’t understand: When people are looking, they act as enemies.
But, as soon as anything Negi related comes into play, they throw any hostility out of the window and start acting like true comrades forged in the flames of war, literally going so far as clearly stating they will work together in the tournament.
And here’s something even more strange: When nobody is looking, they are actually meeting and talking about something that’s probably related to their plans (remember when Touta was away and he literally found Eva and Fate hanging out, before Dana appeared?).
Part of me even has the theory that Fate and Eva are actually working together in some as of yet unknown goal related to Negi, and the “the trio separated” stuff is all a hoax.
Fate’s a smart tactician. If Eva goes ME, she’s a powerful force to be reckoned with. We know what Mana can do with her arsenal, and we don’t even know what Zazie is capable of, though she easily defended against Fate’s counterattack. Against all three of them, and presuming Fate doesn’t want to involve innocents in a massive fight, he opted to bail out. Even if Fate could defeat all three, it would be a mess. And if Chachamaru still has her pactio (which she should, since Negi is alive), no doubt she would have joined in as well and brought death from above, which would have meant he’d be defending against four attackers.
I don’t think either term fully applies. They were allies when both were part of Ala Alba. They have the same goal of freeing Negi, but they are at odds on how to do it.
Fate never attacked Zazie; that magic circle was her preparing for the explosion spell that Fate was hit by right after. Fate did nothing but block, dodge, then leave.
It sorta looked like he countered, but you may be right.
Well, I’m sick of being right about crunchyroll being total PoS. Upside it looks as if fate took over Godel.
On the other side, if fates plan is to seal the lifemaker inside touta. Then it will clearly not work, otherwise she would’ve been out on ice by Al centuries ago.
Again the problem with explanation of the lifemakers body hopping, is that it is an observation, thus is incorrect. If the lifemaker only takes over a body when she is killed, then that is hundreds of Nagi level Magisterial dead.
She also had a child, Amateru that held about 75 percent of her mother’s magical capacity.
Which shouldn’t be possible given how magical potential is heredity/genetic. Therefore it wouldn’t be possible; if the lifemaker was being killed as often as Zazie implies or once a century.
Which has been strongly evidenced by Konoka, Negi, and whichever faction has been making bio weapons (Touta and his hooded sister) using mages DNA, that shows high destructive or super solider capacity.
So the lifemaker must of had, an immortal body or been a taboō Hanyo like Setsuna. As well as, if lifemaker was being tortured for over 2000 years, then how the bloody hell did she create mundus magicus, an alternate plain on Mars. Around the era of the Roman empire and the Greeks and Arabia peninsula.
Unless she merge with the deity known as ‘The Mage of beginnings’ or vice versa, which may be be where Al fits in.
One aspect of the lifemaker that makes no sense is how magic cancel manifested in her lineage?! And does how her retconed magia Ereaba allow her to create anything when it’s properties only include absorption, when it explicity does not function like Alchemy.
Oh well, at least Akamatsu-Sensei has gotten the 16 page flow correct.
You’re wrong on several points:
1. Everyone or almost (there are exceptions) can learn magic, it’s not a question of gift or inheritance. IN Revenge, it is true that originate from a mage line greatly facilitates learning (if probably is for the privileged students of Mahora).
2. Fate evoked by torture, is psychological. The life-maker was not tortured in a cell for 2,000 years, was the fact of fully feel the suffering of others, which tortured. That does not mean she did nothing during that time.
So the life-maker and mage of the beginning probably really was still the same being.
@seimei Well, true that everyone or anyone can learn magic. Both Konoka and Negi; as mentioned above are proof that lineage or genetics are the deciding factor of magical potential. But the lifemaker hasn’t had her original body for centuries.
Their are also still some question marks, about Nagi’s Welsh lineage being pure human, and not Dragon folk.
However, Amateru was born 1500 years ago even if she was long lived, she still would’ve been born from a womb that wasn’t the lifemakers original.
Everything Amateru did would only of been possible if she inherited the lifemakers magical capacity, even more so considering the keeper of the graves is her descendant and that she founded the kingdom of Ostia and became it’s Queen.
Being psychologically tortured, for all of one’s existence. Would probably make it difficult to create a pocket dimension the size of Mars, on Mars.
