Negima! Manga Vol 37 Ch 338 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 37 Chapter 338 (manga)
Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 338

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Negima! Manga Vol 37 Ch 338Chisame is back working on her net-idol website after her lengthy absence on the Magic World and comes back with images of herself and her “little sister” (Chisame after using the age-altering magic) in suggestive poses. She finds the return to her former life unsatisfactory and even considers doing erotic imagery but decides against it. On her way to school, she is lost in thought about the current situation when Setsuna and Konoka catch up to her.

In class, Chisame is frustrated by things and asks Konoka about the missing Asuna (rather than Negi), but Konoka only knows that Asuna is gone all the time and that Negi never seems to sleep. Chisame checks with Yue, but Yue is also ignorant about what is going on with Negi.  Yuuna is amused by Chisame’s concerns and chatting with fellow classmates, something she never used to do. Chisame is angry by this as Yuuna teases, causing Fate to flick chalk at the two of them and send them into the hall for classic, Japanese punishment of holding buckets of water.

Chisame gets angrier and angrier and focuses this rage on Negi, whom she vows to track down for some answers. After class, she summons her electron sprites to find Negi, who immediately shows up looking for her. She tries to act aloof but is kinda happy at his seeking her out, but that turns back into rage when she learns his only purpose was to deliver some manju from Jack Rakan to her. Her anger is based in the fact that Negi had once said that he wanted her by his side, but when he doesn’t remember, she clocks him.

Chisame is going off on Negi, the later protesting he does remember saying that to her, but when Chisame turns some of her anger on Chachamaru, Chachamaru understands the root of Chisame’s anger — her romantic feelings for Negi.

As Chachamaru stands behind and to the side of Negi, Chisame and Negi apologize to each other over a coffee. Negi explains that he hadn’t wanted to impose on Chisame, who’d returned to her normal life. She wants an explanation, so Ayaka arrives to give that explanation. Negi’s plan is called Project Blue Mars, whereby Mars will be terraformed. The reason for this is that life is the basis for magic power, mana, thus a terraformed Mars will provide enough mana to sustain the magical beings there. Negi concedes that this plan may lead to the future Chao was trying to prevent, but with the help of Ayaka’s family’s corporation, he hopes that in ten years, the plan can be revealed to the people of Earth and that as soon as thirty years, Mars can be terraformed.

Hearing this, Chisame is proud of him but when Negi gets close as he attempts to verbally express his thanks to her, she gets flustered. Negi sneezes and turns into his lightning form as Chisame’s clothing is completely obliterated, causing her to get angry and demanding he stay away from her and not get her involved.


So, we get a Chisame chapter and another opportunity for Akamatsu-sensei to go ecchi.  Not at all unexpected and I expect more ecchi throughout the course of this entire volume.

It is interesting seeing how unsatisfied Chisame now is with her former life. She’s come quite a long way, after having experienced life-or-death situations on the Magic World. So she’s still Chisame, but she’s not where she was.  After all, she had been Negi’s primary adviser for quite some time and now is frustrated at being left out of the loop.  So, I like how Akamatsu-sensei gets her up to speed and in the third chapter of the new volume.  I don’t think she is serious about not wanting to be involved at the end, but we’ll see how she fits into things or if this is Akamatsu-sensei’s way of putting Chisame off to the side.

Chachamaru shows her new role as Negi’s faithful servant.  Her positioning in his coffee session with Chisame, to the right and behind Negi, shows her respectful, subservient role to Negi, where she stands by to be there for Negi at an instant (though when Ayaka comes, Chachamaru is then shown to Negi’s left but still behind him).

Chachamaru could have been used to tell the story that Ayaka did, but considering how little time Ayaka got during the Magic World arc, it is not surprising to me that she would be given time to have some exposition.  I do notice that the term “partners” is used by Ayaka and Akamatsu-sensei did produce an updated pactio card for her.  So, it is possible that Ayaka has a pactio with Negi, or it can be Akamatsu-sensei having a bit of fun with the fans since Ayaka is certainly a partner of Negi’s to get his Martian plan off the ground.

Regardless, while this is a fanservice-filled, light chapter, it is filled with a great deal of exposition to continue laying the groundwork for the next story arc. I expect we’ll continue to see elements of Negi’s plan mentioned or even seen in forthcoming chapters even as the main focus of said chapters will be the various girls in the class.

Rumor has it that the next chapter will be about the cheerleaders.  We’ll see.  ^_^

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15 Responses to “Negima! Manga Vol 37 Ch 338 Review”

  1. Thethhron says:


  2. Philip says:

    I read that Negi has met Ayaka’s parents… I wonder what they look like…

    I also read in the chapter that mana for the magic world is created by life… that reminded me of that one phrase in one of those Star Wars Expanded Universe stories that “Life creates the Force”…

  3. D says:

    did anyone else notice some eerily similar scenes in this chapter? I can’t remember exactly which ones, but there were several things that seemed slightly nostalgic, including the obvious sneeze joke.

    There were several times I got that feeling, but one of the biggest is when Negi walks over to Chisame… I’m not sure, but I think that that scene is very similar to a scene in the school festival arc with Asuna. And to further accentuate this sort of Chisame/Asuna similarity, you have the whole Chisame clobbering Negi thing, not to mention some similar faces she pulled.

    I might be reading too far into this, but I really got the feeling that Akamatsu was doing this on purpose.

    Any thoughts?

