Lupin III: A Woman Called MINE Fujiko – 10

LUPIN the Third ~峰不二子という女~
LUPIN the Third – MINE Fujiko to Iu Onna Episode 10
Lupin III: A Woman Called MINE Fujiko – 10

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Lupin III: A Woman Called MINE Fujiko - 10In the aftermath of the Fräulein Eule (aka: Hoyle) cult case, both Lupin and Zenigata, with Oscar in tow, head up separately to the now German ghost town of Eulenspiegel, where Glaucus Pharmaceuticals once had a laboratory, but a horrible accident caused the entire town to be killed. Zenigata’s reason for going here is that he knows Lupin is coming, since Lupin had been hired to go after the cult, but now Lupin is going after Fujiko.  Lupin arrives first, and though under the drug’s influence, manages to cobble together the story that Zenigata already knows. He and Zenigata meet, where both fight the illusions caused by the drug before separating. Lupin manages to make it outside, while Zenigata is rescued by Oscar and a local police person.


Yeah, my dealer didn’t give me enough LSD to have this episode make a lot of sense, but I’m going to try as best as my sober brain can make out.

Lupin III: A Woman Called MINE Fujiko - 10

All of the owl people are in fact illusions caused by the Fräulein Eule drug.  Ditto the butterflies.  That was one of the few things clear about the episode.

Lupin III: A Woman Called MINE Fujiko - 10

This Fritz Kaiser would appear to be Fujiko’s real father, but at this point, considering the drug induced nature of the information received, I’m not willing to commit to that just yet.  Assuming he is her father, he was the person who created Fräulein Eule, and used Fujiko as a lab animal in experimentation.

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The C-block of the Glaucus Pharmaceuticals facility had some sort of accident, and Fujiko was there. The result appears to have killed everyone, save Fujiko. Thirteen years later, the head of the company, Count Luis Yew Armeid, hires Lupin to go after Fujiko, who’s infiltrated the Fräulein Eule cult.  After meeting her, Lupin falls in love with her, in only the way he can, and vows to steal her for himself. However, he wants to learn more about Fujiko, so he eventually ends up researching her past, which takes him to Eulenspiegel.

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The Fräulein Eule drug would appear to cause a shared hallucinogen experience, OR as I suspect, did Lupin in a drug-induced haze simply knock Zenigata out as Zenigata, possibly also under the drug’s effects, chased him?  I say this because of how Zenigata tried to kill Lupin in episode 4.  Thus Lupin’s drugged mind may have caused him to think that he was fighting alongside Zenigata, since obviously he holds no ill will to the police inspector, but it could explain why Zenigata was found unconscious in the hallway.  Heck, Lupin could have shot him since the final scenes with Zenigata appeared to take place before he confronted Lupin in the facility.

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So, now we know that Fujiko’s brain is likely warped because of the Fräulein Eule.  Does this mean she was not raped?  I still maintain that she was.  I find it highly unlikely that a child, even under the influence of an hallucinogen, would imagine being raped. Further, the photos of a young Fujiko that Zenigata had (as well as those seen by Lupin) showed her repeatedly nude as a child, but also as a young teen, obviously being experimented on. I don’t see why some sick bastard like this Count (or other person) wouldn’t want to have his way with Fujiko.  Furthermore, depending on how the drug would have ultimately been used, they could have raped her as part of drug testing, to gauge her reactions to sex at such a young age.  I get the image, “sex as a weapon” for some reason.

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That brings up the question of Oscar and his involvement in all this.  It is possible that he too is a survivor of the incident, or he could be working with the Count to get Fujiko.  What better way to do so than by infiltrating Zenigata’s staff and becoming his right hand man?

Lupin III: A Woman Called MINE Fujiko - 10

While this story won’t be my favorite, as I am not a fan of this whacked-out, druggie method of storytelling, I suppose it did serve its purpose well enough.  I am disappointed that neither Jigen nor Goemon were involved, as I had expected them to show up, but considering the nature of this specific episode, they would have had no role. I am hoping that they show up next episode.

Lupin III: A Woman Called MINE Fujiko - 10
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