魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Negima! Manga Volume 34 –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> Purchase from BUY.COM –> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE –> Purchase Japanese Regular tankoubon from YesAsia! For detailed chapter summaries of Negima! Volume 34 with chapter reviews, look below. Chapter 305 Chapter 306 Chapter 307 Chapter 308 Chapter 309 Chapter 310 Chapter 311
Posts Tagged ‘Negima Volume 34’

Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 314 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 35 Chapter 314 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 314 Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 314 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: In his dreaming state, Negi is still being talked to by Nagi, who is then joined by the images of Tosaka, Jack, and Eva. Each of them remind him of a reason he has

Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 313 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Chapter 313 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 313 Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 313 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The various Fates have the different groups of Ala Alba in bad situations. At Negi’s location, Sextum regenerates Dunamis (Dynamis) so that he is whole again. Dunamis again promises that he won’t touch the

Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 312 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Chapter 312 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 312 Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 312 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Quartum-Fate is about to attack the girls on Great Paru-sama when his intentions are overridden by the protocol to not kill humans. Since Chachamaru is not human, he decides to impale her with a

Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 311 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Chapter 311 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 311 Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 311 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Fate easily survives Kotaro’s beast-mode attack and counters with his traditional massive rock shards from the ground, one of which pierces Kotaro in the gut. However, Asakura has her spy cameras provide Chachamaru with

Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 310 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Chapter 310 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 310 Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 310 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With thirty minutes until the activation of the ritual, Fate and Shirabe wait as Fate ponders where Ala Alba is or if they’ve been defeated. Thinking that it would be boring if it ended

Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 309 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Chapter 309 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 309 Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 309 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kaede takes off with Yuuna, Makie, Sayo, and Nodoka in her cloak, leaving Akira, Ako, and Konoka touch-healing Negi under the guard of Ku Fei. Chisame is beckoned over since those with high affection

Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 308 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Chapter 308 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 308 Negima! Manga Vol 34 Ch 308 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With Fate’s girls unable to defeat Negi’s girls and Dynamis defeated, he promises to not interfere and requests to be allowed to watch, even offering an Ennomos Aetosphragis artifact to bind him at his