UQ Holder Chapter 149 Manga Review (What Might Have Been)

ユーキューホルダー! 魔法先生 ネギま!2 Manga Review
UQ Holder! Mahou Sensei Negima 2
UQ Holder!: Magister Negi Magi! 2 Chapter 149
UQ Holder Chapter 149

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

UQ Holder Chapter 149Eva observes the sleeping Negi and gets teased by Chachazero as a result. Chachamaru removes Chachazero as a result. Negi wakes up and attempts to leave so as not to impose on Eva, but his former Master stops him since he’s so weak. Negi collapses, causing Eva to realize that Negi has magical poisoning from battling the Mage of the Beginning, Ialda. When Negi awakes, Eva is making him breakfast and forbids Negi from leaving until he’s well.

Negi and Eva talk, where Negi shows how with time, he could release Eva from her curse. She wonders if releasing an evil wizard on the world is a good thing. Negi rejects that notion, despite her past. That night, Negi attempts to get out of bed, but has no strength. Eva is irritated and forbids him from leaving for three months. As such, Negi is attended to by Eva, Chachamaru, and even Chachazero throughout the winter and into the spring.

Eva adopts the Yukihime form, which Negi initially sees as his mother, Arika. She uses this size to help Negi with his rehab in walking. The two go for a walk among the sakura and chat. Negi vows to save his father Nagi, also for Eva’s sake. Eva teases him about him treating her as leftovers, but subtlety suggests that now that he’s immortal, they could be together. Negi realizes what she’s saying, hugs her, and thanks her. He won’t abandon humanity and he won’t waste more time doing nothing.

That night, Negi shows Eva how Ialda gains her power through the suffering on Earth. So Negi is going to reduce that suffering on Earth, thus weakening the MotB. Thus Negi spends 40 years doing work, with Ayaka helping him on the political front. On the night before the battle with the Mage of the Beginning, Eva and Negi talk. Eva discovers his cloning plans, since Negi can’t have children.

Eva realizes Negi is not planning on coming back and gets angry. She demands to know how he’s going to save Nagi, since without Asuna, that shouldn’t be possible. He reveals that he’s going to use the 9th spell he learned as a boy–Manus Jaldae, the Hand of Ialda. As her descendant, he believes he can use it. As soon as Negi defeats Nagi and Ialda possesses Negi, the spell will activate inside him, destroying him and Ialda. Eva storms away angry.

Sometime later, Negi teleports to her room on the spaceship they are traveling on, easily bypassing locks and barriers. She angrily and tearfully attacks him, pinning him on the floor, demanding to know why he has never done anything for himself. To further push the point, she demands to know in the name of his former students. Negi says this is what he wants and that he wants Eva and Nagi to be together. Negi starts crying as well, then he and Eva kiss.


UQ Holder Chapter 149 may be the best UQ Holder chapter to date. And if figures, it would not feature Touta and company.

UQ Holder Chapter 149

What Might Have Been

One of the things that made this chapter so good and filled with emotion is that it gives us a look at how things might have been for Eva and Negi, had they become a couple. You have Eva making meals for Negi, doing his laundry, and just enjoying being with Negi. You had Chachazero as their “kid.” And Chachamaru as the ever faithful maid who loves and adores them all.

UQ Holder Chapter 149

Twice during Negi’s convalescence at Eva’s cabin, Eva hinted that Negi could just stay and be with her. Over the years, her interest in Negi grew to where she cared about him, and then fell in love with him as a member of the “monster’s club” as she called it. I never sensed this was her using Negi as a replacement for Nagi. Had Negi chosen to be with Eva, I believe they would have had a happy life. Negi would have freed Eva from the curse, and the two could do whatever with Chachamaru and Chachazero in tow.

For me, it was sad seeing Negi reject happiness for himself, and frustrating that Negi believed Eva would find happiness with Nagi. Eva loved Nagi and no doubt still has feelings there, but she had moved on. Negi never allowed himself to see this due to his ultimate plan to defeat the Mage of the Beginning. And yet at the end of the chapter, Eva has forced him to see this, as evidenced by his tears and the fact that he doesn’t reject Eva’s kiss. Oh, the feels!

