Ah! My Goddess Manga/Oh My Goddess! Manga ああっ女神さまっVolume 41 Chapter 260 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Belldandy fights Slyum in a stalemate, Urd notes Belldandy’s license as a Valkyrie in regards to how Belldandy is staying in the fight but she also notes that their time is limited. As they only have six hours, Keiichi starts thinking
Posts Tagged ‘ああっ女神さまっ’

Ah! My Goddess Ch. 259 Manga Review

Ah! My Goddess Manga/Oh My Goddess! Manga ああっ女神さまっVolume 41 Chapter 259 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Belldandy sings, Slyum (aka: Thrym) gets sleepy. Urd explains that Belldandy’s song is powerful enough to even put the dragon (serpent) Nidhogg to sleep. However, the singer must be powerful lest they fall asleep as well. Because of Belldandy’s skill, the

Ah! My Goddess Ch. 258 Manga Review

Ah! My Goddess Manga/Oh My Goddess! Manga ああっ女神さまっVolume 41 Chapter 258 Ah! My Goddess Ch. 258 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Having defeated Urd’s most powerful lightning spell, Thrym (Slyum) is bored and wants a challenge, so Skuld surprises her and Urd with a Skuld Bomb. Urd isn’t happy about being so close to the blast

Ah! My Goddess Ch. 257 Manga Review

Ah! My Goddess Manga/Oh My Goddess! Manga ああっ女神さまっVolume 41 Chapter 257 Ah! My Goddess Ch. 257 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Keiichi, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, and Glühendes Herz move to the next objective, Skuld warns Keiichi about being cocky since he was of assistance to her “oneesama.” They are met by the little girl mazoku

Oh My Goddess! Colors (Manga Book) Review

Ah! My Goddess: Colours/ああっ女神さまっCOLOURS Oh My Goddess! Colors (Manga Book) Review –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! The five-episode Ah! My Goddess OVA series was one of the first anime titles I watched in 2002 when I first got into anime. Since I wanted to

Ah! My Goddess Ch. 256 Manga Review

Ah! My Goddess Manga/Oh My Goddess! Manga ああっ女神さまっVolume 41 Chapter 256 Ah! My Goddess Ch. 256 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As the light is restored, Keiichi realizes they are in a dangerous situation since Ebony, as a mazoku, likely doesn’t need time to adjust to the lights. As his sight clears, he sees that Glühendes

Ah! My Goddess Ch. 255 Manga Review

Ah! My Goddess Manga/Oh My Goddess! Manga ああっ女神さまっVolume 40 Chapter 255 Ah! My Goddess Ch. 255 Manga SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Belldandy splits herself into eight pieces to allow her chibi-selves to take breaks during the song. Ebony figures that despite the fact she missed her best chance to take Belldandy out, they cannot defeat her since

Ah! My Goddess Ch.254 Manga Review

Ah! My Goddess Manga/Oh My Goddess! Manga ああっ女神さまっVolume 41 Chapter 254 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Belldandy has her wind barrier up, but Ebony has made it inside, thus is safe. She reveals this to them and is about to take Belldandy out when Glühen Desherzen (DH uses the name Glühende Herz for the record) swings itself over