ゲート セブン Volume 04 Gate 7 Volume 4 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) ***SPOILERS!*** Highlights from this volume start with Hana defeating a tiger spirit entity, which then wants to come with them, becoming small by
Posts Tagged ‘Dark Horse’

Gate 7 Volume 3 Manga Review

ゲート セブン Volume 03 Gate 7 Volume 03 –> PURCHASE FROM BUY.COM (now RAKUTEN.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) *SPOILERS!* Highlights from this volume start with Sakura defeating Sanada, thus securing his loyalty and those of his ninja to Hidetsugu. Iemitsu, who’s

Gate 7 Volume 2 Manga Review

ゲート セブン Volume 02 Gate 7 Volume 2 –> PURCHASE FROM BUY.COM –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) *SPOILERS!* Highlights for this volume begin with Hana battling Mitsuhide to a draw, demanding to know why he wants Nobunaga’s corpse. She rejects his reason

Gate 7 Volume 1 Manga Review

ゲート セブン Volume 01 Gate 7 Volume 1 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) *SPOILERS!* Gate 7 is the latest manga incarnation from (the notorious) CLAMP, in which this group of manga-ka thought, “What if all of

Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus 02 Manga Review

カードキャプターさくら Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus Edition 02 –> PURCHASE RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! Note: Rakuten and Barnes & Noble pages have wrong cover displayed. Well, it certainly took Dark Horse what seemed to be an insanely long time to get this second omnibus volume out after teasing us

Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus Vol. 2 Delayed Again…For the Umteenth Time!

Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus Vol. 2 Delayed Again…For the Umteenth Time! I received a bit of frustrating news today — Dark Horse is once again delaying the release of Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus Volume 2, this time until August 9th. *_* AAAAAUUUGGGHHHH!!!!! Back in February, I ranted about how Dark Horse is notorious for constantly delaying releases

Dark Horse: Teasing You With With Manga Release Schedules We Have No Intentions of Keeping

Dark Horse: Teasing You With With Manga Release Schedules We Have No Intentions of Keeping What I’m about to write is probably the most difficult thing I’ve written when it comes to my opinion. That said, recent events have compelled me to get up on the old soap box, grab the megaphone, and then preach

Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus 01 Manga Review

カードキャプターさくら Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus 01 Manga Review –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! Although I had already read the Cardcaptor Sakura manga series a few years ago, I wanted to buy this now that Dark Horse has the series and they’ve been doing a pretty