Negi’s Plan

In Negima!, we never did see what the ninth spell was that young Negi had learned. Akamatsu-sensei took advantage of this chapter to finally fill in that blank and name the spell–Manus Jaldae. As I recall things, in Negima!, Negi learned these nine spells to fight the mazoku/youkai/whatever that had attacked his village. So presumably, this is some kind of obliteration spell, possibly with a negative effect on the caster as well.

I doubt the spell was intended for use the way Negi is using it as there were no entities that Negi had seen who could possess someone. (Well, at least not that we know of.) But Negi is a master in theorycrafting, only with magic instead of video games. I hope we learn more about the spell.

Still, even at the end when it became clear that Negi planned to sacrifice himself, he’s still spouting about having Eva be happy with Nagi, even though Negi would in theory have to kill Nagi in order to be possessed by her. So I’m curious as to how Negi would have saved Nagi. I wonder if there is a clue in the fact that we’ve seen Nagi with Negi in some encounters with Ialda. Also, since Ialda apparently absorbed the humans Yue and Nodoka, but we’ve seen them alive and kicking, maybe there’s a clue there as to how Nagi could be saved. We’ll see.

Chachazero is Awesome

One thing that will annoy me is if Chachazero isn’t restored to life in the present day of UQ Holder. I know she’s a massive scene stealer, but she is so freaking awesome. I love it when she trolls Eva.

UQ Holder Chapter 149

And yet, she can be just part of the family, like so.

UQ Holder Chapter 149

UQ Holder Chapter 149

The one real laugh I got was Chachamaru removing Chachazero from the room so that Eva and Negi could talk in private.

UQ Holder Chapter 149

Great stuff.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Time to wrap up the review of UQ Holder Chapter 149.

  • It is a shame that UQ Holder is best when it doesn’t have Touta and company in it. Don’t get me wrong, I love Karin, Kuroumaru, Mizore, and Shinobu, but because Akamatsu-sensei never went to the lengths to have us care about them like we do Eva, Asuna, Chachamaru, Chachazero, etc., it is only natural that a story with Eva, Chachamaru, and Chachazero would fare better. I hope Akamatsu-sensei gives us reason to care about the UQ Holder characters.
  • I wonder if we are going to get the implication that Eva and Negi had sex before the final battle. Maybe that’s what Chinese and Japanese fans have been buzzing about when they are talking NTR.
  • Interesting that Akamatsu-sensei decided to remind us of Arika by drawing an image of her. She’s still a massive retcon as far as I’m concerned, but maybe Akamatsu-sensei has come up with a solution for the retcon problem.
  • I’m disappointed we didn’t learn why Eva chose the Yukihime look when she already had an adult form in Negima! Even if that form was not the right height to assist Negi’s rehab, it could have been made taller. But I doubt we’ll ever know why the Yukihime appearance.

In the end, UQ Holder Chapter 149 may end up being the best chapter of UQ Holder to date. I loved seeing Eva’s character growth and a glimpse at what might have been between Negi and Eva. Also, Chachazero for the win!


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38 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 149 Manga Review (What Might Have Been)”

  1. Waffle says:

    Although never mentioned in-universe, side material for Negima already made clear that Manus Jaldae destroys the target’s soul, as entities of high spiritual rank can survive the destruction of their body.

    The real question here of course is whether or not the spell was always created by and named after Ialda in Negima and if Ken actually thought that far ahead or if he just retroactively filled the blank with what’s convenient.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Although never mentioned in-universe, side material for Negima already made clear that Manus Jaldae destroys the target’s soul, as entities of high spiritual rank can survive the destruction of their body.

      Ah. I didn’t remember this. I’ve read the extra materials, but only once and that was a long time ago.

      The real question here of course is whether or not the spell was always created by and named after Ialda in Negima and if Ken actually thought that far ahead or if he just retroactively filled the blank with what’s convenient.

      I would vote on option 2. Akamatsu-sensei probably had some idea about the spell, but kept it blank in Negima! so that he could change his mind. And I think Sensei did a massive shift of Negima! prior to the Magic World arc. And I think that was the second shift in the manga.

