Izetta: The Last Witch 09
Shumatsu no Izetta episode 09
Izetta, Die Letzte Hexe 09
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis
Three months after her return from Britannia, Izetta helps the Resistance ambush a Germanian train. Bianca has a meeting with Sieg to discuss how the Germanian spies discovered the location of the witch’s secret room. Major Obermeyer reports that the Germanian troops are massing on the border with new weapons, believed to be designed to defend against Izetta. Finé has a chat with Izetta on the eve of the battle. On the day of the battle, the Eylstadt on the western front discover that the troop buildup there was a bluff. However, the Eylstadt Air Force already is taking Izetta to the new front. Izetta’s attack is stopped by Sophia, who claims to be the former White Witch.
Three months earlier, Major Berkman learns that his government’s secret research division uncovered the remains of the White Witch Sophie and cloned her. The clone was unresponsive to everything but Izetta’s blood. On a whim, Berkman brought Sophie to the masquerade where she drew blood from Izetta, causing her to recover memory and power. Emperor Otto gives Berkman authority to proceed. As such, in the present, Sophie pleads with Izetta to not get involved. When Izetta rejects this, Sophie attacks.
During the battle, Sophie leads Izetta to a dead zone where her partial gem allows Sophie to retain power while Izetta crashes to the ground. Izetta is stunned since this is supposed to be an area full of magic. The sadistic Sophie uses her powers to bind Izetta with chains. Then, she shows her incredible powers by launching a long range attack on the Eylstadt capital’s air defenses. Once destroyed, she attacks the capital building. With that, planes filled with Germanian paratroopers come in and deploy soldiers. Tanks roll in. Two hours later, the capital falls as Germania films the defeated Izetta.
Thoughts and Review
Well, things kinda went as expected. I figured that Germania either had the original White Witch or a clone of her. Now we know which version was correct.
Clone vs. Original
I had figured that Germania had either cloned the White Witch or they had the original White Witch. Because of the legend, I had thought that it was possible that Germania had the original White Witch’s body. Because of the magic element in the story, there could have been a reason for her to still have her body preserved. However, by using the original, I had been thinking that once revived, the White Witch could be manipulated to resent her former home country, thanks to what the princess had done to her.
On the clone side, it seemed more likely to me that Germania would have a clone they’d created rather than the original body. That’s because the world had shifted more to science, so a science solution to creating a magical being seemed more logical to me. A clone would then easily be trained to fight for Germania without any attachments to a past.
As it turned out, the writers decided to go with a hybrid solution of sorts. They had a clone created, but once said clone obtained Izetta’s blood, the clone then apparently regained genetic memories of her past. Either that or Sophie has been well trained. However, I’m thinking genetic memory is the key here with Sophie having been manipulated by her memories to resent Eylstadt.
Witch vs. Witch
Once it became clear to me that Germania was apparently going to have their own witch to counter Izetta, I’d been waiting for a battle between the two. That happened in Izetta: The Last Witch 09.
Sadly, Izetta didn’t do that well against Sophia. I know Izetta has never battled one of her kind before, so there’s that. Plus, Sophia had the element of surprise. That said, I would have preferred for Izetta to have done better.
I’m also reminded that if Sophia has genetic memory, she has a lot of battle experience. She’s also highly trained as a witch, as evidenced by her devastating attack on Eylstadt’s capital. In that light, it is no wonder that Izetta was so easily defeated.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
As usual, I’m pressed for time, so here are some final thoughts.
- I liked the American styled comic book creation for Izetta’s adventures.
- As I thought, the red gem appears to be used for power storage. The unexpected part is that as the gem drew in power for Sophie to use, it drained the power from the local ley lines.
- Although this series is supposed to be set in Europe, I’m often amused at the Japanese behaviors of characters. For Izetta: The Last Witch 09, we had Bianca start to raise an issue, then decide to leave it. I did roll my eyes at that.
- I liked Izetta’s new weapon ride. And she fired it several times too.
