Keroro Gunsou Episode 125 (Kaiten Sushi and The Fly #SgtFrog)

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125
ケロロ軍曹/Sgt. Frog
Anime Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Keroro takes the platoon to an alien, kaiten sushi place. However, his “treat” is just a ¥200 coupon on a ¥1000 expenditure. Keroro overthinks everything when the conveyor belt brings out everything from cheap to expensive sushi, but lots of other items as well, including desserts. In the end, Keroro overeats after others get the expensive sushi, so he decides to scarf on everything. When they leave, he learns that he could have ordered any sushi he wanted.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125

The trip to the sushi joint reminds Keroro that they have a countdown to complete the invasion of Earth. As such, he decides to clean the store room and discovers a teleportation pod. When he gets in, a mosquito is there with him, so that when he emerges from the exit pod, he and the mosquito have mixed. The mosquito-Keroro can still communicate for a time, but eventually loses his mind.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125

Meanwhile, Kururu figures out what happened. As such, they need to get the Keroro-mosquito captured and reverse the teleportation process. After much struggle, the platoon, Fuyuki, Mois, and Natsumi manage to snag it. While Kururu is successful in restoring the mosquito, Keroro is now merged with a Gunpla kit.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125


Two fairly harmless tales in Keroro Gunsou Episode 125. For story one, the trip to the kaiten (conveyor belt) sushi place was fun. I’ve been once. But the place I went to had multiple colored plates, each one with a different price. However, it is a cool, “all you can eat” concept, providing you can pay for all you got. Seeing Keroro overthink things made me chuckle a bit.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125

I expected there to be a joke about not having enough money to pay the tab. Shockingly, this wasn’t the case, and that’s a good thing.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125

The second story is a straight up parody of the 1986 film, The Fly. Never saw it, but the moment I saw the pod, I immediately knew everything that would happen. However, as a parody, it was humorous and fun.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Keroro Gunsou Episode 125 contained a couple of harmless, fun stories, including a fun parody of a horror movie. That aside, it did make me want to visit a kaiten sushi place again.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 125

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