  2. safind says:

    I never understood how Arika was a retcon. Could you clear that up, please?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yes, happy to do so. 🙂

      First, until the Magic World arc, Negi cared not one whit for his mother. The ONLY mention of Negi’s mother comes early in the manga, and that’s from his students speculating about Negi’s possible origins. Negi is 100% about his father. No one in Negi’s village talk about Arika, despite the fact that she was an infamous, powerful princess. They only talk about Nagi, who was merely one of her “lieutenants” in the war. But then the Magic World arc comes along and suddenly, Negi is all about his dad AND mom. 🙄

      (As an aside, the fact that Negi didn’t talk about his mother and never seemed interested in his mother was one of the things I took as a clue to support my Nagi = Negi theory.)

      Second, there’s the Eva problem. Eva hung out with the members of Ala Rubra and got to know them quite well. So even though Eva was the notorious shinso vampire and massively powerful evil mage on the Magic World and in the mage communities on Earth, the Ala Rubra members treated her as a good friend. All of this suggests that Eva was with Ala Rubra for quite some time. Yet in all that time, no one ever spoke of Arika. So when she fell in love with Nagi and pursued him to Earth, he never mentions Arika to her.

      The really great thing is that it is impossible for Eva to have hung out with Ala Rubra like she did because Arika also traveled with Ala Rubra. She marries Nagi, and nine months before Nagi goes off to battle Ialda (MotB) again, he impregnates his wife. Then around the time Nagi is possessed by MotB, Arika gives birth to Negi and disappears, never to be heard of or spoken of again until the Magic World arc some ten years later.

      Thus, Arika as a character is a retcon as far as I’m concerned.

      • Andmeuths says:

        It won’t surprise me if it turns out that Negi might actually be the product of artificial insemination, with Nagi as a donor, and this was done for the same rationale that led Negi to clone himself. As a contingency against the Life Marker that became active because Nagi could not eliminate the Life Marker for good. The idea that Akira and Nagi married on the run in a runaway elopement is hence actually a fiction fed to a younger Negi, that an older Negi rationalizes away as a necessity that he himself would have done.

        And that Negi initiated the project to clone himself, in the context of knowing that he wasn’t a child of a romantic ever-after between the OTP of a Shounen action manga, but a desperate contingency. Hence, the project to clone himself is a more sophisticated and even better refined variant of the contingency that he thinks his existence is a product of. And the knowledge of his origins played a large part in his decision to use the ninth spell, despite Eva’s pleas.

        If this is the case, that might explain why Eva finally decides it is now time to fully tell Touta about his origins. Because unlike Negi, Touta has built up a certain level of self-value that Negi never really had underneath his sunny exterior.

        I am actually convinced that the Eva that sent Asuna back and initiated timeline A’, is actually the Yukihime of timeline A who isn’t being necessarily truthful to Class 2A when she tells them she is going to travel throughout other worlds and time-lines to find herself a Nagi. She is indeed going to world-walk, but for a different reason, and with a group of immortals including Touta.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          It won’t surprise me if it turns out that Negi might actually be the product of artificial insemination, with Nagi as a donor, and this was done for the same rationale that led Negi to clone himself.

          Hmmm…that’s an interesting idea.

          The idea that Akira and Nagi married on the run in a runaway elopement is hence actually a fiction fed to a younger Negi, that an older Negi rationalizes away as a necessity that he himself would have done.

          Another interesting idea.

          I am actually convinced that the Eva that sent Asuna back and initiated timeline A’, is actually the Yukihime of timeline A who isn’t being necessarily truthful to Class 2A when she tells them she is going to travel throughout other worlds and time-lines to find herself a Nagi. She is indeed going to world-walk, but for a different reason, and with a group of immortals including Touta.

          Well, I have to say, I like your ideas.

  3. Rob C. says:

    Manus Jaldae is the self-destruct. Negi has always been self-sacrificing himself for sake of humanity. I think waiting 40 years to finally surrender to what he really wants. He wants his master as his lover. Never could do that to his father.

    She had other plans, she moved on when he could not.

    The clone plan makes sense if he wasn’t expecting to survive. However, the plans didnt work out.

    I hope Ken is finally going to mature Touta for this final arch i suspect is coming over the horizon. Which I’m greatly disappointed. The new timeline has more to offer story wise, but were bum rushing to the final showdown from all these scence from the past which would been used to begin the closure of the series.

    I hope I’m wrong, but i don’t think I am.

