I want to wish everyone a very, merry Christmas. ^_^ Here’s a fun image of Asuka and Rei in Santa gear, making me look forward to the third Evangelion movie.
Later today, there will be a special, Christmas anime review. ^_^
I want to wish everyone a very, merry Christmas. ^_^ Here’s a fun image of Asuka and Rei in Santa gear, making me look forward to the third Evangelion movie.
Later today, there will be a special, Christmas anime review. ^_^
Merry Christmas, ANB!
Merry Xmas to everyone!
Score for new wallpaper!
Thanks all. I have that TM!R image. Too bad there’s not a cleaner version of it. 🙁
I’d be very surprised if you didn’t have it, ANB. But it’s Tenchi pic with Christmas theme, so I decided to post it for a few reasons:
1) because we all love Tenchi (and Xmas, too);
2) to remind you about Tenchi (and the review of the 3rd OVA – I know it’s the most boring and poorly done of all three, but it explains a lot of stuff in the end, so it’s still important part of the universe);
3) to “trick” people who’ve never watched TM!R into watching it.
By the way, in the last post in TM FAQ (http://www.astronerdboy.com/tenchi/ from October 31, 2011) it’s said that there’ll be more information for upcoming works in the Winter Comiket doujinshi release. When is that? Approximately when we can expect news?
Also, I found a torrent with some Tenchi related stuff like books, extras, at least two games, I-don’t-know-what-else-stuff but unfortunately I’m pretty sure it’s all in Japanese. Do you want this torrent or not? (If “yes”, write me your e-mail or tell me where I can find it. Also, keep in mind that the torrent is likely to be old, so it may be out of seeders, which would be quite unfortunate. 🙁 )
Oh, I found another one. But it’s a postcard and not mine or for me: http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/ridleyford/111/holidays/xmas2001.jpg
And also http://www.theotaku.com/wallpapers/view/149961/tenchi_christmas/
And here we have more pics: http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/ridleyford/111/history.html, http://www.freewebs.com/little_washu/pictures.htm,
And here we have some TM Soundtracks: http://forums.ffshrine.org/f91/tenchi-muyo-utau-dai-kessan-6-disc-61725/5.html
And finally: http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/3695/362856-tenchi_muyo__midsummer_s_eve_large.jpg
I know it’s for Startica but let’s imagine it’s for Xmas, OK?
P.S. I like those: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/285/2/d/ryoko_and_tenchi_necklaces_by_planetruth-d30ltla.jpg
to remind you about Tenchi (and the review of the 3rd OVA – I know it’s the most boring and poorly done of all three, but it explains a lot of stuff in the end, so it’s still important part of the universe);
*LOL* Yeah, I was just looking at the DVD set and thinking, “I didn’t watch much of anything from the collection this year.” ^_^; Plus, I had promised myself I’d write the review this year (2011). Not happening, obviously.
By the way, in the last post in TM FAQ (http://www.astronerdboy.com/tenchi/ from October 31, 2011) it’s said that there’ll be more information for upcoming works in the Winter Comiket doujinshi release. When is that? Approximately when we can expect news?
I think the event just happened and there should have been a doujinshi released then. However, when I’ll get the “news” is questionable. I’m dependent on the good graces of fans who also happen to be fluent in Japanese. ^_^;
Do you want this torrent or not?
Yeah, give me a link. My e-mail address is at the bottom of the right column (not bottom of page) but its astronerdboy@astronerdboy.com. ^_^
Ooops…issues arise at work.
I’ve sent it a minute ago.
Happy New Year to everyone! I don’t know how it’s in your region, but in Bulgaria it’s already 2012 for about 4 hours.
The second file is apparently not being seeded (the smaller one). There are lots of connections but no seeders. 🙁