うる星やつら episode 121 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura ep. 121 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kurama goes through her daily routine but gets frustrated that she still doesn’t have a man. Her Karasutengu claim they’ve been using computers to find her the perfect man and that’s why it has taken so long. She’s mollified for a time as
Archive for the ‘Anime’ Category

You’re Under Arrest! Full Throttle – 21

Taiho Shichauzo! Full Throttle Episode 21 逮捕しちゃうぞ フルスロットル Episode 21 You’re Under Arrest! Full Throttle – 21 anime review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A gang of street racers is causing a lot of problems for the Bokuto Police Department, causing Miyuki to request night shift patrol to help. Nakajima is concerned for Miyuki’s safety but when he brings

Natsu no Arashi! Akinai-chuu – 04

夏のあらし!春夏冬中 Episode 04 Review Summer Storm! Open for Business Ep. 04 Natsu no Arashi! Akinai-chuu – 04 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Jun is angry with her older sister for not doing laundry. However, Kaja has done some laundry and it is hanging out to dry until a sudden downpour hits and the laundry is soaked. When Arashi

Inuyasha: Final Act – 04

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 04 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 04 Review Inuyasha: Final Act – 04 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sesshoumaru continues to use Tenseiga to perfect the Meidou Zangetsuha. Inuyasha consults with Toutousai about Dakki and gathers a clue to the real sword. The swordsmith Toushuu is attacked by a giant youkai named Ryuujin (dragon person) when Toushuu

White Album – 17 (No More Tears)

ホワイトアルバム Episode 17 White Album Ep. 17 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: In the rain, Yuki refuses to leave Rina alone, even tearfully forcing the two of them to the ground, so Rina gives in and the two have pie and a long talk at a restaurant. Rina explains her reasons for leaving Ogata Productions and tells

Inuyasha: Final Act – 03

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 03 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 03 Review Inuyasha: Final Act – 03 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sesshoumaru is met by Toutousai, who has sensed that Tokijin has been destroyed. Further, he senses the call of Tenseiga, which happened because Sesshoumaru showed compassion for Kagura’s death. As such, Toutousai says that the time has come to

White Album – 16 (Changes and More of the Same)

ホワイトアルバム Episode 16 White Album Ep. 16 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touya spends the night with Yayoi at some western-styled hotel where the following morning, Yayoi reveals that with Rina and Yuki pitted against each other for a slot in the Venus Music Festival, Touya should consider his romance with Yuki to be officially over for