    • Teenryu says:

      I believe you’re wrong. Because while they are limited on time, i don’t think they will be rushing. We could be talkin in immortals time— and Touta might recommend doing what Negi did, and consequentially bringing in the other unknown Number members, including the other one that’s second only to Eva herself. Not to mention the potential to give us a glimpse of mars now, on top of other things.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        Rob is saying that the feeling of the manga is one of plot threads being tied up in order to end the series. I’ve been sensing that for some time, though my thoughts still are that if manga sales improve significantly, Akamatsu-sensei could make a shift in the manga to keep it going.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I hope Ken is finally going to mature Touta for this final arch i suspect is coming over the horizon.

      As to Touta, I agree. I hope this puts to rest the Eva x Touta ship. Let Touta have his battle harem. 😉

      As to the manga ending, that has been a feeling of mine for a bit now, especially after Cutlass was killed. My marker was, “If Cutlass comes back, then odds are the manga is going to keep going on for a while. If not, then the manga is over.”

      • Karoshi says:

        You’re still bent on trying to end the Eva X Touta ship? It all depends on Akamatsu and how he’ll handle that along the line. But for now, this doesn’t put the the Eva X Touta ship to rest because there’s no telling what will happen since Touta’s still growing and maturing one way or another, and Ken left a goal in its endgame. Either way Touta will be the one to either end Negi’s suffering or rescue him since the choice is his, as said by Yukihime dozens of chapters back.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          You’re still bent on trying to end the Eva X Touta ship?

          Haha! Yes. I dislike this ship even more than Kirie.

          But for now, this doesn’t put the the Eva X Touta ship to rest because there’s no telling what will happen

          True, and the Eva x Touta ship also pushes the inseki fetish. So within the harem, you have the various fetish types and Touta and Eva fit one specific fetish.

  4. Dave says:

    As far as Eva’s “Yukihime” appearance, I’ve always figured she either based it on her mothers appearance (remember we saw her once) or because she used age changing pills that’s just how she would have looked if she had been able to grow up naturally. I think she used some sort of illusion spell in Negima (maybe she couldn’t get the pills) and just chose to appear as the curvy, busty woman she wished she could be.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      She used age-altering illusion magic during her final encounter with Nagi. And it looked like Eva, only as an adult, and a busty one at that. Yukihime doesn’t look like Eva to me. But I do like the idea that Eva adopted more of her mother’s appearance for the illusion spell. Still, doesn’t explain why Eva started going by Yukihime. I hope that info is to come.

  5. Mattcgw says:

    Very good chapter. Akamatsu-Sensei, creating demonstrable reasons and characterisations, for the binary timeline divergence(s).
    Notably why Asuna confronting Negi was important, and her caregiver role in general. Also, the cloning project, and it coming from Negi. Still have no god damn idea what Fate’s role was, if anything in all of this.
    Upside, maybe kuro is a Negi clone. She and Touta easily past for siblings. (full Wendy from FT)
    Natural reasoning for Eva’s yukihime persona.

    Also, I must give great credit, for that end scene implication. Courageous; finally using on of the pro’s of being in bessattsu.

    • Andmeuths says:

      We still don’t know how the cloning project works though. Was Negi cloned straight up? Or was Negi’s genetic code spliced with donors to create hypothetical “children”? Are the clones fertile and able to pass Genetic code down? Could it be that there are “failures” out there who may not have the “Black of Mars” and “White of Venus”, but are carriers for the latent abilities of one or the others, and there are going to be “second generations” down the line that exhibit one ability or another (Chao Lingshen may well be a descendant of a fertile Negi clone in that case.)

      I can see Akamatsu playing the card that genetically speaking, Touta is indeed Negi’s grandson – not a direct clone of Negi, nor a clone of Negi spliced with the genes of a female “donor”, but a product of the genetic blueprints of a first generation Negi clone spliced with the genes of Konoe female and brought to term within the womb of a Konoe female. It won’t surprise me that the initial attempt to clone Negi directly without a second donor, resulted in utter failure.

      I can see Akamatsu also dropping the twist that Kuromaru, and even Kirie are the products of other Negi-cloning projects. But from a genetic perspective, Kuromaru and Kirie are cousins (second generation rejects)- Negi is their biological grandfather, just as he is Touta. But it could also turn out that Kuromaru and Kirie are not descended from Negi at all.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Notably why Asuna confronting Negi was important, and her caregiver role in general.

      Well, this is why I thought she’d be the one with Negi always, including as a lover. And I actually think this was the original intent, but then Akamatsu-sensei changed a bunch of things up prior to the magic world arc, including deciding that Chisame was best girl.

