Top 5 Anime AI Characters
I recently saw a video where a company is selling an AI android girlfriend. She can move and talk, but that’s about it. So I thought it would be fun to do a top five list of anime AI (android) characters. I don’t recall watching anything recent featuring an android character. As such, most of these will be old school characters. Also, this is a personal list, based on anime I’ve seen.
#5 Ifurita — El Hazard: The Magnificent World
What’s not to like about an AI, bioroid, weapon of mass destruction in human form? That’s what Ifurita from El Hazard: The Magnificent World is. If you asked me what I remember most from the OVA series, it is Ifurita’s character. I remember loving her arc in the series as she grows beyond the weapon. But she can still smite one’s enemies. 😂
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#4 Chachamaru — Negima!
If you are an immortal vampire, then why not have a near immortal android as your servant? Thus Chachamaru from Negima! enters the scene. For the most part, Chachamaru takes the role of a simple maid, serving her master. However, she too grew beyond her programming, discovering if she had true feelings or now. Plus, when it comes to combat, Chachamaru is skilled in all sorts of weapons, and even has built in ones.
#3 Chii — Chobits
If you find an attractive, female android in a trash pile, what do you do? Why, take her home, of course. Naturally, when all she initially says is, “Chii”, that’s what you name her. Thus we have the seemingly broken, AI female lead for Chobits. While Chii doesn’t have any combat abilities, she is adorable and loyal. Further, she has an interesting character arc as she starts to learn things. And while she’s “fully functional”, there’s a price to pay for that. 😅
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#2 May — Hand Maid May
Imagine mistakenly purchasing an expensive, 6″ AI Cyberdoll. Despite her small size, she’s a delight and tries her hardest to help you. However, when you can’t pay the bill, she’s taken away. While you lament her loss, a life size version of the same Cyberdoll, complete with all her memories arrives for free. That’s May from Hand Maid May. While she has no character arc to speak of, May is adorable and a delight, as are her sister Cyberdolls.
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#1 Naomi — Armitage III
Take a new job on Mars as a cop. Get assigned a sassy, badass, female partner. Then discover that she’s not in fact human, but forbidden, AI bioroid technology, whom the now matriarchal Earth wants exterminated at all costs. I give you Naomi from Armitage III. She’s quit good as a cop, and quite skilled in combat. However, she gets the added bonus of reproduction. She definitely makes this four episode OVA series very memorable.
Any favorite AI characters? Let me know in the comments below.