SPY×FAMILY Anime Goodies! Hey gang! As many of you already know, SPY×FAMILY is one of my favorite franchises, both in anime and in manga. (Which reminds me, I should do a top 5 anime list soon.) As such, it was great to see the parcel post person slowly thunder to my house, delivering a package
Posts Tagged ‘Random Thoughts’

Happy Valentine’s Day 2025!

Happy Valentine’s Day 2025! Hey gang! Busy with work, but I’m also working on a new Vandread piece. Hard to believe it is already time for Valentine’s Day. Where does time go? I say that and think that it has almost been two years since Yashahime! completed. 😅 I really enjoyed that series. Regardless, if

Work! Work! Work!

Work! Work! Work! Hey gang! Working on the next review. Unfortunately, work has me just busy enough so that I can never get any traction on writing. Also, the Frieren anime series is so good, when I’m trying to write, I end up just rewatching the episode multiple times. 😅 Seriously, my top 5 all

Happy birthday, me!

Happy birthday, me! Hey gang. Welp, another year has come and gone. It really has been a crazy year. Last year at this time, I was getting ready to move on top of doing massive work projects. This year, I have moved, and I’ve unpacked about 2/3rds of my stuff. And of course, work is

Unearthing More Old Manga

Unearthing More Old Manga Hey gang! Today’s been a busy day. I had been working on a review for volume 1 for the Natsu no Arashi manga, then I discovered I did it in 2011. 😅 So I decided to work on unpacking more stuff. Back in April, I made a post on some of

[O/T] About the Stupid Ads

About the Stupid Ads Hey gang. In order to get Google to stop throttling my blog, I’ve let them run “experiments” with ads here. You see, when I originally set up this (now out of date) WordPress theme, I did two ads. The first was a small banner ad at the top of the page

Unearthing My Anime and Manga Collection 😅

Unearthing My Anime and Manga Collection Hey gang! I’ve been busy unpacking all my stuff of late, now that I have my new shelving units in. One of the biggest frustrations is how one of the packers did such a horrible job. Check out this sample of poorly packed boxes, including the Louis L’amour books

Crunchyroll Won’t Honor FUNimation Digital Purchases!

Crunchyroll Won’t Honor FUNimation Digital Purchases! Hey gang! I made a video a couple of days ago, talking about how Crunchyroll is shutting down FUNimation’s website and apps. And as a result, any digital purchases you may have made on FUNimation’s site/app won’t be available to you on Crunchyroll’s site. Don’t worry though, Crunchyroll has