Archive for the ‘Anime’ Category

Inuyasha: Final Act – 10

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 10 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 10 Review Inuyasha: Final Act – 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kanna ponders the death of Kagura while Naraku curses Kikyou for still afflicting him after her death. Meanwhile, Inuyasha’s group arrives at a village with lots of flowers and they are invited to rest. Inuyasha is suspicious and that

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Urusei Yatsura - 129

Urusei Yatsura – 129

うる星やつら episode 129 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 129 review Urusei Yatsura – 129 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sugar, Ginger and Pepper are each reminded of their inferior feelings with it comes to their senpai’s Benten, Oyuki, and Lum. So, the trio decide to get a Benten by sabotaging her bike, but it backfires on them. Then

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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 42

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 42

Hagane no Renkinjutsushi – Fullmetal Alchemist Ep. 42 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Episode 42 review Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 42 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Al’s armor body is taken apart and carried to an abandoned building where Mei uses Scar’s brother’s notes and unlocks the hidden code contained within. Kimblee discovers Sloth’s tunnel and encounters Pride, who takes

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Urusei Yatsura - 128

Urusei Yatsura – 128

うる星やつら episode 128 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 128 review Urusei Yatsura – 128 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: After Ten-chan becomes a de facto tennis ball for an annoyed Ataru, he encounters hero of justice dressed in western-styled superhero costume. After drinking some water, the man calls himself Super Delicious Yuusei Golden Special Reserve Gorgeous Aftercare Kit

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War on Geminar - 01

A Rewatch of Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari – 01

Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari OVA Ep. 01 異世界の聖機師物語 OAV Episode 01 (Blu-ray/DVD version) War on Geminar – 01 *SPOILER REVIEW!* Since the Blu-ray version of the first episode of Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari contained extra footage, I decided it was time to go back and watch this episode again. However, I’m not going to post

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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 41

Hagane no Renkinjutsushi – Fullmetal Alchemist Ep. 41 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Episode 41 review Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 41 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Winry, Marcoh, Scar, Yoki, Zampano, Jerso, Mei Chan, and Xiao Mei continue their way through the mines, taking the time during breaks to discuss Scar’s brother’s research. Making their way through, they encounter Al,

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Urusei Yatsura - 127

Urusei Yatsura – 127

うる星やつら episode 127 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 127 review Urusei Yatsura – 127 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: After surviving Lum electrocuting Ataru and Ten-chan as they all slept, Lum and Ataru are on a class field trip to pick pears. Ten-chan invites himself on the trip and is whacked by Ataru as a result. Ten-chan flies

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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 40

Hagane no Renkinjutsushi – Fullmetal Alchemist Ep. 40 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Episode 40 review Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 40 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The Führer summons Major General Armstrong to Central to question her on the disappearance of General Raven. Colonel Mustang encounters General Armstrong and after being rejected to go on a date, Mustang makes a

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