Ranma 1/2: Nightmare! Incense of Spring Sleep らんま1/2 悪夢! 春眠香 It’s a Rumic World Ranma 1/2: Akumu! Shunmin Ko SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The elderly but nimble Happosai has stolen a ton of panties from the girls locker room, so Ranma uses cold water to transform into his female self, whereupon he exposes his breasts to Happosai.
Posts Tagged ‘It’s a Rumic World’

Urusei Yatsura OVA – 12 – The Obstacle Course Swim Meet

うる星やつら OVA episode 12 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 12 review うる星やつら ザ・障害物水泳大会 It’s a Rumic World Urusei Yatsura – The Shogaibutsu Suiei Taikai SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum brings Ataru a special, cooling wind chime from Oyuki, and though Ataru likes its cooling effect on such a hot night, he is dismissive of Lum’s efforts,

Inuyasha: Final Act – 15

Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen Ep. 15 犬夜叉 完結編 Episode 15 Review Inuyasha: Final Act – 15 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sesshoumaru returns, having met with Byakuya and having used Kanna’s mirror fragment. He challenges Inuyasha to a fight and attacks, forcing Inuyasha’s hand. For Sesshoumaru, he knows this is a trap but feels it is worth springing. Meanwhile, Byakuya

"It’s a Rumic World" — Where Inuyasha meets male-Ranma and Ataru hits on Kagome and female-Ranma!

I’m sure most of you have heard about the exhibition going around Japan with three new OVA’s — one for Inuyasha, one for Urusei Yatsura, and one for Ranma 1/2. While no one knows if these will come to DVD or not, I only recently learned of a low-res copy of the opening sequence being