The other day, it came to my attention that there’s this new (at least, I think it is new) game coming to Japan called The World Conquest (Eiyuu Senki). UPDATE: The website wasn’t fully online when I linked to it, but this is not only whatever kind of game it is, but it is also an H-game. So, there are some NSFW imagery on some of the pages!
The game appears to be a tournament-style fight game, featuring a massive number of female characters, one male character, and one apparent beast.
There is a catch though. The creators of this game decided to take well known historical (and mostly male) figures and turn them into anime-game babes. ^_^; See for yourself.
Shujinkou — the “hero,” sole male, and head of this massive harem. ^_^; |
Is there something political here in making Columbus from America,
smoking, and dressed in black? |
Whoa! Joan of Arc is female again! |
I don’t think Brutus would have betrayed her. |
No wonder Nostradamus predictions were famous! |
I always keep my giant sword cuffed to me. They are so
easy to misplace and lose. |
I think Archer in Fate/Zero might actually like his female self. |
The namesake of Space Battleship Yamato! |
How clever to have keyboard cuffs. Probably helps with the composing. |
I guess you don’t need oxen when you have your own horns. |
I suppose “Indias” is for “Indian.” ^_^; |
Knights of the Round Table indeed. |
Ditto. Check out that left fist. “Mama said knock you out,” indeed. ^_^; |
I wonder if they call her “sensei”? |
Minamoto no Yoshitsune was not someone I knew but… |
So, the Inca were loli-babes. That makes the Spanish lolicons then, eh? |
*lol* Vlad the Impaler. Why Australia though? |
Abe no Seimei is another Japanese figure I was unaware of. |
Captain Cook for the glasses fetish otaku. |
Himiko-chan! Actually, she goes WAY back in Japanese history. |
Well, if Naru (Love Hina) could be Sanzu, then why not this bab? |
The naked apron becomes the naked overall. ^_^;;; |
Shiver me timbers, ye lolicon lubbers! |
Another of the Round Table. |
Ditto. |
Mystery babe #1. |
Maybe this is why the Japanese love Hawaii. |
“Over the seas, lets go men.” |
No idea who Shikoutei is. |
ODA Nobunaka should be a name Gate 7 fans know. |
A loli riding a lion. Does it get any better than that? |
More Arthurian stuff. |
Somehow, I don’t think this is proper knight gear. ^_^; |
Sonshi — another “sensei.” |
Mystery babe #2. |
Never heard of Enou Tadataka, but apparently he (now she)
was a famous Japanese architect. What’s her fighting skill?
Smack people on the head and scream, “BLUEPRINT! BLUEPRINT!”? |
If Goemon looked like this in the Lupin III franchise, Fujiko
might have been jealous. ^_~ |
Well, I guess you need one scary babe, eh? |
I see this and think, “IT’S A TRAP!” *lol* |
Even more Knights of the Round Table. |
Suddenly, I understand why a pleasure dome was decreed in Xanadu. |
Marco Polo must be related to Evangeline in Negima! |
Well, the one image I couldn’t think of anything to say. ^_^;;; |
Musashibo Benkei is unknown to me, but known in Japan. |
Magellan: “Should I take a voyage around the globe?”
Magic 8-ball: “Signs point to ‘yes.'” |
I’m not too up on my Babylonian history. ^_^’ |
The beast! |
Nero, the mahou shoujo. *lol*
“Tee!hee! Oops! I burned Rome down.” |
Sometimes she’s a knight and sometimes a maid. |
Sadly, it took Ikkitousen for me to know this is actually Lü Bu. |
More Round Table. I need to rewatch Monty Python and the
Search for the Holy Grail again. |
Ivan is now terribly cute. ^_^’ |
Montezuma’s revenge is at hand. ^_^; |
A loli with guns. The legend of Billy the Kid won’t be the same. |
I think Type Moon should sue. ^_~ (Saber still for the win!) |
Who needs proper body armor when you can completely
distract your opponent with your breasts? |
Well, leave it to the Japanese to do something like this. ^_^; Even now, I can’t help but feel a little freaked at this imagery. What do you all think?
Hahahaha, I’m a big history buff, and some of this is just hilarious to see, especially some of the Knights of the Round Table. Rasputin though *shivers* is honestly the only one (minus the guy and the beast) that isn’t cute. Somehow (s)he creeps me out.
Columbus, Hannibal, Gilgamesh, Alexander, Geronimo, Wayna, Vlad, Da Vinci, William, Gawain, “Nazo no Shoujo lol, Kamehameha, Percival, Nazo #2, Ishikawa, Tut, Khan, Musashibo, Magellan, Ivan, MONTEZUMA >_<, Billy and Palamedes are the best. Lol, otaku can make anything moe. This reminds me of not too long ago when otaku on 2chan struck back at some racist Chinese posters. The Chinese guys were calling em “Japanese devils” so the 2channers responded with “Hinomoto Oniko” XD
round table? more like mound table. teehee.
Oh Japan. You and your games never cease to amuse.
As for the imagery, its this sort of thing that I’d expect from Japan I suppose.
The character style is the same of the game “Sugar Coat Freaks”…I wonder if its the same artist…
egads!! going by the official site it’s an rts with h-content.
Well, after “Hetallia”, this was the obvious way to go… I guess… ?
Anyway, why Sir Lancelot is from Zippang(*1*) (read Japan)? And why Macedonia, not Greece? Macedonia during Alexander the Great was actually part of Greece (or however it was called back then)! At it had the same status as the other cities and colonies at that time – as a small and rather independent country, called “polis”(*2*).
Who’s Vlad III? I tried to search for him (her?) in Wiki but failed miserably.
About Gilgamesh – since there can be only one Gilgamesh left, one will behead the other it steal his/her powers (with lots of lightnings and FX!). “There can be only one!”
