Fate/Grand Order: First Order Review Note: Those looking for the Fate/Grand Order USA game review, click here. SPOILER Summary/Synopsis A young man named FUJIMARU Ritsuka is at the Chaldea Security Organization center in a secluded, snowy, mountain facility. He’s been chosen as a candidate for the Spiritron Dive to enter a time slip (Rayshift) into
Posts Tagged ‘Type-Moon’

Fate/Grand Order: First Order (First Look)

Fate/Grand Order: First Order (First Look) Hey gang! I’d meant to have a review written by now for Fate/Grand Order: First Order, but it is taking me longer than expected because I ended up not doing much of anything this weekend. On one hand I needed it, but on the other hand, when I have

Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga Review (How to adapt a visual novel.)

Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga Review Lunar Legend Tsukihime ***SPOILERS*** I’ve been a fan of the Type-Moon series Fate/stay night through its anime adaptation, the Fate/Zero anime series, and the recent ufotable series Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works. I’m a fan of the spinoff Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya. (All titles I’ve reviewed on the blog here.) So when