Top 5 Anime AI Characters I recently saw a video where a company is selling an AI android girlfriend. She can move and talk, but that’s about it. So I thought it would be fun to do a top five list of anime AI (android) characters. I don’t recall watching anything recent featuring an android
Posts Tagged ‘Hand Maid May’

I Think I Need Some "Hand Maid May" Time

Whew! The last couple of days have been very busy for your’s truly, as I attempt to FINALLY clean up all of the old blog posts that have their images jacked up. Its a very tedious task and prior to two days ago, was a task that took an insane amount of time as I

Why the Harem Genre?

Why the Harem Genre? Considering my nutty schedule this month, which makes watching anime nearly impossible, I was trying to think of some anime or manga-related topic I could discuss. As I looked at my tastes in anime and manga titles, I find that I have a strong preference for the so-called harem titles. So

OK, So I Had To Get These “Hand Maid May” Items

OK, So I Had To Get These “Hand Maid May” Items I can’t say that I’m a huge collector, but Hand Maid May holds a special place with me and I’d been long considering purchasing the art book and a manga. Well, I finally broke down and splurged on the O/T money I made in

Anime Maids (Because I Can)

Anime Maids (Because I Can) I needed to do some image testing on the upgraded Blogger interface and figured what better way than an image post. ^_^ Since the Clannad Maids post I made a few days ago was pretty popular (I’m always surprised at what posts draw higher traffic numbers), I looked through my

Hand Maid May Love Time

I had SOOO intended on being productive, but to tell the truth, I needed a down day to do N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Well, OK. I didn’t exactly do nothing, but outside of a few errands and starting my dishwasher, I didn’t do anything productive. So my day was mostly spent watching Hand Maid May as it is
AstroNerdBoy Turns 39!

Woo!Hoo! Happy birthday to me, y’all! It doesn’t seem like it was all that long ago that I was 19, living in Japan, seeing anime stuff for the first time (but certainly not being a fan), and having my mind corrupted to become a future fan. ^_~ Since I did a manga image last year,

Hand Maid May

Hand Maid May Back when I first truly got into anime in 2002, one of the anime titles I chose to view was Hand Maid May, which clocking in at 10+1 episodes ensured that my investment of time wouldn’t be that great and I would get to see an anime to see how a then