Also, Napoleon looks too tall, to me, i.e. not short/loli enough. After all (s)he needs to behead her enemies, because they’re too tall to her tastes.
What is “Taira”? (China, maybe?)
Anyway, is there someone who wants to do some research and write a few lines for every character (actually, delete that!) loli? And the main harem “manager”, who’s for some unknown reason from Zipang (he might be a “she” in real world’s history! Who knows!?)! This would help everyone be on the same page and remind us of some of them. For instance, I remember who Napoleon was and what he did, but I forgot about Marco Polo and Magellan! Not to mention that there are some who I hear for the first time (Hammurabi or William Kidd)! So, if there is a history geek(s), it’ll help a lot for everyone to stay on the same page.
P.S. I think Billy the Kid should be renamed to Billy the Loli!
Fucking brilliant, ANB:
Nero, the mahou shoujo. *lol*
“Tee-hee! Oops! I burned Rome down.”
Notes (read if you wish):
(*1*) Zippang – this reminds me of the Zippang anime, boring but still good anime, which I liked. (It was boring only because of the too slow pacing. Come to think of it Liar Game was also boring at some places, where the pace was slowed down for more drama (overly overused!). Still Liar Game are fairly good and I recommend this JDrama.)
(*2*) Curiously, a few years ago I heard that Greece and Macedonia argue whether Alexander the Great was a Greek or Macedonian (argue for obvious reasons, obviously!). And the main argument on both sides was whether Macedonia was part of Greece or a whole (independent) country back then (or something similar).
If you ask me, they’re still going with that dispute, although I didn’t hear anything about it since then. Not that I’m too interested in it to waste time to research it, actually. If anyone knows anything, please bother to write it! If not… well, whatever.
Your joke about Nero was the best!
But seriously, what’s next? the Bible?
see ya
You forgot the i in anime in your title. ;-P
Otherwise, the Japanese never fail to amaze me. I would never consider making a game that turns well know people from history into girls.
Rasputin though *shivers* is honestly the only one (minus the guy and the beast) that isn’t cute. Somehow (s)he creeps me out.
Yeah, I know what you mean. ^_^;
Lol, otaku can make anything moe.
*lol* True.
round table? more like mound table. teehee.
Oh Japan. You and your games never cease to amuse.
Ain’t that the truth.
The character style is the same of the game “Sugar Coat Freaks”…I wonder if its the same artist…
I’m not sure.
egads!! going by the official site it’s an rts with h-content.
Thanks for the warning. ^_^;;; When I created the article (which was a few days ago), the site wasn’t fully online and there was no hint of H-content.
Who’s Vlad III? I tried to search for him (her?) in Wiki but failed miserably.
Actually, I had the name in the caption — Vlad the Impaler, the basis for the Dracula legend.
But seriously, what’s next? the Bible?
*lol* That’ll probably be the sequel. ^_^;;;
You forgot the i in anime in your title. ;-P
Yikes. Thanks for the correction. ^_^ (Though, you had your own spelling issue in your comments. ^_~ )
Seems like there are a lot of characters missing. Hope there is a sequel or expansion out soon!
Just to name some famous historical figures, George Washington (USA), Richard the Lionhearted (Britannia), William the Conqueror (EU or Britannia), Barbarossa (EU), Saladin (if there was a civilization, Egypt), Cortes (EU), Octavian (EU), Cleopatra (Egypt, like Joan of Arc, already female), Commodore Matthew Perry (USA), Simon Bolivar (Indias), Caligula (EU), Abraham Lincoln (USA), Socrates (Macedonia)…
Shikoutei: based on Kanji, I’d say it’s Shi Huangdi, Unifier of Old China
Well, there’s definitely a lot of important figures that are missing. They could easily make a few thousands with a little bit or no research. Rulers, Warlords, Scientists, Fictional characters… from all over the World.
So, if it sells good, an expansion or a sequel is almost assured and rather easy to make.
ANB, I noticed that there are a couple new news in your Tenchi Muyo FAQ:
Next time when you post there, can you mention it in your blog as well? Sometimes I forget to visit your FAQ for a couple months to check for new stuff (since you rarely write there).
Just posting a couple words what it’s about and giving an URL would be enough, I think. Of course, copying the whole text here is also a good idea, in case the FAQ goes down for some reason.
Yeah, I can do that. ^_^
Thanks a lot!
And if you can make a link to the side bar for the Tenchi’s FAQ, it’ll be great! (Right now I’m using Google, which feels kinda lame.)
Actually, it is on the sidebar called “Nifty Links.” ^_^; Crtl-F and type “Tenchi” and the text-link should show right up.
Found it! Thanks a lot, ANB!
But maybe you should put it in a more obvious place. After all, it’s one of your own sites.
This definitely enhance my knowledge in history. I know most of them except for some. A pity they are missing out on people like Jack the Ripper, Cleopatra, Enkidu, Cao Cao and Gilles de Rais.
But still, Japan can take anything and make them moe, that’s the fact. Even racist comment, haha XD.
Shikoutei is Qin Shi Huang or Shi Huangdi, you know, the one who got buried along with his Terracotta army.
Hah, the great devilish Impaler become a cute dracula holding a doll. Rasputin, you never cease to amaze me.
This definitely enhance my knowledge in history. I know most of them except for some. A pity they are missing out on people like Jack the Ripper, Cleopatra, Enkidu, Cao Cao and Gilles de Rais.
I suppose they could always do an expansion pack. ^_~
Shikoutei is Qin Shi Huang or Shi Huangdi, you know, the one who got buried along with his Terracotta army.
Well, that does sound kinda familiar but I’m not heavily versed on Chinese history.
I am thinking they are going to pull something like the unnamed beast character is Enkidu.