xxxHOLiC Live Action Drama Review Episode 04 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Himawari and Watanuki visit her friend Chikage at home, where she has barricaded herself in her room and has carved γΏγΉγ±γ (tasukete — help me) into her arm. When Watanuki touches her, he enters a dream state, where Chikage points to a sheet on the piano
Posts Tagged ‘xxxHOLiC Dorama’

xxxHOLiC Live Action Dorama – 03

xxxHOLiC Live Action Drama Review Episode 03 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Watanuki wakes in an empty classroom from a nightmare to see Himawari-chan there to eat lunch with him. Her bento proves to be store bought, so Watanuki asks if she’d like to make her a bento. She says she would, but he has to make one

xxxHOLiC Live Action Dorama – 02

xxxHOLiC Live Action Drama Review Episode 02 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Watanuki is helping with cleaning, going through some of Yuuko-san’s treasures, when a college age student enters. He sees a tube that Watanuki had just picked up, figuring it to be old since he’s a history major. Yuuko-san asks the young man, Tsuda, if he likes

xxxHOLiC Live Action Dorama – 01

xxxHOLiC Live Action Drama Review Episode 01 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: High school student Watanuki has a problem seeing the supernatural, though he’s learned to put up with it to a degree. One day after school, while walking down a wooded lane, he encounters an archway, whereupon he enters and discovers he’s in the yard of some