How would Al have factored into this?
Where does this come from? I don’t remember anyone stating that Amateru had that level of power.
I know that officially, Amateru is supposed to be the daughter of MotB. But what if Amateru is the one who took on that mantel after the death of her parent? It would be fascinating to me if Amateru was experimenting with immortality (or the like) to save her parent from death and ended up being cursed by it instead. There would be the added tragedy of the hero of the Magic World haven become cursed, which I think would be most interesting. I doubt I’m right, but there you go.
@AstroNerdBoy Al has everything and nothing to do with it, the knowledge that Al held about the lifemaker. Could only of been obtained from a first account of the lifemaker’s condition or he made her. Al is most likely going to be the final boss after all.
Kishimoto logic and an unfounded educated guess. If a child shares half their DNA with their parents, so 50% lifemaker and 50% a mage on nagi’s level she found. Making a total comparative capacity to lifemaker of 75%.
The lifemaker may of had Amateru, in order maintain her grip on her sanity. The lifemaker ha also lived for 1200 years. So having may have been a change to break the monotony she experienced.
I think MotB has been around closer to 2700 years.
@AstroNerdBoy She was close to 1200 by the time she had Amateru.
Was that in the manga? I don’t remember offhand.
woohoo zazie in this chapter made my day
i also had a thought after reading about the ressonance
what if part of fates plan is to make the people happy by using some sort of wide scale cosmoentecholeia (probably spelt that wrong) type magic.
just dunno how exactly touta would fit into that plan. maybe used like asuna was in magic world?
and ill say it again woohoo zazie!
Now that you mention it, CE might have been MotB’s plan to try to lift her curse.
Each time that I read ‘resonance’, I think about Soul Eater…
The Lifemaker IS a girl at the end.
then, Was she once human? Did she experiment herself to suffer this way in search of immortality? What was what happened to her?
Seeing Fate crying, it surprised me. Was it real tears? Or maybe not. The face of Fate when he said “Let me use your power, so come join me” I thought about star wars, join to the dark side
In these two chapters, Zazie has talked more than in all Negima XD, It is nice to see her again, I wonder if she will be in the tournament as participant or spectator.
Evangeline’s expression when she is with Mana attacking Fate, she has an expression of disapproving XD “He deflected it” I thought ‘with his stone head’
Fate’s expresssion when he left the place, that smile, he looks like a degenerate…lol
Then, Evangeline wants kill Negi because he wants it. I suppose it must have some reason in it. At least this time Evangeline is going to tell the truth to Touta,
About the tournament, Is it obligatory to be in pairs?
As said Bloody Brother Killer about the tournament.
I don’t know if they will work as a team… Unless, they leave their disagreements aside in the tournament
(It is a relation between friendship-hate XD)
I know MotB is supposed to be the parent of Amateru, but I still would love for MotB here to actually be Amateru, who experimented for a “good” reason (saving her parent’s life; thinking she needs to continue being a hero for the Magic World; etc.), but got cursed as a result.
I think Fate has become mentally unstable over the years, so they could have been real.
Ditto, hence my Star Wars based slug on the title of the article. ^_^
I doubt she’d participate, but I would like to see Zazie take a more active role.
I think Fate is becoming mentally unstable.
I hope this doesn’t follow Fairy Tale, like Zeref, the MotB has been around forever, tortured by her ‘curse’ and wants someone to end her life or release the curse so she doesn’t continue to suffer, and to find a surrogate host to occupy/take over. Tota being the solution. It makes me wonder if Fate is working both sides as in with the MotB also to help her to die. Fate x MotB ship maybe ? as in Fate trying to free the MotB too from her current situation. Note that Fate was in tears when explaining to Tota about her. Obvious he has feelings/emotions for her.
It seems its a bigger scale, but similar to Sayoko where she got powerful and then mentally corrupted from seeing/feeling all the suffering and the grief and injustice of those that died by the meanness of others, to want to turn the living into Zombies when her plan was in place. I hope this isn’t a repeat of that scenario and Tota saves the day from whatever the MotB is planning, but instead of Santa involved, its Fate. I’m curious of Sayoko’s warning to Tota too…if it also applies to this situation.
