学園アリス manga volume 14 Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 14 –> Not available RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the recent events that have happened at school, the administration questions Akira and has Shuuichi, Subaru, and Shizune assigned as student teachers in Mikan’s class. Mikan’s class
Posts Tagged ‘TokyoPop’

Sgt. Frog Manga Volume 20 Review

Sgt. Frog Manga Volume 20 Keroro Gunsou/ケロロ軍曹 Well, its time to get off another volume of Sgt. Frog. ^_^ –> Purchase Sgt. Frog Volume 20 from Amazon.com SPOILERS A trip by Momoka, Fuyuki, Natsumi, Koyuki to an island controlled by Momoka’s family when Natsumi is kidnapped by an alien who is similar to those from

Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 13

学園アリス manga review Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 13 –> Not available for purchase from RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With Mikan healed, Natsume and Luca have a chat and vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Mikan is being very clingy to Hotaru after learning what Hotaru

Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 12

学園アリス manga review Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 12 –> Not available for purchase from RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: After the story of Natsume and Luca reaches its conclusion, the group splits up to find Natsume with Mikan heading off alone and down another flight

Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 11

学園アリス Manga Volume 11 Review –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Mikan, Hotaru, Luca, and Yu-chan in older form make their way to where Natsume is being held. Meanwhile, Persona arrives to the dungeon where Nobara was held as bait for Natsume, who wants to know where Aoi is being held. With Persona are

Sgt. Frog Manga Volume 19 Review

Sgt. Frog Manga Volume 19 Review Well, its time to get off another volume of Sgt. Frog. ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! *SPOILERS* The first story has Keroro and company check out karaoke after observing Natsumi go to a karaoke establishment. The second story has Keroro’s next invasion plan use the power of cows and

Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 10

学園アリスmanga review Gakuen Alice Manga Volume 10 –> Not available for purchase from RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It is New Years day and it is also Mikan’s birthday. Though she drops hints, no one seems to know or care about her birthday and that depresses

Phantom Dream Manga Volume 5 Review

Genei Musou/幻影夢想 Volume 5 (finale) Phantom Dream Manga Volume 5 Review –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE ***SPOILERS!*** For volume 5 of Phantom Dream, Tamaki finds his Gohou is really Saga, the brother of Hira. As Eiji recovers, Tamaki discovers that Saga isn’t the good guy everyone thought as his only