You’re Under Arrest! Full Throttle – 23

Taiho Shichauzo! Full Throttle Episode 23
逮捕しちゃうぞ フルスロットル Episode 23
You’re Under Arrest anime review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

You're Under Arrest! Full Throttle - 23Aoi-chan and Yoriko decide they want to become a “Super-Combo” team like Natsumi and Miyuki, so when Bokuto’s dynamic duo leave on an emergency call, Aoi-chan and Yoriko do some investigating. They check Natsumi’s messy desk, where they find it filled with fitness magazines and one of the drawers filled with hand weights. At Miyuki’s neat desk, they find a photo album of Miyuki posing with her precious patrol car. Ken comes by and attempts to explain why Miyuki loves her car so much, leading Aoi-chan to decide to spruce up Patrol Car 3 by adding super cute decor to the inside. In addition, there is a kick scooter, which Yoriko tries to use to capture a bicycle thief, but fails. The upgrade to catch a speeder fails because Aoi-chan forgot to put gas in the tank.

You're Under Arrest! Full Throttle - 23After being scolded for recent failures, Aoi-chan and Yoriko go on patrol and decide to do what they are best at. They help an elderly lady to the area she says she’s heading and don’t notice how nervous she is even though they do notice her nice watch and a trendy wallet. After dropping the old lady off, they receive a report on the radio about a pick pocket disguised as an old woman and they realize what they’d done. They try to find “her,” but the pickpocket has already changed clothes. They do recognize some of the gear and give foot chase, passing Natsumi and Miyuki who’ve arrived on the scene. The thief nearly escapes, but Miyuki’s and Natsumi’s car blocks the path, allowing Aoi-chan to make the arrest.


Back when I saw episode 22, the last episode to air on Japanese TV during its first run, I promised folks that when episodes 23 and 24 came out on video, I’d watch and review them. Unfortunately, the series was so uninspiring to me so that I had zero enthusiasm to actually watch, much less review. As such, I forgot about finishing the final two episodes until someone posted a comment, which reminded me that I hadn’t done so. Therefore, nearly 2.5-years later, I’m going to finish the series. ^_^;

You're Under Arrest! Full Throttle - 23

I have to say that seeing the OP sequence done a second time during the episode with the adult trap Aoi-chan and Yoriko as the stars made me laugh out loud.

You're Under Arrest! Full Throttle - 23

It was mildly amusing to see both Aoi-chan and Yoriko attempt to emulate Natsumi and Miyuki. However, the episode just has nothing there because Aoi-chan and Yoriko do exactly what you expect, right down to finally making an arrest.  Because it is all by the numbers with nothing really special here (even the arrest of the thief had to have Miyuki and Natsumi on the assist), the episode was kind of boring to me.

You're Under Arrest! Full Throttle - 23

What would have made it better?  How about some growth for the two characters?  Yoriko and Aoi-chan could be whom they are, but to have them grow would have been nice.

You're Under Arrest! Full Throttle - 23

Well, one more episode to go.

You're Under Arrest! Full Throttle - 23
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2 Responses to “You’re Under Arrest! Full Throttle – 23”

  1. Lan says:

    Shit man i remember the same thing happening to me. I activly spent months trying to find the last episodes. It was over 6 months later when i found them. I think live evil did them.

    And i cant remember for the life of me why the last episodes were so damn hard to find

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      The final two episodes were DVD-only. Thus, there was a gap in getting them out. However, unlike you, I didn’t spend anytime trying to find them. ^_^;;;

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