Negima! Then (2003) and Now (2011) *SPOILER IMAGES*

This is courtesy of @Klashikari with a 2-page spread from the first chapter of Negima! where we see the various class members for the first time and chapter 336, where we see them today.

All manga-ka have their character designs and general art style evolve over time. For Akamatsu-sensei, it has clearly gotten better.  Nice to see some Sayo-chan love in the new image. ^_^

I haven’t seen any raws and only one spoiler popped up on 2CH (which I think came from AQS) so no dice this week.

Anyway, thanks again to Klashikari!

Update!  A SPOILER image that made me laugh.

Heh! How’s that for battle-hardened reactions?  ^_~

BTW, this chapter is pretty much all Natsumi, which works for me.

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23 Responses to “Negima! Then (2003) and Now (2011) *SPOILER IMAGES*”

  1. D-Omen says:

    I assume you’ve seen them by now Astro, but still.

    Natsumi simply isn’t the same character she was at the beginning.

  2. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Yeah, I didn’t see it there but I did see it elsewhere.

    A Natsumi chapter is good for me.

  3. Rhonin the wizard says:

    I was smiling the entire time while I was reading this chapter.

    It’s nice to see that the trip has left some impact on the girls, a good deal of Negi’s ministra drawing their artifacts when Fate entered the room.

    I wonder if we will find out what Negi’s plan is in this volume.

  4. arimareiji says:

    Remember when they were calling her Nezumi (mouse) in the subs? (^_~) Mouse-girl’s done a lot of growing up.

    I’d love to know what the conversation’s about… did Kotaro pull a Negi/Asuna on Natsumi, and got divine punishment?

  5. Tenka says:

    Fate at Mahora. A lot of us saw it coming, but I need to know what he says to everyone. Being that he was the final boss for so long, I want to know how everyone reacts to him, especially since he doesn’t care about what they think of him. It seems like hilarity will ensue.

  6. Anonymous says:

    when i first saw the comparison was looking mostly at Ku i was like omg she looks chubby then, but i was like oh its just their jacket. Negima has come a long way i really hope we get a good amount of chapters left to go too.

  7. Kota-kun says:

    I question the wiseness of aiming your cat-cannon inside the school, Chachamaru =D

  8. Aumanor says:

    A bit of an off-top, but I’ve been meaning to ask you a question for a while now, Astro: are you going to take up reviewing some new anime anytime soon? If yoe, I’d like to suggest Fate/Zero, a prequel to Fate/Stay Night you’ve watched and reviewed on this site. It’s based on a light novel series by Urobuchi Gen in cooperation with Nasu, and it’s being made by Ufotable, guaranteing much better quality (no, really, it looks gorgeaus, just look at the photos and previews, type “animesuki fate/zero” in google, htey have most of the promo material) and staying much more faithful to the source material(the light novels are pure gold) than the DEEN anime and movie adaptations of the original game.
    PS. God, this post came out much longer than I intended it to… ^^’

  9. Nick says:

    You know what i dont get, everyone wants to know “where is Nagi” but i been more wondering where is Negis Mother at? i hope we get more inside into where she is

  10. Ultimaniac says:

    So many lol moments in this chapter. The instant “cosplay competition” was a good one but not better than

    “Suddenly…NODOKA!” XD

  11. Mz says:

    i knew that spread looked familiar ~_~

  12. AstroNerdBoy says:

    I was smiling the entire time while I was reading this chapter.

    Ditto. ^_^

    It’s nice to see that the trip has left some impact on the girls, a good deal of Negi’s ministra drawing their artifacts when Fate entered the room.

    I recently rewatched the first season of Tour of Duty (80’s war drama about the Vietnam War) where two of the guys got to take leave in Hawaii. They were all excited about being in civilization when a car drove by and backfired. The two of them dropped to the ground to take cover out of pure reflex based on all of their combat experience. That’s how I see the battle harem’s reaction.

    I wonder if we will find out what Negi’s plan is in this volume.


    Remember when they were calling her Nezumi (mouse) in the subs? (^_~) Mouse-girl’s done a lot of growing up.

    Oh yeah. ^_^

    I’d love to know what the conversation’s about… did Kotaro pull a Negi/Asuna on Natsumi, and got divine punishment?