- So what becomes of Izetta? I suspect we’ll see the other half of the gem show up to possibly help her. Also, the rest of the original staff since I tend to doubt that Sophie’s staff is the original.
- Prediction — Sophie ends up switching sides, sacrificing herself after getting to know Izetta.
In the end, Izetta: The Last Witch 09 is a pretty good episode. Lots of things happened as expected, but that didn’t lessen my enjoyment of the episode.
So I wasn’t the only one that found strange the “japanese bowing” greetings and other mannerisms huh? haha
Another thing: Sophie looks a little scrawny on the confrontation with Izetta.
I’m also betting on she changing sides and dying because of that, but I also bet on she being ill (mentally and/or physically), because of the cloning.
One of the many problems of early cloning studies was the shortness of telomeres, and the possibility of early ageing, but that’s questionable nowadays because the empiric cattle cloning of the last 20+ years showed no remarkable sign of that.
But there are other more common problems related to the process: congenital problems as malformations, cardiopathyes, neural/brain problems and more, like tumors and cancer (one theory says that chromosomes having short telomeres are more prone to genetic mutations).
All of these problems can be source materials to the writers to justify some dementia or weakness of Sophie.
Another question is on the genetic source and the method: Partial DNA or actual and “magically alive” cells? The magic can be the excuse for everything.
Cloning using human eggs? (and then not being 100% pure clone, with some organellas from the “new -second- mother”) or something far more advanced like IPS cells? (this doesn’t require another cells for working, and if there were magic cells available….)
Well, all of this wall of text can’t be explained on the remaining episodes, so It’s just me procastinating haha.
And one more thing: Remember that the Germanians said that they have a way of controlling Sophie? I think of somethink like Jem’Hadar and the Ketracel-white drug of StarTrek DS9.
Well, when you think about it, using 1940’s tech to clone something is rather a laugh in itself, but considering the nature of the show, I’ve let that slide.
They used the drug as well as indoctrination in DS9. You may have something though, especially if Sophie happens to need more blood.
Another ‘what if’ – The Prince and original white witch had a relationship, and there was a strong love between them. Nothing so far about any consequences of it, as in the white witch getting preggers. I’m also guessing Izetta is her daughter, and the circle is completed with Sophie getting some memories from Izetta’s blood. The white witch had to hide Izetta for reason, probably to keep her hidden and alive from the witch hunts. Ritchert had Izetta’s blood in a bottle that was claimed to have been taken from Izetta when she was captured. So its odd that Sophie needed to bite Izetta… the only reason would be fresh blood was needed.
I agree that Sophie will eventually see the evil ways of Germania, and she ends up siding with Izetta, but I think add a motherly instinct that goes beyond any form of control will also prevail, and that both are witches, which sets them apart and a stronger bond than from anyone or anything else. I also think as Izetta has confrontations with Sophie, more memories will arise. Sophie could have also easily killed Izetta in the first meeting. She didn’t.
I also found Sophie as hypocritical. She wants Izetta to stop, but at the same time Sophie is doing by her actions in attacking, the same thing Izetta is doing, but for Germania.
If I’m not mistaken Sophie lived 300 years before Izetta first memories with Finé. So maybe she is a descendant, but I don’t think that Sophie is her mother…. but there is always magic haha.
I think it is less for Germania and more against Eylstadt.
Yes magic ! – the ultimate age coverup. Better than any make-up cosmetics or infomercials. Whenever that is in play, age is deceiving or hidden and the person can appear younger or more healthier, youthful, vivacious. Not sure if witches age at the same rate as humans, but seems they tend to live much longer lives. Its seems blood appears to play a bigger role in this manga in both magical properties of blood to change things like ice spears and its magical properties of memories and behavior changes (add that there is no genetic DNA in blood cells).
I’d think that Izetta would be Sophie’s descendant rather than her daughter. Sophie was supposed to be alive a long time ago — hundreds of years earlier, if I’m not mistaken.
