Posts Tagged ‘White Album’

White Album 03

White Album 03 (or Lessons On What Not to Do On Your First Day At a New Job)

White Album 03 ホワイトアルバム Episode 03 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touya takes a call from Rina at the same time that Yuki tries to call and Haruka is at the door with news about orientation on Saturday. Rina offers Touya a part-time job, then Yuki gets through to hook up with Touya on Saturday since she has

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White Album 02

White Album 02 (A Serious Harem Drama, Stylistic Soap Opera, or Both?)

White Album 02 ホワイトアルバム Episode 02 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Haruka pays Touya a night-time visit for a walk, which is actually her on her bicycle and him running. Yuki is summoned to the house of her agency’s president (Rina-chan’s older brother), after which Rina stops by, having foolishly taken a taxi ride and having been recognized.

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White Album 01

White Album 01 (Yeah, It’s An Anime Series)

White Album 01 ホワイトアルバム Episode 01 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touya wakes from a nightmare where the girl he likes, Yuki, is being pulled from him because she’s now an idol. On TV is Yuki, being interviewed and after Touya watches, he realizes he’s late for work. He calls in but is fired anyway, so at college,

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