SPOILER Summary: Nagi promises an episode filled with a slide-show of her manga work, but Hayate foils that. Meanwhile, Nagi receives another rejection of her manga submission from a contest. This leads to her screaming in frustration which brings Hayate running. Nagi has been told she doesn’t have enough life experiences, and so decides that maybe she needs some new experiences.
Hayate and Maria discuss the situation where Hayate learns that Nagi draws manga on a regular basis and sends them in but with no success. Maria thinks that this is good for Nagi to suffer these rejections, showing that money can’t buy everything.
Nagi quizzes Hayate on his life at 13. She’s shocked to learn he was a Daiuchi (I gather a kind of bouncer) at a mah-jong establishment. Nagi is stunned by the experience gap between them. Hayate tries to let her know that living in a mansion and stuff is an experience in and of itself. She’s happy about this until she learns that Hayate also submitted manga at 13, only Hayate won prizes.
So, Nagi decides she will gain experience points by helping Maria around the mansion. Maria is not happy about this and Nagi ends up destroying an entire room “cleaning” it, which leads to a very unhappy Maria, who lets Hayate know this. Having “mastered” cleaning, Nagi decides to go shopping, but ends up just buying the entire supermarket. Then she and Hayate head to the shed to clean it out, only to find it filled with artworks by Klaus. That leads Nagi to seal him in the shed.
Nagi decides she must serve others and they come upon Isumi in the yard “bouncing” off a bust of Detective Conan. She apparently arrived at Nagi’s mansion after losing her eraser at her own residence. Nagi wonders if there is a wormhole that connects the two places, but decides Isumi must be served. So she makes tea for Isumi, filled with any and every tea blend she could find. Hayate intercepts the cup before she can serve it to Isumi and discovers it is nasty. So he makes a different tea for Hayate to serve. Nagi likes that.
Elsewhere, Nishizawa-san eats a ¥1000 omelet.
Back at the mansion, Nagi has invited all her friends and those in high society. She goes to prepare a meal for them, and Hayate discovers it is just a hodge-podge of everything in the kitchen. It is nasty, so Nagi prepares something good which everyone loves. Hina realizes that it was Hayate who prepared the good food, but promises Hayate she won’t tell. When all have gone, Nagi wants to continue with her manga because serving others made them feel good and she wants to serve others with her manga (entertaining them).
The next day, a drunk Katsura-sensei is still there and comes across the pot of hodge-podge that Nagi made. She eats some and has an “experience.” Nagi witnesses this and though Hayate denies it, Nagi knows the pot was hers because she signed it. Nagi is depressed to know that Hayate prepared the good food and figures that the reason she fails at manga is that she really has no talent for it. She runs away and is pursued by Hayate. They talk and Hayate convinces Nagi to press on, only Nagi has to “go down a level” on her manga.
Her next creation is still completely strange, though Isumi loves it. Katsura-sensei returns from her drunken stupor, the “food” having fixed her back problems!
Thoughts: An enjoyable episode to be sure, though the food and drink jokes are super old. The slapstick comedy reactions to the food are funny to me, especially what happened to Katsura-sensei.
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