Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Review 犬夜叉 完結編 Final Thoughts Review Inuyasha: Final Act – Review ***SPOILERS*** I was first introduced to Inuyasha through Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim segment back in 2002. Being new to anime at the time, I found the series enjoyable, but as I got current with where things were in Japan, combined with reading
Posts Tagged ‘Inuyasha Final Act’

Inuyasha: Final Act – 17

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 17 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 17 Review Inuyasha: Final Act – 17 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sesshoumaru finds himself challenged by oni and other youkai now that Tenseiga is no longer an offensive weapon. Inuyasha’s party stop at Kaede’s village where Kagome’s sealed powers are discussed. Naraku pays a visit to cave and allows the

Inuyasha: Final Act – 16

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 16 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 16 Review Inuyasha: Final Act – 16 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A powerful miko named Hitomiko is trapped by Naraku and killed. However, as the villagers did not follow her instructions regarding her death, she is now an undead puppet of Naraku, who’s only goal is to trap Kagome. Inuyasha

Inuyasha: Final Act – 15

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 15 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 15 Review Inuyasha: Final Act – 15 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sesshoumaru returns, having met with Byakuya and having used Kanna’s mirror fragment. He challenges Inuyasha to a fight and attacks, forcing Inuyasha’s hand. For Sesshoumaru, he knows this is a trap but feels it is worth springing. Meanwhile, Byakuya

Inuyasha: Final Act – 14

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 14 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 14 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sesshoumaru confronts Toutousai about Tenseiga, Tessaiga, and the Meidou Zangetsuha and is told that in order to pass his father, Sesshoumaru must learn to let go of Tenseiga and his hatred of Inuyasha. Naraku finds Kohaku, Rin, and Jaken and attempts to grab Kohaku’s

Inuyasha: Final Act – 13

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 13 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 13 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sesshoumaru’s group meets a strange looking humanoid kid who says he has information about Tenseiga. Sesshoumaru follows even though Jaken believes this to be a trap. Waiting for them is the youkai Shishinki, who claims that Sesshoumaru’s father stole the Meidou Zangetsuha attack from

Inuyasha: Final Act – 12

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 12 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 12 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Inuyasha hides out thanks to the new moon having him in human form, Sango and Miroku battle a bone youkai and his humanoid daughter. Things are going bad so Sango poisons Hiraikotsu, which ends up slaying the bone youkai. Inuyasha and company arrive

Inuyasha: Final Act – 11

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 11 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 11 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Inuyasha and company flee to a cave where Miroku erects a barrier with some ofuda. Kanna arrives with the crystal giant along with Byakuya. The crystal giant uses Red Tessaiga to break the barrier, then uses Kongousouha to send massive diamond shards into the