Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 110 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Kirin gives Laxus a good beating. He then tells the spirit of the dragon Elexion that it is time to consume Laxus. As a result, Laxus comes under considerable pain.
Thirty years prior, then Diabolos Master Georg slays the Lightning Dragon King, Elexion. He tells the child Kirin that Kirin has to consume the dragon’s flesh in order to gain its powers. Georg saves the heart to sell for a lot of money in order to turn it into a magical crystal.
Afterward, the child Kirin begins to have nightmares and believes he has a dragon curse. Georg scoffs at the notion. However, Wraith tells the young Kirin that he’s being affected by a dragon spirit. Wraith appears to catch the spirit and put it into a small chest. Unfortunately for Kirin, he will have to live with the voice of the dragon.
Back in the present, Kirin shatters the coffin to free Elexion’s soul. However, Laxus pulls out the lacrima from his chest, shocking Kirin. Laxus claims to hear Elexion’s voice. He gathers the “soul” and consumes it. With that, Laxus defeats Kirin. He reveals that he never heard any voices. There was only magic in the coffin.
Well, I gotta admit, Laxus yanking out his lacrima wasn’t what I expected to find in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 110. I vaguely recall the story about Laxus and his lacrima. That aside, I was completely wrong on the Elexion angle. He wasn’t actually there, so I presume that was just his magic that was sealed in the coffin. I was sorta right in that Laxus did consume the “soul” (actually magic).
I guess Kirin became mentally unstable and felt guilty after eating the dragon flesh as a child. Still, if there was no actual soul at the end, then what did Wraith capture and seal? Perhaps rather than a spirit, it was the essence of the dragon, containing some of his magical powers. Sadly, it is not clear and I suppose Mashima-sensei leaves it to the audience to decide.
Regardless, what happened to Kirin as a kid is really jacked up. Further, upon seeing such child abuse, I’m more convinced than ever that Diabolos will be redeemed and become allies of Fairy Tail, which is pretty much standard practice for Mashima-sensei.
Final Thoughts and Conslusion
In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 110 surprised me with Laxus removing his own lacrima. On the other hand, Laxus defeating Kirin was not surprising. But it was still an interesting read.