A “Negima!” Manga Conversation With Alethea and Athena Nibley As many of you know, I’m a big proponent of retaining a Japanese perspective (including the use of Japanese honorifics) when it comes to anime subtitles and manga adaptations. While this idea has its share of naysayers who believe that this should not be the case
Posts Tagged ‘Interview’

Interview with Leah Clark, English Dub Director of “Sasami: Magic Girl Club”

As many of you know, I’m a big fan of the canon Tenchi Muyo! franchise but I’ve also enjoyed the various non-canon spinoffs for what they are worth. The latest spinoff is Sasami: Magic Girl Club (as the official English naming goes). While it does take the characters of Sasami, Mihoshi, Washu, and Ryo-ohki from