Found it in Chpt 60. Sayoko saying….
” I’ve learned that, with enough time, intricate preparations, and the ability to execute plans quickly, it’s really quite easy to destroy them (mankind). What a fragile race.
Tōta Konoe… take care of Santa-kun. Always remember. The lives you live now were built on our dead bodies. If you get too complacent, your world could be turned upside-down at any moment. I am proof of that. ”
Tōta brushes off what she said and I don’t think he understood what she meant. Yeah, what Tōta is now is a result from what happened in the past.
With Negi appearing, I’m wondering if Negi stopped something the MotB wanted to him to do, by gaining back his control. Seems that in Negima, they only succeeded in delaying what the MotB wants to do. The big question is what the MotB planning? Maybe the Senkyokan segment was kinda getting Tōta and group back to mundane work, trivial interactions, and normal situations of life — ie complacent and unaware of what is happening or going to happen. With Negi appearing, attention is again on freeing him and has pointed out to the Negima characters that time is getting short to free him or do what they need to do.
Only speaking in general terms, her goal is to lift her curse (or so I think). More specifically, I don’t know what she plans. There’s just not enough information yet.
I think that is the path we are following.
I’d almost forgotten about this, but Akamatsu-sensei may have been foreshadowing this a long time. (May 2011, re: Negima 324)
Jeez, I miss the days of intricately-crafted, interweaving story elements… I’m absolutely glad it gives Sensei more time to live and enjoy time with his family, but in some ways it’s like seeing a master Swiss watchmaker become a blacksmith. (⌣_⌣)
In Negima, he certainly did do a lot of foreshadowing. He hasn’t been that way so much in UQH, but with the picking up of more Negima elements, the previous foreshadowing certainly should come into play.
So do I. That’s UQH’s weakness, though I sense that Akamatsu-sensei may be turning this around somewhat.
Now we have another hint on what MotB’s objective ever since Negima. Remember “COSMO ENTELECHEIA”? Where all magical beings that are not real human will find ‘THEIR HAPPINESS’? Well, there it is. MotB wants them all of them to live happily before the destruction of Mundus Magicus to lessen the ‘curse’. She doesn’t want to let the people suffer. Zazie’s explanation makes sense on Nagi and Negi’s disappearance and Asuna’s future while Fate’s explanation makes sense on MotB’s perspective!
LoneWolfx03 -]===-
Yes, this does make the reason for CE make a lot more sense.
I want to see more of those types of fights. Zazie looked amazing<3
I want to see more of Zazie.
Cover Volume 10 UQ Holder is out!
http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580%3B/sign=60ffd6d76b81800a6ee58906810e32fa/d53f8794a4c27d1e63bc149c1cd5ad6edcc438cb.jpg XD
A working link. http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/title?code=1000006525
What do you think will They forced to Work Togheter with the mob
I’m not sure what you mean here.
So… if the MotB has this curse…. then what She meant by wanting ceaselessness way back when was a direct reference to her curse and the usage of C.E was actually the only way for her to actually ‘die’?
So, the whole thing about using CE and sealing the magic world was all just the MotB’s way of trying to kill herself?
So, her plan was not world domination but to actually just release herself of her curse that is this resonance?
Why does this seem to me like the MotB is actually not a evil person but just selfish one?
How the hell did she get cursed anyway?
Plot twist: she ends up being part of Touta’s harem.
I don’t know it meant that (it might have though), but I do think it would mean an easing of her curse, at least to some degree.
It will be interesting learning more about MotB.
Hope they manage to do something for Negi, but it would explain why Negi wasn’t alive when Asuna woke up.
He was alive,m just listed as missing.
I need to go back an reread Negima. I can’t remember if Negi was dead or not. (I was thinking he was for some reason.)
Ultimately, I think that this may be an all new timeline, but we’ll see. Asuna waking up and Negi being dead means UQH failed (even though Akamatsu-sensei likely wasn’t thinking about UQH).
I think it’s more along the lines that this was the “original” timeline where Negi was already dead and Asuna woke up late. I honestly don’t think this will be the case. If this timeline she went back in time, there possibility Asuna either on Inverse-Mars OR she is past away with age like most of the Class 3A girls.