What Was the First Manga You Finished? Hey gang. I was asked, in a round about way, “what was the first manga you finished?” I had to actually stop and think about this. So let me retrace my steps by thinking first about what were the initial manga titles I got into. And then I
Posts Tagged ‘Ah My Goddess’

First Anime Crushes

First Anime Crushes Sometimes, I see silly little things going around social media. A recent one was, “Without stating your age, name your first anime crushes.” And it was limited to four. So I thought I’d play along, via the blog. I really don’t have 2D crushes, though as a teenager, I really liked Magik

Ah! My Goddess Chapter 308 Manga Review Finale (And they lived happily ever after.)

Oh My Goddess! Manga/ああっ女神さまっ Ah! My Goddess chapter 308 Final Chapter SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Now out of the portal, Peorth notices that Belldandy is in a Type-1 wedding dress. She’s surprised that they passed, though Lind says that she believed Keiichi could do it. Since they’ve not had a wedding ceremony due to the lack of

Ah! My Goddess Chapter 307 Manga Review (The Great Escape)

Oh My Goddess! Manga/ああっ女神さまっ Ah! My Goddess chapter 307 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Peorth asks Lind to repair the gate after Peorth damages it, pleasing Lind a great deal. Meanwhile, as Keiichi, Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld race to the gate on Glühendes Herz, Keiichi notices the gate is closing. Glühendes Herz suffers a catastrophic failure, which Skuld

Ah! My Goddess Chapter 306 Manga Review (“Guess we’ll have to smash it!”)

Oh My Goddess! Manga/ああっ女神さまっ Ah! My Goddess chapter 306 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Keiichi has trouble breathing as he, Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld race to the gate on Glühendes Herz. Belldandy creates a barrier in front of them while Skuld continues to tweak Glühendes Herz for maximum speed. Urd encourages the others, including Belldandy, who in turn

Ah! My Goddess Chapter 305 Manga Review (Time to leave to race to a wedding.)

Oh My Goddess! Manga/ああっ女神さまっ Ah! My Goddess chapter 305 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Skuld wants to make one more tweak to Glühendes Herz, but it says they don’t have time. Belldandy says goodbye to her mother, Ansuz, and Urd declines an offer from her mother, Hild, to remain in hell. Hagall is not happy with Urd’s casual

Some “Ah! My Goddess” Love

Some “Ah! My Goddess” Love With the Ah! My Goddess manga coming to an end, I thought I’d do an image tribute of stuff I’ve gathered over the years. I guess I’ll start with some Belldandy love. The older character design for Belldandy is still tops for me. How about some Peorth? I always liked

Ah! My Goddess Chapter 304 Manga Review (Time to get ready for a wedding.)

Oh My Goddess! Manga/ああっ女神さまっ Ah! My Goddess chapter 304 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Keiichi and Belldandy return to where Urd, Skuld, Ansuz, and Hild are. Skuld isn’t that thrilled with Keiichi, but she is glad he returned safely since his loss would sadden her “oneesama.” Hild can sense Tyr’s essence on Keiichi so she embraces him, causing