Keroro Gunsou Episode 128 (Zero-Sum Game #SgtFrog)

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128
ケロロ軍曹/Sgt. Frog
Anime Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

With the counter to complete his invasion of Earth winding down, Keroro takes the platoon to the O-Gero-sama (frog) shrine for good luck. While watching the lady working the booth to sell O-Gero-sama merchandise, Keroro finds a statue that resembles Giroro. As such, he sets up a store in town to sell O-Giro-sama merchandise and wishes. Natsumi becomes suspicious of Keroro’s scheme.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128

However, the store becomes massively popular as the O-Giro-sama appears to grant wishes. As such, Keroro is raking in the cash, but wants more. Momoka gets her wish granted, so she buys up all of Keroro’s inventory. As such, he makes a wish for a prototype Gunpla, and his wish gets granted. In fact, everyone’s wishes get granted. However, in exchange, something bad happens to balance the scales.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128

A little later, Fuyuki learns about the counter, Mash. Space Policewoman Poyun shows up, charging Keroro with an Intellectual Property theft. Turns out, the O-Gero-sama shrine was run by an alien from Geron. Poyun issues a judgement, giving the alien all of Keroro’s O-Giro-sama profits.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128

Fuyuki makes a final wish for Keroro not to be forced to leave. As a result, a freak storm fries Mash, killing the counter. However, a warrior weapon named Kiruru emerges, who has a track record of taking down entire planets by himself.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128


I don’t know what the season breakdown for Keroro Gunsou is, but Keroro Gunsou Episode 128 seems to be a penultimate episode, based on how it is written. (It was a penultimate mid-season episode.) That aside, looks like the countdown device Mash has been destroyed for good. So now, all that’s left is to see how Keroro’s squad deals with this Kiruru person. I wonder if Kiruru is a cybernetic being.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128

Regardless, the episode was kinda fun. I got a kick out of seeing everyone getting their wish granted at the cost of something else. Of course for Keroro, the zero-sum game means that the status quo stays firmly in affect. So all of the riches he made get taken away from him. This principle also means that at the end of this arc, nothing will have changed. I do wonder how this series got 358 episodes without doing anything to change the status quo, save to continuously add new characters.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128

For me, the funniest aspect of the episode was Keroro getting busted for IP infringement. The moment Keroro created his O-Giro-sama product line, which was so similar to the O-Gero-sama product line, I figured the Japanese would make sure IP theft would be addressed. After all, when it comes to anime and manga, they can be pretty tetchy, even over fair usage material.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Keroro Gunsou Episode 128 is a pretty harmless, fun episode that I’m guessing brings us near the end of a season. (Edit: It does not, as episode 154 wraps up S3. It looks like the next episode is a mid-season ending.) We’ll see what nutty way everything gets resolved.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 128

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