Review Plans for 2025!

Review Plans for 2025!

Hey gang! Hard to believe 2024 is already over. I swear, the years go by faster and faster. Regardless, I thought I’d take a look ahead and see what’s what for reviewing. For the Winter 2025 cour, I don’t see anything of interest. For the Spring 2025 cour, I saw one title that made me take a second look at it. But I’m still not feeling in.

So, does this mean that my reviewing days are over? Not hardly. I do have an insane amount of anime I’ve never watched. So here’s some stuff I’ll be reviewing in Winter 2025.

Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End

I have twelve episodes left in the Frieren series. And I am current with the manga, which is on indefinite hiatus. But the second season of the anime is coming, so I want to finish the first season. And it is really good, so that won’t be a problem.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 13

Lupin the 3rd Part II

I know I’ve watched at least part of Lupin the 3rd Part II in the past. And there’s 155 episodes, so there’s plenty to episode blog. Also, I’ll squeeze in a special/OVA from time to time.

Lupin III Angel Tactics

Various Manga

Right now, I have five volumes of Sweetness and Lightning that I read, but haven’t reviewed. I’m going to need to reread them for sure. Then there’s volume 18 of A Certain Scientific Railgun that I also read, but haven’t reviewed. I had some new stuff come in for series I’m reading, so I do need to read them. But then it is to the bookshelves to see what title I need to read and review (or reread and review, as the case may be). Oh yeah…I think I have another volume or two of Natsu no Arashi.

Sweetness and Lightning manga

Speaking of manga, I kinda miss chapter blogging titles. I stopped Tonikaku Kawaii ’cause Viz’s adaptation makes my eyes bleed. If Frieren comes back, I could do it I suppose. Not sure I care enough about Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest to do it. Mashima-sensei also has a series called Dead Rock that appears to be monthly. Maybe I’ll check that out, but who knows.

Now, I just need to find my motivation.

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2 Responses to “Review Plans for 2025!”

  1. Yue Ayase says:

    I plan to read Negima and UQ sequentially at some point.

    …I think that’s it, though. I lack motivation to try anything new.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      “Spy x Family” is quite good, as is “Frieren” when it comes to current manga. The “Railgun” manga has also proven to be really enjoyable. Also, the “Ascendance of a Bookworm” series is good, though it is an adaptation of the source novels (but faithful, as I understand it).

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