      Also, I must give great credit, for that end scene implication. Courageous; finally using on of the pro’s of being in bessattsu.

      So you think Eva and Negi slept together?

      • Andmeuths says:

        I think neither the manga, nor Eva herself will ever confirm or disconfirm that she and Negi ever did the deed. But I do think that Eva would point out to Touta that romances between immortals don’t quite play out the same way mortals do, and their so called “romances” can get very complicated by the virtue of a long life. From a mortal perspective, 16 years old Eva was head over heels for Touta, 600 year old Eva had a stalker crush over Nagi, and 680 year old Eva had a complicated relationship with Negi that was a cross between master-pupil and a kind of unique intimacy that mortality cannot really produce. Eva is certainly speaking from her experience with Negi, when she claims to Touta that romances between immortals rarely happen because immortals often delay their feelings for one another (because unlike with mortals, there’s an eternity to wait) until it is too late.

        700 year old Eva may well claim that 16 year old Kitty is someone long gone (something Dana definitely has and would dispute), 600 year old Eva is a century ago and a different life-time altogether (after all, Eva outright states that the Eva that won Nagi is not her) and Yukihime is becoming something quite distinct from the vampire that Negi called master. The Ship of Theseus paradox will sail over Touta’s head (the downside of Akamatsu playing the idiot Hero card with Touta’s characterization); but I suspect is an existential issue for immortals, where each immortal has a different answer to. It’s not one young immortals of Kirie, Kuromaru or Touta’s age needs to actually worry about here, so this plot-point is probably only relevant for Eva.

        However, I do think that Eva does care for Touta deeply, and one thing she probably wants Touta to experience, is the trademark Springfield phenomena of being the center of a chaotic wacky harem in their youths. Touta’s experience with a harem of mortals and immortals with very small age differences between each other, is something that from Eva’s perspective, that can only happen once in Touta’s life. Immortal youth only comes once.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I think neither the manga, nor Eva herself will ever confirm or disconfirm that she and Negi ever did the deed.

          I don’t disagree there. We might get an implication that fans can choose to mean what they want.

          However, I do think that Eva does care for Touta deeply

          I agree, especially after becoming his adoptive mother for a few years.

      • Mattcgw says:

        @AstroNerdBoy I’m apathetic to it, either way.
        But, finally some ‘maturity’.

  6. magine says:

    This chapter was emotional, I liked seeing Negi and Evangeline, Nagi’s disappearance, it already had an explanation, he would be doing the same thing than Negi, Chachamaru XD, she knew they had to be alone and with Chachazero there would not be comfortable, also, in the chapter, it showed that Evangeline wanted to be with Negi forever, since she wanted to be with someone like she said to Touta previous chapters, the end of the chapter was sad, it must have been why Evangeline wanted Touta to stay in UQ Holder when he wanted to go to the tournament, she thought she would lose Touta in the same way as Negi (I don’t know why but the scene of Negi and Evangeline being in space and on the ship on the last page, I thought Negi before becoming ‘Darth Ialda’)

    Now, the chapter made me have some questions.

    – I think Negi took the curse from Evangeline for what she said, but then I don’t know why in the chapter “30” Evangeline said “In any case, even in my current state, this level of fire is hardly any trouble” Did it means that Negi couldn’t took the curse completely?

    – I thought that Evangeline didn’t know how to cook, since, in the first chapter, she made the food and Touta threw fire through his mouth… So, Why did she say in this chapter that she knew how to cook? or maybe she just knows how to cook soup ^_^”

    – In the chapter “24” Albireo, Fate, Mana, Negi and Evangeline showed up and they were going to look for Ialda, wasn’t Albireo possessed by Ialda? In the next chapter Negi will be possessed by Ialda, won’t he? So, how did that scene happen?

    – How was UQ Holder created? It was created by Evangeline and Negi, I suppose, so had it to be created before this chapter, hadn’t it?

    – Why did Chachazero stop working? I thought she fought with Ialda, but I don’t see her there.

    – And about Ialda, I don’t know if it was like that, but correct me if I’m wrong, Amateru is the daughter of Ialda and started the old royal family, and I think that family is from which Asuna descends, if Ialda created the magical world and gave descendants to a family that could block her and allow her to be defeated, Why did she it? She had Amateru, if she had not, they would not have found a way to stop her.

