Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12 (The Beat Goes On #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Nebaru decides to spare Wendy and destroys the orb. Charle (Carla) insists Wendy pursue him, so she does. Somehow, Wendy catches up to him, despite having most of the cocoon around her. As such, Nebaru eats a bunch of gum and attacks Wendy. Meanwhile, Erza cons Jellal into freeing her. In turn, she binds him, which he takes in a sexual way.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

Elsewhere, Laxus impresses Kiria. However, her desire to consume him overrides her mission to destroy the orb. She pays for it by taking a crushing defeat, causing her to wonder if she loves Laxus. Erza arrives and realizes she won’t be able to take down Laxus without help. However, she decides to face him anyway.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

Still elsewhere, Natsu relishes the thought of fighting Makarov, even if possessed by Wraith. At the same time, Wraith wonders why he syncs so well with Makarov. After Wraith-Makarov exchange blows, Wraith suddenly has access to Makarov’s memories. As such, Wraith learns that he died on a mission while a member of Fairy Tail. Further, Makarov was his friend. To that end, Wraith finds peace and passes on.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

At the same time, a drunk Cana comes up on Gray and Juvia. Lucy shows up and surpresses Cana’s attempt to cast Fairy Glitter. However, when Lucy attempts to use Cana’s capture cards, she gets trapped. Cana wakes up and frees her, revealing she’s not under hypnosis, thanks to her inebriation. They go around capturing unconscious Fairy Tail members. In the meantime, Natsu and Happy find the Touka, who pleads for help.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12


While Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12 does all of the usual, cliched things, it continues to do those unexpected humor moments. I appreciate that.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

The Battles Continue

I mentioned that in the previous episode, we didn’t get to see Laxus beat down Kiria. But in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12, we did get to see them clash, and Kiria take a beating. I chuckled when Kiria wondered if she now loved Laxus.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

I appreciated the fact that Lucy could not use Cana’s cards. And I’m okay with the notion that Cana didn’t get hypnotized thanks to her inebriation. However, the story kinda jacks things up by making Cana get insta-sober. Whatever.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

If Wendy could break her arms and legs out of Nebaru’s cocoon, why couldn’t she break free completely? I suspect the decision was, “She looks adorable, like someone wearing an egg costume.”

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

I got a laugh out of how Erza dealt with Jellal. Man, his continued desire to get freaky with Erza continues to amuse me despite myself. It is so wrong that he’s sitting there bound, waiting for Erza to do something to him.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

Finally, we get a brief fight between Natsu and the possessed Makarov. That leads to the rather convenient “Oh, Wraith was a Fairy Tail member before he died.” I had a difficult time buying this.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12 gave me a few unexpected laughs. That countered some of the rubbish moments, and enhanced the standard fare stuff.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12

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4 Responses to “Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 12 (The Beat Goes On #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)”

  1. Yue Ayase says:

    I haven’t touched any of this series and only briefly read the manga out of morbid curiosity. I have to ask, and I’m sure I know the answer already…

    Is Lisanna relevant here?

    I think I told you this when you gave your final review for the original series but I was deeply frustrated by how this character was nothing more than a cheap plot device to give Natsu some actual sad backstory only for it to be invalidated when it was revealed she was alive the entire time. But the fact that she was never really relevant again always rubbed me the wrong way. At least if she came back and was presented as a serious love interest for Natsu like she seemed to originally be then I would’ve been okay with the cheap reveal that she was alive in Edolas without any real explanation. Or if there was one I completely missed it.

    That she continually got waylaid for Lucy (who really isn’t an interesting character at all) felt like Mashima wrote himself into a corner with Lisanna and just put her on the bench for basically the remainder of the series aside from some token appearances just to remind you that she’s still around.

    It’s the pitfalls of any lengthy series but Mashima really shouldn’t have expanded the cast the way he did. I’m looking at the images and just trying to remember who some of the characters were or what their personalities were like. I see Grey and Juvia and all I can think of is “Shirt = Off” and “Loves Grey obsessively” respectively. There has to be more to both of them but it sure doesn’t seem that way…

    I promise not to rant about this series after every episode. But to me Fairy Tail is the series that had the most missed potential due to poor character writing and story choices.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Is Lisanna relevant here?

      Not really. She had her extended moment with her siblings when fighting Lucy. That’s about it.

      I was deeply frustrated by how this character was nothing more than a cheap plot device to give Natsu some actual sad backstory only for it to be invalidated when it was revealed she was alive the entire time.

      That’s a mainstay of Mashima-sensei. In this very episode, the ghost villain Wraith discovers that when he was alive DECADES ago, he was a member of Fairy Tail. 🙄

      But back to Lisanna, you are correct on everything. And Mashima has done this a lot to provide cheap, plot twists. Jellal and Erza’s past together springs to mind. Or Jellal having another persona, complete with its own physical body (if I recall correctly). And I expect more of that kind of cheap writing in this new series. (I don’t think it will matter to the fans though.)

      • Yue Ayase says:

        I figured as much. I feel so bad for anyone who’s a fan of Lisanna because she provided an interesting dynamic and actually had something dark in the series before it was tossed in the trash. I know Mashima is really afraid of making his series too dark or permanently altering his characters (I seem to recall Grey dying at one point then being back the very next chapter), but it still hurts to see a character just completely ditched in favour of the “canon couple” who somehow still aren’t together.

        As for Jellal… I think I disliked him from the get go and the way he’d just keep appearing. Like Lucy and Natsu, Mashima seems afraid to fully commit them as a couple for whatever reason. He honestly would’ve been better off dead or whatever his backstory had originally stated. But again, can’t have our series make you think about dark and tragic stuff…

        Erza like Lisanna deserves so much better than what she gets. And now her love interest is apparently a masochist. Awesome writing, Mashima. Keep it up.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I know Mashima is really afraid of making his series too dark or permanently altering his characters

          His newest series, Dead Rock, is kinda dark, but still Mashima-sensei through and through. One character was killed and resurrected as a zombie. Another character just got killed unexpectedly. We’ll see what happens, but the series is a monthly one, so it may take a while.

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