Ranma 1/2 03 らんま1/2 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis Kuno wants Nabiki to give the red haired, pigtailed girl a plushy as a present. Nabiki gets Kuno to buy a set of female Ranma photos for ¥3000, and a set of Akane photos for ¥4000. To that end, she arranges for Kuno to give it to Ranma to
Posts Tagged ‘What I’m Watching’

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 47 (Everything’s Stupid! #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 47 Lupin III Part 3 47 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 47 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis A mafia boss named Keppochi wants a painter’s fortune. As such, he has the painter and his staff killed. Only the painter’s terminally ill son Ken survives. Keppochi has Fujiko analyze the painting with his super

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 14 (Retreat Ex Machina #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 14 フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Skullion and Madmole battle Mirajane and Elfman to a draw. With Wraith permanently defeated, and Kiria down, he orders a retreat. Kiria initially objects until she learns consuming Laxus will put her under the White Mage’s control. Nebaru refuses the retreat order. When Wendy uses

Ranma 1/2 02 (Comedy Hijinks #ranma #らんまアニメ)

Ranma 1/2 02 らんま1/2 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis Ranma learns he has to attends school. As such, he walks there with Akane. Along the way, Ranma gets sloshed with cold water, bringing out his female form. Akane takes him to Tofu-sensei’s clinic to get a pot of hot water. Meanwhile, Tofu-sensei sneaks up on Ranma, scaring him.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 132 (Tests and Birds #SgtFrog)

Keroro Gunsou Episode 132 ケロロ軍曹/Sgt. Frog Anime Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A group of graduating, alien assassins are sent to Earth to battle the Keroro platoon. Four of the students are easily thwarted, mostly by accident. The final, Chuton, is up against Dororo. Despite having ninja skills, Chuton knows he’s not up to the task. As

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Cour 01 Review (#FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Cour 01 フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト Since Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest just did a recap episode, marking the end of the first cour (in this case, the summer season of 2024), I figured I’d give a review of what we’ve seen thus far. The Story, Thus Far Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Happy,

Ranma 1/2 01 (And so it begins. #ranma #らんまアニメ)

Ranma 1/2 01 らんま1/2 YEARS ago when I lived in Japan, I was formally introduced to Japanese animation due to a nutty title called Ranma 1/2. I received a culture shock due to the casual, animated nudity shown in the late afternoon on broadcast TV. That, combines with the wacky premise with a panda, it

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 46 (Runaway Bride! #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 46 Lupin III Part 3 46 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 46 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Zenigata discovers the bound and gagged pilots of a charter jet, carrying a priceless Hina-matsuri Doll set. Lupin and Jigen fly the jet away. When Lupin opens the chest, Zenigata is there with the dolls. Lupin