魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 36 Negima! Volume 36 –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> Purchase from BUY.COM –> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE –> Purchase Japanese Regular tankoubon from YesAsia! For detailed chapter summaries of Negima! Volume 36 with chapter reviews, look below. Chapter 325 Chapter 326 Chapter 327 Chapter 328 Chapter 329 Chapter 330 Chapter 331 Chapter
Posts Tagged ‘Negima’

Negima! Manga Volume 35 Review — Wait! Is Kodansha Listening to Fans?

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 35 Negima! Manga Volume 35 –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> Purchase from BUY.COM –> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE –> Purchase Japanese Regular tankoubon from YesAsia! –> Purchase Japanese Limited Edition tankoubon w/ DVD from YesAsia! For detailed chapter summaries of Negima! Volume 35 with chapter reviews, look below. Chapter 315 Chapter 316

Negima! Manga Volume 34 Review (And yeah, I’m angry about it!)

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 34 Negima! Manga Volume 34 –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> Purchase from BUY.COM –> Purchase from BARNES & NOBLE –> Purchase Japanese Regular tankoubon from YesAsia! For detailed chapter summaries of Negima! Volume 34 with chapter reviews, look below. Chapter 305 Chapter 306 Chapter 307 Chapter 308 Chapter 309 Chapter 310 Chapter 311

A Bit More Negima! Stuff From Volume 38

Howdy folks. Well, it will be a while yet before we in the West get our hands on the official English translation for volume 38 of Negima!, but in the meantime, Hata provided a bit more info. [sic] nazinani negima 38 question: wasn’t Negi born in 1994? (book 02) Ken: this book is the correct

Some Negima! News and a Bit About Volume 38

Hey gang. Negima! fan Hata pinged me to let me know some news he’d uncovered regarding Negima! Without further ado, here’s Hata. [sic] in the last? big Negima dojin meet, “The 10th day of Library Island Closure” at Kawasaki. one of the dojin put up by well known Negima blog catmania will have 10 Q&A

Final Negima! Manga Cover (Volume 38)

Hey gang! Well, I finished my super-secret, private project and am pooped and again without a blog post. But, as I went checking in at places, I discovered that Hata had posted about the last volume of Negima!, which features everyone as they are at the time of the manga’s ending. If you haven’t seen

Negima! Omnibus Volume 04 Manga Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Omnibus Volume 04 Negima! Omnibus Volume 04 –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> BUY FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> BUY FROM BUY.COM ^_^ With the disappointment I felt at Negima! being brought to a rapid halt, I had vocalized my belief that the series would still be good for new readers, and that I didn’t

Platina Jazz does the "Negima!" Anime OP, "Happy Material"

While there are some anime OP (or ED) theme songs I like, I can’t say that I was really that gripped by the Negima! anime OP song, “Happy Material.” If you haven’t heard it, or don’t remember, take a listen to the original anime cut of the song (from the OP). Hata recently discovered a