  4. Anonymous says:

    this chapter was full of cuteness
    konokas reaction to chisames outburst was cute.yuna being yuna was cute.chachamarus silly grin was cute.
    and chisame is the queen of cute when she isnt being totally hot…or reminding me of another geeky glasses wearing girl with anger management issues…scary!

  5. Ultimaniac says:

    I love seeing Chisame shining her ‘love love beam’ all over Negi. Chisame is one of the most believable characters as a person when it comes to her thoughts and reactions(not counting moments when she loses it like the others). I can’t describe the feeling I get when I see her blushing so hard over Negi XD

    I also loved seeing Chachamaru already acting as the faithful secretary towards Negi.

  6. verynew says:

    I think we approaching time-skip for 6 – 7 months – to the point when girls would start high school and Emily and Shiori would be able to come to Mahora maybe with their groups and maybe as exchange students. At least that is where impulse from recent chapters sends us.

    On other hand Negi’s solution suggest that Demon world is Earths version of Magic World (being bigger and older). And that is where Nagi might actually be.
    On other hand Negi’s efforts might change future. And that gives us 2 – 3 variation for approaching arc: Demon world, Future, Both.

  7. APN says:

    Checkout the spoiler image for chapter 339 for a good laugh:

  8. Mz says:

    @APN XD lol wut?!?

  9. AstroNerdBoy says:


    It fits though. ^_^

    I read that Negi has met Ayaka’s parents… I wonder what they look like…

    Yeah, especially since we were denied meeting them early on when Negi came by her house. They weren’t even there for the flashback.

    I also read in the chapter that mana for the magic world is created by life… that reminded me of that one phrase in one of those Star Wars Expanded Universe stories that “Life creates the Force”…

    Wouldn’t surprise me if this is partially where Akamatsu-sensei got the idea from.

    did anyone else notice some eerily similar scenes in this chapter? I can’t remember exactly which ones, but there were several things that seemed slightly nostalgic, including the obvious sneeze joke.

    Chisame getting angry at things and her cyber personality were all things from the past which we hadn’t seen in ages.

    But yeah, I do think Akamatsu-sensei did it on purpose.

    this chapter was full of cuteness

    There was that. ^_^

    Chisame is one of the most believable characters as a person when it comes to her thoughts and reactions(not counting moments when she loses it like the others). I can’t describe the feeling I get when I see her blushing so hard over Negi XD

    Well, as someone recently said, we need a new Chamo love chart. ^_~

    I also loved seeing Chachamaru already acting as the faithful secretary towards Negi.

    She’s more like a loving, loyal servant as I see it more so than a secretary. I was struck at how similar she was to how she was with Eva.

    I think we approaching time-skip for 6 – 7 months – to the point when girls would start high school and Emily and Shiori would be able to come to Mahora maybe with their groups and maybe as exchange students. At least that is where impulse from recent chapters sends us.

    Maybe. I can see time moving forward at a more rapid pace for a while. I’m not sure if we’ll get some massive jump like that in this volume though.

    On other hand Negi’s solution suggest that Demon world is Earths version of Magic World (being bigger and older). And that is where Nagi might actually be.
    On other hand Negi’s efforts might change future. And that gives us 2 – 3 variation for approaching arc: Demon world, Future, Both.

    For some reason, I suspect that Negi will end up traveling with Asuna to Istanbul at some point. Not sure about the realm of the mazoku or demons. I can see a trip to or from the future though considering Chao.

    @APN — thanks for the link to the spoiler image.

  10. Anonymous says:

    wait, is it just me or there was a Toaru Majutsu no Index reference in this chapter? i’m talking about one of chisame’s lines (the one about security cameras and academy city)

  11. Is it me or is it an advancement since the Mahora Festival back in the older chapters… Why do I get a feeling that something seems off?

    Reference Note:

  12. AstroNerdBoy says:

    wait, is it just me or there was a Toaru Majutsu no Index reference in this chapter? i’m talking about one of chisame’s lines (the one about security cameras and academy city)

    Not seen/read that one so I’m not sure. ^_^;;;

    Is it me or is it an advancement since the Mahora Festival back in the older chapters… Why do I get a feeling that something seems off?

    I’m not exactly sure what you are asking. Are you referring to the fact that Negi was with both Chisame and Chachamaru?

  13. junior says:

    The problem with Chisame plot-wise is that during the Magic World arc she occupied the position that was ordinarily filled by Asuna. Asuna couldn’t be around for most of the arc for various reasons, so Chisame filled the role of semi-violent female who acts as Negi’s advisor and is more fond of him than she admits.

    Asuna’s back now, and she’s presumably once again filling her old role. That means that Chisame’s probably going to need something else to do if Akamatsu wants to keep her involved in the story.

  14. AstroNerdBoy says:

    Asuna’s back now, and she’s presumably once again filling her old role. That means that Chisame’s probably going to need something else to do if Akamatsu wants to keep her involved in the story.

    Either that, or Asuna is going to be more on the sideline this time since her powers are so massive. That’s my fear (though it looks as if she at least makes a cameo in 340).

  15. Tony Lee says:

    Hello, my name is tony lee and I Loved this post! I was so surprised that this manga is still going and I am glad it is. I was wondering what would happen in this chapter and in fact it wasn`t even predictable. But it did seem like I read it before because they were so close together in similarities and all. Overall, Cant wait to read the next chapter!

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