ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 31 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: After saying goodbye to the kids in the slums, Kuroumaru and Touta head to their UQ Holder home (Senkyoukan), where Touta suddenly remembers his debts. Early the following morning, Touta eagerly wakes up to an alarm, slowly followed by a sleepy Kuroumaru. After admiring the elevator
Posts Tagged ‘AKAMATSU Ken’

UQ Holder Chapter 31 Manga Review (Time to introduce a new, loli, mega-rich character.)

UQ Holder Chapter 30 Manga Review (Time to party, get paid, and pay debt!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 30 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kuroumaru is working with one of the UQ Holder bodyguards to help with the evacuation of the slums when Eva shows up in her natural form, surprising the pair of them. Eva praises Kuroumaru for the message sent and the work Kuroumaru did; then Eva rises

UQ Holder Chapter 29 Manga Review (Mama bear watches her cub kick arse!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 29 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ikkuu and Gengorou take out the rest of the special force troops while Jinbee has words with Nagumo, whom he has known for some time. Jinbee offers Nagumo a chance to join UQ Holder, which Nagumo declines since they are monsters in his eyes. Touta objects

UQ Holder Chapter 28 Manga Review (It is time to pay the piper!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 28 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With efforts to collect Touta underway, impossibly, Touta starts to break free. The troops open fire to subdue Touta again, but a large ice wall appears to shield him. Further, massive ice shards take out the Osprey aircraft hovering overhead. In the distance, Touta

UQ Holder Chapter 27 Manga Review (“He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day…”)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 27 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta wants to know if Karin has been killed or the like, so Nagumo assures him that she’s OK and currently on the moon. Has the most powerful class of immortal, he suspects that the worst she’ll experience is a shortness of breath. With that, Nagumo

UQ Holder Chapter 26 Manga Review (“One of these days, Alice! BANG, ZOOM! Straight to the moon!”)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 26 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Karin is impressed that Touta beat Kaito without Magia Erebea, but Touta isn’t happy since he didn’t feel like he won on his own. Kaito still wants to die, but Touta isn’t going to fulfill his request. Nagumo comes to his fallen comrade to help him

UQ Holder Chapter 25 Manga Review (“Let’s you an’ me arm rassle!”)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 25 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta pulls up short on killing Kaito, then with extreme effort, he contains the Magia Erebea effects and begins to return to normal. Kaito is disappointed since he wanted to be killed here, but Touta is enraged by this attitude and packs Magia Erebea up with

UQ Holder Chapter 24 Manga Review (It is time for some “Negima!” tie-in porn!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 24 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta’s Magia Erebea forces Kaito away from him, removing his hand as a result. As he regenerates, Nagumo says this is Magia Erebea, saying there are only two in history who’ve had this power — the creator Dark Evangel, who’s form of Magia Erebea was incomplete,