Here are a few SPOILER images for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 143, courtesy of 2CAT. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 143 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.)
The UQ Holder Chapter 143 goodness begins. At the moment, not a whole lot of spoiler images. ^_^;
Nothing too shattering here, considering this is the immediate aftermath of the attack on the space elevator. Hopefully, we’ll get a few more spoiler images. I’ll make updates as needed.
These aren’t spoiler images, but we do get an ad for the UQ Holder! Mahou Sensei Negima 2 Blu-ray box. We also get an OAD episode that I believe is only released with the limited edition UQ Holder Volume 16 tankoubon.
If I’m right, that means that this almost certainly won’t be officially released in the U.S., ’cause the Japanese system needs to fleece the otaku. So as with Negima!, I suspect this will just be a reward for Japanese otaku and anyone else wanting to fork over a ton of cash.
Hopefully, only a couple of days until we get to read chapter 143. I’ll make further updates to this post if more images get posted.
Update: Hata has this tidbit on the Blu-ray release for the TV series.
the first printing UQ TV anime BD box will including 5 pactio cards, each of hotel uniform of Kirie, Karen, and Kuroumaru, plus a teacher pose Yukihime, and last the poll winner Nodoka. release date 01/31/2018.
Thanks for the spoilers! (Let’s see what happens in the chapter, at the moment, you can see that the explosion is scattering on earth) the first OAD will be about Kirie and apparently from the episode when they stop time, well, chapters are coming out of the manga even if it is in OADs.
PS: The preview of chapter 11, it has already come out.
[spoiler] This chapter seems to be like in the manga!, if so, in the next chapter it could be when Asuna appears and helps them. (With a LOT of luck, they could continue and put Santa’s arc as next, because if they eliminate Ialda Negi in a chapter and it ends there… ) ):
I always thought that Ialda had green hair… xD
Yeah, I’m insanely behind.
Chapter 143 is out, on amazon
And CR decided not to include the final page of the chapter.
From what I had read from a video of Ch. 143, Dana had stated clearly that she can’t intervene in the event. Oddly, UQ Holder is set near the year of Chao’s birth. The Dark Nature of UQ Holder’s timeline seems to suggest that it is taking place either in the first timeline or the second timeline. I do prefer the theory of UQ Holder taking place in a different universe. If any of Negi’s enemies have wanted to stop him, the worst which they can do is to prevent the birth of Chao. If Chao is not born, the result will be a dangerous paradox. The same paradox will effect any of Negi’s enemies esp, the Mage of the Beginning.
Oddly, time travel plays an important part in the UQ Holder series. What Dana had stated, the event which had occurred is an important fix moment in time itself. I have got the knowledge of fix moments from the TV series DOCTOR WHO. A fix moment of time depends of the results of what is happening around it.
I do speculated that Chao is due to make an appearance in UQ Holder. Chao may not want to visit the UQ timeline because is set too close to the year of her birth.
Heh! Well, in Doctor Who, the “fixed point” become a convenient plot device to not do certain things. 😉 But with Kirie’s power, there’s no such thing. She can rewrite events.
As to Chao, we’ll see if they bring her in or not. She may end up being another of Touta’s “sisters” for all we know.