True, but Sophie is likely mentally unstable, especially if she remembers her torture from her original life.
I watched the episode 9 again. Sophie has good reasons to hate Eylstadt for what was done to her. But it depends on the legend to Bianca or to Richert which ended differently, where Bianca refused to accept the other version. Somewhere in between is the truth. Based on ww2, Eylstadt had to fall as part of the Germanian conquest. In some ways it could represent the Rhineland, Austria, or Czech. Its how the US of Atlanta sides will be part of it, and I;m wondering if they will show a Dec 7th kinda episode, and what country they use to attack it – being that ww2 is a bit sensitive to Japan. Add that the 75th anniversary of the Pearl attack is in a few weeks.
It may be nothing but water may be important, for water was well represented in that underground secret room. Izetta was around water in the attack on the carrier, and also with snow in the mountains. She wasn’t near water in this last one.
Who is controlling who? Another idiosyncrasy Sophie scolds Izetta of being controlled by Fine with no thinking on Izetta’s own, and yet Sophie is being controlled too. The legend said the true white witch will defend Eylstadt and its people, yet Sophie has a deep hatred aiding in the capture of the capital city. Sophie sounds more like the spurned wife of the Prince which is Richert’s (Germanian) version.
Interesting. I hadn’t considered that. I’m not that versed in witch magic, but you may have a great point here.
True. Unfortunately, her mental state is not good, which blinds her to this fact.
Looking at the photo of the special Germanian air defense tank – looks like a mounted Flak 38 in the back of a extended Panzer III or IV chassis, and the front with a flak-36/37 or 88. Interesting combo idea of german AAA, but I don’t think the front 88 can traverse easily with the flak-38 in the back The front is more like a pre- jadpanzer IV design.
Izetta’s anti-tank ride looks like it has a customized circular drum magazine/back-rest where the smaller versions were used on the MG15, MG38, MG42
I’m guessing Izetta will find the other half of the missing gem – so she can have her own staff too.
I’m also thinking Izetta is going to go “red” and in rage, do terrible things.
Heh – then it will definitely match her red hair!
The preview title is hinting more of what Sophie does as her revenge on Eylstadt, and probably Fine. But I agree, Izetta will retaliate with prejudice, more so if Fine is hurt. Initially Izetta was at a disadvantage as being the one surprised and then attacked. We haven’t seen Izetta’s angry side too much, but when she was upset – she threw tanks around like toys.
Watching the episode for details I think it wasn’t a surprise dead zone – Sophie was singing and collecting flowers as the crystal appeared to be collecting the magic energy or doing something at the beginning of the episode. It appears to be the same area where Izetta lost the power and was captured (again the flowers around Izetta) – so I think and agree with what ANB was saying the crystal appears to have absorbed the energy in that area. Which is why Izetta was thinking the whole area was supposed be full of magic.
For me it now looks more of a planned trap using Izetta’s weakness that showed earlier when she lost her powers while attacking the carrier, and it caught Izetta, and with the cameras already in the area and were ready to put her on display as a defeated and captured witch.
After capturing Izetta, Sophie signalled to attack. I had to pause the video because the planes looked like it had jet exhaust trails… then I saw it wasn’t planes, but V-1 missiles.
I totally missed that. I’ll have to go back and look when I get a chance.
Is Izetta ending soon, as in a few more episodes?
Got the dates from:
I hope its just till the end of the year — dunno — I hope its longer.
I think there are only 12 episodes. And I still need to watch #10.
Eylstadt’s capital is Landsbruck so it is probably representing Innsbruck, Austria.
Moreso of the hint with Fine and Izetta enjoying the Linzer Torte:
History is a bit different, Hitler did a bloodless coup of Austria, nor did the allies do anything to stop him, and more as a appeasement to Hitler. Some reasoning that many Austrians were really Germans….
Thanks for the info.
yum … pic is close — looks like a cherry pie… but definitely very different!