Happy Independence Day 2024!

Happy Independence Day 2024!

Hey gang! Since I’ve been on a publishing roll lately, I figured that I’d publish something, even though I’m out of town. Regardless, for the folks in the United States of America, I want to wish you all a very happy Independence Day this July 4, 2024. I hope you all have a good one. Lord willing, I will as well.

Haiyore! Nyarlko-san – 12

New anime cour is upon us. I’m going to try to blog the Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest anime. I never bothered with the original anime adaptation. Frankly, the source manga was enough. But I’ve not read the source manga for this spinoff-sequel. All I do know is that Mashima-sensei didn’t do the art for it, but I guess he did do the story for it. So that will be a change of pace for me.

Anyway, for those who celebrate, enjoy the holiday!

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