うる星やつら episode 46 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 46 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum and Rupa come to a secret agreement to have his space pigs eat all the dark mushrooms on Earth, regardless of the outcome of Lum’s challenge to Ataru. Meanwhile, Ataru starts his ten day marathon to grab Lum’s horns. Despite everyone begging him
Archive for the ‘Anime’ Category

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 23 (War Zone Heist #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 23 Lupin III Part 3 23 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 23 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon case a Swiss bank in war torn Beirut, Lebanon. When the fighting comes to the street the special metal bank is on, the bank’s treads move it to a safer location. Later,

Urusei Yatsura 45 (2022)(Boring Melodrama #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 45 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 45 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: While on a date, Inaba tells Shinobu of a coming darkness. In the darkness dimension, Upa shows up with a massive blimp to save his great grandson. Rupa again kidnaps Lum, who begs Ataru for help. Ataru refuses because the clone rejected him. Meanwhile,

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 22 (Strange but True #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 22 Lupin III Part 3 22 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 22 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, and Fujiko pull off a heist to steal a vault full of uncut diamonds. However, the diamonds spontaneously combust, forcing the gang to retreat. Automated gun defenses nearly kill them as the three

Urusei Yatsura 44 (2022)(Failed Wedding #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 44 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 44 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum’s father marshals his forces to war against the Dark Dominion. However, Rupa’s great grandfather delivers a present–a giant, mushroom bomb that cripples the Oni forces. Meanwhile, Benten and Oyuki come to Earth to find out what is going on after they lost contact

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 21 (Paradise City #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 21 Lupin III Part 3 21 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 21 Note: I will be using the CORRECT character names and not the renamed ones from the hideous, official subtitles. SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Chinese archeologist Yang-sensei shows Zenigata and a Japanese TV crew his work on the tomb of Prince

Urusei Yatsura 43 (2022)(Kidnapped #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 43 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 43 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum has a nightmare at school about a figure in black abducting her. In her UFO, Lum gets a call from her dad, explaining that they just released her grandfather from stasis, and he wants to meet Lum. Lum flies home while on Earth,

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 20 (Makes No Sense #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 20 Lupin III Part 3 20 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 20 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Lupin and Jigen see Fujiko on TV, supporting AZUMAYA Onihei at his press conference. Fujiko pays Lupin a visit and requests he steal a specific painting. Lupin does what she requests, but back at his hideout,