    PD: This is not so important but what will be the next of the missing numbers in UQ Holder to show up, I would like it to be the vampire, I don’t know if he only appears at night and if he does feed on blood.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I think Negi took the curse from Evangeline for what she said, but then I don’t know why in the chapter “30” Evangeline said “In any case, even in my current state, this level of fire is hardly any trouble” Did it means that Negi couldn’t took the curse completely?

      Well, we just don’t know. I suppose that could be the reason Eva seems weaker in UQ Holder than she was in Negima.

      I thought that Evangeline didn’t know how to cook, since, in the first chapter, she made the food and Touta threw fire through his mouth… So, Why did she say in this chapter that she knew how to cook? or maybe she just knows how to cook soup ^_^”

      Haha. Plot holes.

      In the chapter “24” Albireo, Fate, Mana, Negi and Evangeline showed up and they were going to look for Ialda, wasn’t Albireo possessed by Ialda? In the next chapter Negi will be possessed by Ialda, won’t he? So, how did that scene happen?

      Hahaha! I’d forgotten about that. Al shouldn’t be there if this happened after the encounter. I suppose this scene could be from before Negi’s first encounter with MotB. But then Eva couldn’t be there due to the curse. So seems like plot hole to me.

      How was UQ Holder created? It was created by Evangeline and Negi, I suppose, so had it to be created before this chapter, hadn’t it?

      That’s true.

      Why did Chachazero stop working? I thought she fought with Ialda, but I don’t see her there.

      That’s what I want to know as well. Not sure Akamatsu-sensei will bother though. Chachazero is a scene stealer, so while she’s fun to use, I suspect Akamatsu-sensei wants to keep her on the shelf.

      As to MotB, no clues to your questions.

      This is not so important but what will be the next of the missing numbers in UQ Holder to show up

      If I had to guess, signs point to “no.”

    • Waffle says:

      We have no way of knowing most of these. Only time will tell, but..

      Albireo is capable of creating a physical copy of himself or something like that. The specifics are unknown and haven’t really been explained but it’s already in his name.
      Albireo is the name of a binary star; which is two stars held in a constant orbit by their gravity.

      As for why Ialda had Amateru.. are you asking why people have children? Because that’s a rather silly question. And I think the White of Mars is passed down to descendants (although not all of them apparently) whether Ialda wants it or not.

      Maybe Ialda used to be decent. In fact I’m fairly sure she was a good person, and still is depending on your perspective. She’s just very extreme about her methods these days. Even Fate mentions that the Resonance might not have broken her when it started, or maybe she was always broken.

      Who knows how long Ialda has been trying this Cosmo Entelecheia thing?
      According to legends Amateru saved the world (which one is unknown) with her knight, if Ken hasn’t retconned it because that happened quite early in the manga.

  7. Yue Ayase says:

    Man this story got super depressing the last few chapters. Jeez…. I assume the next chapter is the last one of the flashbacks. And perhaps we head into end game?

  8. Mattcgw says:

    With all this “maturtiy’ mayhap a konosetsu wedding night flashback will be in order.

    • andmeuths says:

      If you want depressing and “maturity”, consider the implications of Timeline A’, where Negi get’s with Chisame and Eva get’s with Nagi.

      Remember, Chisame and Nagi are both mortal, and Negi and Eva are immortal. In the short-run in immortal terms, they will be very, very happy. In the long run though, assuming Negi doesn’t choose to renounce his immortality via Manus Jadae (ie: suicide) , there will come a dark day where neither Nagi nor Chisame are around. And I can see Chisame to be the kind of person to forbid Negi to mourn her forever. In the long run, Negi and Eva are going to be all that remains. Welcome to the monster club Negi. Welcome to the implications of eternity. It won’t surprise me if Eva takes Negi on a long journey, just to manage the transition out of mortal life.

      And in the timeframe of centuries… well, anything could happen. Even mortal taboos could be broken.

      In the context of Negima as a harem, once you start contemplating out to the 2130s, a certain logic starts to take hold: in the long run, when the protag is immortal, the immortal haremette stands the highest chance of eventually winning after a certain sense.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I doubt we get that much. At best, it would be a scene where if you wanted to, you could say they slept together and if you didn’t want to, you could say they didn’t.

