Here is some SPOILER images for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 152, courtesy of 2CAT. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 152 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) Update! Click this link to see my chapter review! UQ HOLDER Chapter 152 SPOILERS The UQ
Posts Tagged ‘UQ Holder images’

UQ Holder Chapter 151 SPOILER Images

Here is some SPOILER stuff for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 151, courtesy of 2CAT. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 151 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) UQ HOLDER Chapter 151 SPOILERS The UQ Holder Chapter 151 goodness begins. Here are the limited

UQ Holder Chapter 150 SPOILER Images

Here is some SPOILER images for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 150, courtesy of 2CAT. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 150 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) UQ HOLDER Chapter 150 SPOILERS The UQ Holder Chapter 150 goodness begins. ^_^ Note: The images

UQ Holder Chapter 148 SPOILER Images

Here is some SPOILER stuff for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 148, courtesy of 2CAT. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 148 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) UQ HOLDER Chapter 148 SPOILERS The UQ Holder Chapter 148 goodness begins. Note: The full raw

UQ Holder Chapter 143 SPOILER Images

Here are a few SPOILER images for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 143, courtesy of 2CAT. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 143 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) UQ HOLDER Chapter 143 SPOILERS The UQ Holder Chapter 143 goodness begins. At the moment,

UQ Holder Chapter 141 SPOILER Images

Here are some SPOILER images for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 141, courtesy of some kind uploader. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 141 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) UQ HOLDER Chapter 141 SPOILERS The UQ Holder Chapter 141 goodness begins. Jinbee gets

UQ Holder Chapter 140 SPOILER Images (Update #2: More Images)

Here are some SPOILER images for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 140, courtesy of 2CAT. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 140 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.) UQ HOLDER Chapter 140 SPOILERS The UQ Holder Chapter 140 goodness begins. Here are the chapter’s

UQ Holder Chapter 139 SPOILER Images & Anime Teaser Trailer (To tide us until the English chapter comes out.)

Here is some SPOILER info for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 139. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 139 should come out as soon as they appear on Crunchyroll, depending on when Crunchyroll can actually be bothered to publish the chapter — it should already be published since it is already the 8th in Japan.)