Posts Tagged ‘Fate-Stay Night franchise’

Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files 06

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 06 (Girls’ Party!)

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note 06 Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 06 ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note- 06 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis During his lecture, Waver has a flashback to Gilgamesh during the 4th Holy Grail Wars. Gray meets with Reines to discuss the Holy Grail War. Reines agrees to tell Gray what she

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Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files 05

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 05 (Saber Face!)

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note 05 Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 05 ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note- 05 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Waletta’s death causes Adashino to once again target Wills. She agrees to allow Waver to continue for now. Waver enlists Kairi’s help. Gray and Kairi search the library for books. As the

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Fate/Grand Order

Fate/Grand Order: Setsubun 2020 Fun (And More)

Fate/Grand Order: Setsubun 2020 Fun Hey gang. We just wrapped up an event in Fate/Grand Order, which I streamed some of. But as a result of the event, combined with some work stuff, I have fallen behind on the blog front. As such, I’m going with a cheap post, displaying my latest FGO streams from

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Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files 04

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 04 (Ties That Bind)

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note 04 Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 04 ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note- 04 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Gray quietly observes Waver remembering his friend and Servant from the 4th Holy Grail War. Reines contacts Waver about a new case involving the Spiritual Evocation department. Waver, Reines, her artificial maid,

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Today's Menu for the Emiya Family

Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family Volume 1

Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family Volume 1 –> Purchase from Having watched the Today’s Menu for Emiya Family anime adaptation, it was suggested to me to read the source manga. As such, I thought I’d give Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family volume 1 manga a read. What’s It About? The core of this

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Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files 03

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 03 (For Love of a Sandwich)

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note 03 Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 03 ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note- 03 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Reines is playing chess with Rocco Belfeban in the Clock Tower, where they discuss Waver’s continued focus on the Holy Grail War. Meanwhile, Waver is irritated due to his favorite cafe shutting

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Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files 02

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 02 (Murder Mystery)

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note 02 Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 02 ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note- 02 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Melvin and Reines inform Waver that he is being requested regarding the murder of a mage, Ernest Fargo. The requester, Mary Lil Fargo, is a former student of Waver’s. Further, the Fargo

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Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files 01

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 01 (Fate/Zero Ties)

Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note 01 Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files 01 ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note- 01 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Three years after the Forth Holy Grail War, and seven years from the present, Waver Velvet is held captive and upside-down in the Archisorte Mansion. Reines El-Melloi Archisorte, the young niece and

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