  9. Team Eva says:

    So is it implied that Negi and Eva had sex? And I thought he liked Chisame? Omg this is so confusing

    • Rob C. says:

      You realize there reason why Eva and Negi happened for a Chisame? [spoiler]Chisame is dead, that’s why he was so beside himself after being poisoned magically.[/spoiler]

    • Rob C. says:

      I do wonder though. With Eva having been a relationship with Negi on level entire 3A Class would been dreaming of. It does spell out….why is Diane pushing Touta to show Eva what love is. SHE HAD NEGAI! Unless it wasn’t much “love” in that relationship.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      So is it implied that Negi and Eva had sex?

      Well, not yet. They merely kissed a long time. Now if in the next chapter, we see Negi or Eva departing from a bedroom, leaving the other in the bed sleeping, one could say that it is implied that the two spent the night together.

      • Rob C. says:

        I’m pretty sure they did. I know they can’t openly say it since their showing eva in her Child form which would open ALOT bad things in the West. Wish hell they had shown her as an Adult.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I understand why they didn’t. After all, that’s how Negi’s known her the longest.

  10. Robert says:

    Negi had done his best to overwhelm Ialda’s hold on Earth. Negi had thought that he could destroyed by sacrificing himself. Unfortunately, Negi was not aware of will happen if he had beaten his father. After Nagi’s death, all Ialda had to do was to transfer herself from Nagi’s body into Negi’s. Touta is well aware of what may happen if he tries to defeat Ialda like Negi had done. Dana’s use of the Happy Ending in the Negi-verse may provide Touta some clues on how to defeat Ialda the Mage of the Beginning.

    Given the fact that Touta has some of Asuna’s DNA, he has the power to nullified magic. Toua has to figure out to use the magic nullification power which he had inherited from Asuna.. Ialda is a very powerful being. Since Touta is one of Negi’s successful clones, Ialda’s daughter is his ancestor.

    Negi’s ideal of creating clones of himself was a way to continue his efforts to stop Ialda if he fails. The scientists who work of the cloning project included descendants from some of Negi’s students. Touta and Cutless were only the two known successful clones. There are likely are other successful clones of Negi whose identities are hidden and Touta is not aware of. One of the hidden successful clones is connected with Chao.

    There is a chance that Chao is one of Negi’s successful clones. Chao being one of Negi’s clones can help to explain Chao’s claim of being one of Negi’s descendants. Yet if Chao had parents, one of her parents was one of Negi’s successful clones. Right now, All I can safety say about Chao is focus on the importance of her visit to the past.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Dana’s use of the Happy Ending in the Negi-verse may provide Touta some clues on how to defeat Ialda the Mage of the Beginning.

      Yeah, I agree there. Actually, I don’t disagree with any of your points.

    • Rob C. says:

      Depends when she was born. She was suppose to have been born on Mars. It would explain something if the surviving clone had ended up there if she/he turned out not to be magical as Chaos was.

      Who knows, maybe Ken will remember and at end of the series we’ll see Touta visiting one of his lost siblings who just had child named Chaos. Or they could say they were going name her that, but they changed their minds. After all, Mars she grew up with doesn’t exist as far we know. Magical World didn’t collapse.

      Wasn’t the the point of the original series? MotB was infact trying save everyone on Mars (humans) and pack them in a horrible dream like setting safely comfortable away from the destruction of Mar’s Magical World.

      • Robert says:

        According to Chao Lingshen’s brief bio in Negima Wiki, she was born on November 1, 1988. November 1, 1988 was a cover story. UQ Holder’s timeline is set before the year of Chao’s birth. The year of Chao’s birth can still be 2087. Right now like I had stated, Chao’s importance is focus on her visit to the past.

        Since Dana is a master of time magic, she is aware of what can happen in the future. Yukihime/Eva has known about Chao’s visit to the past. UQ Holder is set in a dark future where there is a large gap between the wealthy upper class, and the lower classes. Chao was born on Mars. Chao is suppose to be one of Negi’s great-grandchildren. It is likely one of her parents is one of the successful Negi clones.

        Because of the references of Asuna, the events of UQ Holder! may be set during its second timeline. Somehow, something has gone wrong in UQ Holder’s second timeline. Like Negima’s second timeline, UQ’s second involves the timeline when Asuna was asleep.

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