    Waiting for the translation myself. *lol*

    Fate at Mahora. A lot of us saw it coming, but I need to know what he says to everyone.

    I want to know what happened to his battle harem. ^_~

    Negima has come a long way i really hope we get a good amount of chapters left to go too.


    I question the wiseness of aiming your cat-cannon inside the school, Chachamaru =D

    Maybe it can be focused in such a way to target Fate but yeah, destroy the school to get the punk. *lol*

  13. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Astro: are you going to take up reviewing some new anime anytime soon?

    I am reviewing Usagi Drop, which is new. ^_^;;;

    I’d like to suggest Fate/Zero, a prequel to Fate/Stay Night you’ve watched and reviewed on this site.

    Yeah, that’s on my list. ^_^

  14. AstroNerdBoy says:

    You know what i dont get, everyone wants to know “where is Nagi” but i been more wondering where is Negis Mother at? i hope we get more inside into where she is

    I’ve been asking that question for years. After all, Negi never even thought about his mother until Jack said, “Oh, you’ve got a mother and here she is.” Then Negi started thinking about her some.

    So many lol moments in this chapter. The instant “cosplay competition” was a good one but not better than

    “Suddenly…NODOKA!” XD


    i knew that spread looked familiar ~_~

    Yeah, but its GOOD. ^_^

  15. Thethhron says:

    Gah, I half-read though this in Japanese but…I get this icky feeling. It seems to me that Fate is their teacher now!? iiiick….

  16. When the series came out some 8 years ago, the panels looked a lot more like Love Hina than they do of the Negima of today, yet, the panels are interestingly similar. The most obvious would be the Characters themselves, as the hair got a bit of shine, and the faces got a bit more updated (the smiles, anyone?) Back when I read the series 8 years ago, the panels looked like they had a lot stronger influence from Love Hina than when I reflect on today’s Negima. Since the series has changed, so have the audiences and attitude towards anime/manga. For instance, in the recent trends of animation, a season is 12-13 Episodes and the stories are allowed much more fanservice (whereas 8-10 years ago, anime seasons were 24 episodes and a lot less showy). This is unlike the Negima of the time when Ecchi was not nearly as big of a genre as it is today. It shows a lot of the anime world what these shows have done over the past 8 years (especially with the revolution in Ecchi that Akamatsu started =]). The new panel on chapter 336 brings the nostalgia in Akamatsu’s work – rewinding 8 years in time at the same time update the work.

  17. Mz says:

    about the cat gun, we’ve only seen one of its eyes in action, maybe it shoots lasers out of the other one. pew pew pew. maybe rainbows out the back too XD

  18. Thethhron says:


  19. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Gah, I half-read though this in Japanese but…I get this icky feeling. It seems to me that Fate is their teacher now!? iiiick….

    I know what you mean.

    For instance, in the recent trends of animation, a season is 12-13 Episodes and the stories are allowed much more fanservice (whereas 8-10 years ago, anime seasons were 24 episodes and a lot less showy).

    Back in the late 80’s shounen series and others still had topless, detailed nudity in them. Ranma 1/2 and Dirty Pair spring to mind. ^_~

    The new panel on chapter 336 brings the nostalgia in Akamatsu’s work – rewinding 8 years in time at the same time update the work.

    It shows how Akamatsu-sensei has improved. All manga-ka (and cartoonist in general) have character design styles that evolve over the years. Seems like half of them really improve and the other half either go downhill or initially do improve, then shift for the worst (to varying degrees), though most people who are fans stick with it just the same.

  20. AstroNerdBoy says:

    about the cat gun, we’ve only seen one of its eyes in action, maybe it shoots lasers out of the other one. pew pew pew. maybe rainbows out the back too XD

    Heh! Watch this come true. ^_~

  21. Miss Anime says:

    Wow..It’s GREAT!! *’ _ ‘*

  22. […] to their old lives. Indeed, Akamatsu-sensei gave that impression, going so far as to modernize the original 2-page spread of the girls in the class from when Negi first arrived and today. I decided that Fate showing up as […]

  23. […] back to what I like, I loved the class image showing everyone back and emulating the 2003 image.  More to that, I really loved the reflexive, battle-hardened defensive stance that several of the […]

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