Kumeta-sensei’s Proxy Broadside at Akamatsu-sensei and “UQ Holder” Hey gang. Back at the end of 2013, when UQ Holder first started, I reported on how KUMETA Kouji-sensei, probably best known as the manga-ka of the popular series Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei, slammed Akamatsu-sensei and UQ Holder in Kumeta-sensei’s then new manga series, Sekkachi Hakushaku to Jikan Dorobou.
Posts Tagged ‘Hayate no Gotoku’

Shocking Rumor Regarding Hayate the Combat Butler (and more!)

Shocking Rumors Regarding Hayate the Combat Butler I got alerted to a wild rumor (but possibly true, depending what a translator comes up with) that Hata-sensei has revealed information about Maria. This is so fantastic in the extreme, but in case it is true (and there’s a part of me that does think Hata-sensei would

Hayate the Combat Butler Final Thoughts Manga Review

Hayate the Combat Butler Final Thoughts Manga Review Hayate no Gotoku Manga Series Review Back in April 2007, I decided to watch an anime series called Hayate no Gotoku!, or as it is known in America, Hayate the Combat Butler. Blog reader HughRoe told me I should start reading the manga, and since Viz was

Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 568 Manga Review (Finale)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Manga (Final Chapter) Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 568 Review (Finale) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Hayate’s parents are attacked by Hisui, who’s angry that they messed up her plans. Hayate’s dad gets away, only to be met by his oldest son, who punches him. Mikoto tells Himegami that Isumi and the others freed Orumuzuto

Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 567 Manga Review (Penultimate Chapter)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Manga Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 567 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With Nagi rescued, it appears that Hayate is lost forever. Nagi screams for Hayate, who appears after falling from the sky. Nagi is relieved and hugs Hayate, who’s also happy to not be dead or stuck in the Royal Garden. By this

Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 566 Manga Review (Eternity)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Manga Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 566 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Hayate breaks down upon seeing Maria again. Even though it is Nagi’s dream world, Hayate demands to know why Maria left so suddenly. Maria’s response seems to come from her real self. She explains that had she stayed, Nagi would have fled

Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 565 Manga Review (Symbolism at work.)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Manga Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 565 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As the Royal Garden Palace begins to fall apart, Hayate gives up and allows himself to enjoy the dream world. As such, he enjoys the Christmas party with Ayumu. As they walk home after the party, Hayate realizes he doesn’t have a

Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 564 Manga Review (“What if…?”)

ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku Manga Hayate the Combat Butler Chapter 564 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Himegami has placed a barrier around the King’s Jewel, which was done before his defeat. This is to give Hisui time to obtain the Royal Power. Sakuya informs Mikado, meaning they need to get Hayate to wake up. Klaus volunteers, but gets